Will Your Programme Be Named Killer of Caribbean Diaspora Grey Literature?


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Questions from the dark.


Dialogue : The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem ― Caribbean Diasporic Markets


Coming soon!

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Blinkers Off MSME Day for BCAME Entrepreneurs

Day 2020 Flag MSME 2

Reading time: +/- 8 min

Magate Wildhorse Consulting and The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs join the global community in celebrating MSME Day 2020.

On April 6, 2017  the UN General Assembly, designated  June 27 as  Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day (UN Resolution A/RES/71/279).   The declaration and observation are intended to :

  • recognize the role of MSMEs in driving the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030);
  • create public awareness regarding the contribution of SMEs to the global economy;
  • rally support for small businesses; and
  • to encourage research, capacity building and other needed support for small businesses.

It is known that small businesses, both formal and informal make up over 90% of all firms and account, on average, for 70% of total employment and 50% of GDP globally (International Council for Small Business (ICSB).

However, there is an urgent need to improve the development of small businesses and their contribution to capital formation, innovation, decent work, sustainability, and other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Women lead only one third (1/3) of businesses in the formal economy—therein lies implications for attaining SDG 5: Gender Equality.

The figures related to employment and contribution to GDP do not always hold true across all economies and countries.  For low middle income to low income countries the contribution to GDP by SMEs (MSMEs) range from 29% – 23%.  The contribution can be even less in some countries, groups of countries and among socio-economic groups within developed countries. SMEs were first responders and innovators rising to the challenge to find solutions to problems associated with the COVID 19 pandemic. But this was not true for all groups. Let us look at entrepreneurs who contribute to job creation through self-employment or within the informal economy for instance. The Black, Caribbean, Asian and Other Minority Ethnic Groups (BCAME) were  over-represented in that category, many of whom faced closure or had to pause their operations.

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The suffering brought on by lack of social protection and the implication for SDG #: 1 No Poverty was stalk.  More than 50% of BCAME entities reported they might not be able to survive the pandemic. To make matters worse a substantial number of such businesses did not qualify to receive stimulus packages. Significant portions of entrepreneurs and individuals who are economically active members of BAME or BCAME in home and host countries are without social protection.

But with effective planning, risk intelligence, and systems thinking many impacted entrepreneurs might find a second chance in penned up demand triggered by COVID 19.

Goal # 8 : Decent Work and Economic Growth, what and how will the BCAME SME community do in order to increase their contribution to capital formation and investment?  The preceding are two key actions and indicators of what we must do in order to  increase income per capita within the community and beyond.  How and in what areas will we focus our efforts to increase production and intellectual property assets?

Recently in our Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminars issues related to increasing the portfolio of owners of Geographical Indicators (GIs) and the equitable transfer of related wealth to communities was discussed by Massimo Vittori, Managing Director of oriGIn.

More recently Simon Anholt, founder and publisher of The Good Country Index spoke about the need to better leverage brand Jamaica by developing more high value products.  He proposed the example and opportunity of producing a Jamaican made running shoe. The challenge is for Jamaicans at home as well as in the diaspora. Diasporans should see themselves as key  collaborators, partners, investors and even the triggers  for driving related high value product development and sales.  While products with GI indicators must be produced in the home country in order to retain their economic value, diasporans looking to boost their business or personal economic recovery might be wise to invest in businesses in their home countries in addition to their going concerns in host countries. The Jamaica Junior Stock Exchange presents an easy opportunity to act for change as shared by Mrs. Marlene Street Forrest, Managing Director of Jamaica Stock Exchange in yet another episode of Outride COVID 19.

In 2016 the Global Sex Slavery Index reported that approximately 17,000 people were living in modern day slavery or are victims of human trafficking in Canada.  Trinidad and Tobago  is said to have the highest demand for trafficked individuals in the Caribbean. In May 2020, seventy-nine (79) individuals including 25 minors destined for criminal gangs in Trinidad were rescued by the Venezuelan Navy (Trinidad Guardian). How will Caribbean diaspora entrepreneurs, Canadian and US SMEs address these issues?

As it relates to SDGs: 13 Climate Action, 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12 Responsible Consumption and Production,  9 Industry,  Innovation and Infrastructure what actions will we take?  Responding to SDG 9 requires positioning and capacity to participate rather than to fund unless through investment.

The Goals just mentioned should be included in both our PESTLE and SWOT analysis as well as our value chain assessments. We need to look at how we can reduce or eliminate negative impacts and drive the increase in positive impact for delivering the goals as well as business viability.  As we look at profit and purpose we must also consider the existential threat to the Caribbean posed by Climate Change.  What role will you play in growing or supplying the market for climate finance solutions in the Caribbean?

The 2100s is not that far away; so, what will we do to support Affordable and Clean Energy, Goal #7?   Goal 7 and Goal 2, Zero Hunger are major priorities for the Caribbean. Undernutrition is a big challenge, health and well-being and high mortality rates highlighted the resilience gap in the BCAME Community.

So, what will we do about Goal # 3 Health and Well-being?

Drug abuse and drug related deaths— are there opportunities for you to make a difference in your host and home country?

What will your business or non-profit do to advance progress related Goal # 4: Quality Education?  Specifically, what will we do to facilitate the growth of high value in-demand professionals and tradesmen with  21st  Century employability skills in our communities?

With a global ocean-based economy of USD 3-6 trillion per year, what can you do to grow your business while protecting the ocean environment? Perhaps SDG 14 is the missing piece in your economic recovery, environmental scan and value creation puzzle.

As it relates to Goal # 10: Reduced inequalities, are there gaps in the capacity of the public sector to serve BCAME that your business or non-profit could fill?  Are there issues you must champion through advocacy?

Crime is a problem for more Caribbean countries than meet the eyes, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, the Dominican Republic and Honduras may feature prominently in the reports, but serious issues exists in other countries who are experiencing significant growth in criminal activities. How can you profit for good and drive the results for Goal 16?  We cannot do it alone.  With whom will we partner for delivering the goals and Goal 17?  What will you do for ensuring “no one is left behind”? When all is said and done we must plan, monitor, evaluate, learn, adjust, and improve. Evaluation is said to have the highest multiplier effect in delivering the Goals.

While we join organizational leads, the International Trade Centre, UNIDO, the ILO and the World Bank in celebrating MSME Day 2020 we want to encourage BCAME to celebrate with no blinkers on.  Know your numbers and context, plan, and act to be truly part of SME communities that are transforming our societies for improving “people, planet and prosperity”.  Review the seventeen (17) Goals and 169 indicators and identify where you can make a difference for your business and in delivering the Goals.

Neither “power” nor “potential of small” can be “unlocked” without knowing our context.

Join 1 web siteWe commit to helping organizations with market systems development, climate and environment, entrepreneur capacity building as well as planning and evaluation for delivering the Goals.

We salute all entrepreneurs!  We celebrate and salute entrepreneurs in the BCAME community!

Thank you Argentina for giving us MSME Day!

Happy MSME Day.

Be with us at 10 AM EST on June 27, 2020 when host a conversation around resilience skills and behaviours for entrepreneurs on Facebook.

Benefit from our Outride COVID 19: Business Threat Seminar Series register at the following link : https://forms.gle/PtpZAT8czWYExWpZ7

Meegan Scott (for)                                                                                                              Magate Wildhorse and The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant    Entrepreneurs.



Programme and Speakers — Can Your National Brand Attract the Big Spend?

 Series 10 Programme and Speakers .v.2

Some items from the programme above will be brought forward to June 18, 2020.

The Joy Spot Motivational Talk scheduled for June 18, 2020 will be delivered next Thursday @ 2:10 PM

Cultural Sayings & Resilience Building Behaviours will also be shared on June 18, 2020.


The Good Country Equation Anholt.v.6

Call for Papers & Review Board Members

Noesis Cover Winter 2020

Call for Reviewers & Editors — Magazine/Journal 2020

The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine (two issues per year) is committed to publishing non-technical as well as technical information in the fields of Business and International Development. With a focus on strategy, marketing, trade, performance management and measurement, intellectual property and the creative industries—the publication aims to provide a complete and reliable source of information, how-to and in field applications on the aforementioned topics.  It will facilitate the growth of grey literature in strategy, marketing and performance management unique to Caribbean-Canadian and Caribbean organizations. By Caribbean we refer to the Caribbean and its diaspora markets.  We are devoted to publishing high quality articles and stories that are easily accessible and sold at an inclusive price.

Deadline: June 15,  2020

Email at: magatewildhorse@gmail.com

More at: https://magatewildhorse.ca/call-for-reviewers-editors-magazinejournal-2/

Call for Papers – Summer Edition

Deadline: July 15,  2020

Deadline for final submissions: July 25, 2020

Special opportunity for publishing the best 2000-3000 words from your Masters thesis or PhD dissertation available.

Word limit for magazine styled pieces [580 to 1200]

Double-blind Peer Review

Please click the link above to ensure your submissions are compliant with the double-blind peer review process applicable to all submissions.

To submit your proposal, article, or query, please contact Meegan Scott by

Email at: magatewildhorse@gmail.com

Entrepreneurs and consultants here is your chance to put your expertise on parade and boost your COVID 19 recovery results.

We look forward to articles, case studies, cartoon and art related to COVID 19 and Evaluation and or for driving the Sustainable Development Goals.

As partners in delivering the Decade of Evaluation for Action we will dedicate a space in the forthcoming edition for related issues.

Visibility and simplicity―do you know an entrepreneur, a consultant, or business that could do without one or the other?

We didn’t think so.  So, we strive to give organizations and entrepreneurs the best of both.

In today’s world where the language of business expands almost daily and growth-related concepts can be tough to understand, The Noësis aims to bring understanding and simplicity —disambiguation.

Its content will facilitate understanding of tough business and development concepts― while accelerating the learning of industry language and how-to.

And by so doing help organizations and entrepreneurs get more out of their investment in consulting solutions. Practitioners and consultants can expect content that will help them to improve their craft.

Find out more at: 

Chief Editor and Publisher, Meegan Scott

Recent addition:

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Mythili Kolluru as academic editor to our review board.  Dr. Mythili Kolluru is an Assistant Professor in the Professional Studies and Undergraduate department of the College of Banking and Financial Studies, Oman.

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Kiran Nair as academic and business editor to our review board. Dr. Nair is Program Director, Master of Science in Leadership and Organizational Development, Abu Dhabi School of Management, United Arab Emirates.

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Programme and Speakers: COVID 19 Opportunities — SDGs, Evaluation, Performance & Your Pivot

Programme Series 9 COVID 19 Opportunities — SDGs, Evaluation, Performance & Your Pivot





Proof in pudding Infevaluations


Outride: COVID 19 — Old Markets, New Markets, Different Results

Header for series with Rodney 8

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar

“Embracing risk for driving vision and growth”

The series is grounded in risk intelligence (RI). RI is that process of embracing risks and putting it to work for ensuring your business can survive or thrive during a crisis and beyond. It is also about value creation and protection. About delivering your vision and mission in the face of crisis as well as during the “normal”.

You are invited to join us for series eight in the Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar.

Edition title: Outride: COVID 19 — Old Markets, New Markets, Different Results

We are now in the action planning and execution phase of this Caribbean diaspora entrepreneurs business continuity initiative which also caters to and welcomes Caribbeans at home, other members of the BAME community as well as mainstream entrepreneurs, development and community service organizations worldwide.

When: June 4, 2020  |  Time: 2:00 PM EST  | Toronto & New York

Where: Online  | Registration detail below

Cost: Free

Featured Sessions include:

Strategic Alliances between GI Producers & Diaspora presented by Massimo Vittori  This session addresses the subject of geograhical indicators and international trade.


Massimo Vittori is the Managing Director of oriGIn.                                                            He is in charge of the Organization’s strategic planning and overall management. Massimo previously worked as legal advisor at the International Trade Center (ITC) – a technical assistance agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations – where he was in charge of several projects in the field of intellectual property, trade law harmonization, model contacts for SMEs and alternative business dispute resolution mechanisms. Massimo also worked at the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on the improvement of developing countries’ investment climate through regulatory reforms.

Following his Bachelor’s degree in international Relations, Massimo obtained a Master’s Degree in International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies of Geneva and an LL.M. in Intellectual Property at the University of Turin. Massimo regularly delivers seminars on GIs, trademarks, and trade related issues in several European Universities.

The Joy Spot Motivation Talk with Theo Chambers

Theo Chambers

Theo Chambers, Motivational Speaker and Business Coach Consultant, at CaribAcademy and Co-founder of Positive Tourism News (Jamaica). He is also the author of Theo’s Theory on Marketing and Management Strategies.

COVID 19 and Beyond — The Food Trade (An Overview) by Meegan Scott

10 Steps – to Resilience & Risk Intelligence Competent Assignment                         (Action, Not a Bag a Mouth!) by Meegan Scott

The Marathoner

Meegan Scott, is the Principal at Magate Wildhorse Consulting. For almost two decades Meegan has helped organizational leaders across industries and geographical borders to get better results from their strategy development, planning, and execution processes.  She is the founder and owner of Magate Wildhorse Ltd. Her most recent in Caribbean engagements includes Climate Finance Strategy Planning, The First Ever Outsource to the Caribbean Conference (2017), business incubation, and  corporate strategy planner to the National Environment and Planning Agency of Jamaica.

Event Rapporteur — Dania Sammott

Dania Headshot

Dania Sammott, is an experienced Retail Merchandizer and Travel Counsellor. Her experience include serving in the hypermarket sub-sector as well as in retail, pharmacy, food and household departments.  She is the Director, Public Relations for the Manchester High Alumni, Toronto, Chapter.

Event features: Joy Spot activity, Mouth and Mind discussion, COVID 19 business community experiences (open mic―diaspora, in Caribbean, other representatives of BAME or mainstream peers), Elevator pitches & network, review of prior topics in context of the assignment and action planning for helping individual businesses (entrepreneurs) get the best from the assignment. It is also aimed at helping those joining the series late to better understand the assignment, plan and execute their pivots.

Programme and Speakers (Click the link to view)

Registration Options

New to the series?

To receive your access link to the seminar please register at the link below.


Returning attendees

Email us at magate.wildhorse (at)gmail.com  or click here.                                                Copy and paste the following in the subject line and body of your Email                          “Register me for Outride: COVID 19 — Old Markets, New Markets, Different Results”  please include your name.

All attendee must click the join meeting link provided before the start of the meeting to receive your unique log in credentials.

Procurement officers and buyers in search of COVID 19 and other supplies are welcome to participate.

Caribbean producers of geograghical Indicators (GI) are welcome to attend.

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar is a global disapora entrepreneurs affair!                                                                                                                            Leaders of mainstream businesses with an interest in doing business with diaspora entrepreneurs are welcome to register for the match making and networking sessions.

Please note that this event is not just for small and micro-businesses, big businesses and big nonprofits can benefit also.

Commit to Evaluation for SDGs Prevent COVID

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Consulting, and The Community of Practise for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (Home of BIDEM Conference & Trade Show)

Advance or maintain the progress.

You can’t spell BAME without the C.  The contribution of the Caribbean has been too significant.  The impact on the Caribbean community is significant and different BCAME (Black, Caribbean, Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups) #BCAME    #BAME

Footer sustainable develop seminar

Programme and Speakers —Wealth and Community Impact—COVID 19 and Beyond

Be with us for Wealth and Community Impact—COVID 19 and Beyond, this Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 2:00 PM EST.

See the programme and speaker lineup below.

Programme Speaks Outride COVID 19 Community Impact.v.2



Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar

“Embracing risk for driving vision and growth”

Business Threat Seminar Discusses Governance Model & Livelihood Protection


COVID 19 Caribbean Diaspora Business Response News

Gina Sanguinetti Phillips 5Caribbean governments should build a financial protection strategy that combines instruments that address different layers or types of  risks. So said Gina Sanguinetti-Phillips, Program Manager at Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF SPC).

She was speaking at the fifth global Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar recently hosted by Magate Wildhorse Ltd, Toronto and attended by representatives in various diasporic markets as well as participants in the Caribbean.

Among the protection strategies and instruments shared by Sanguinetti-Phillips were:

  • parametric insurance, traditional insurance,
  • CAT-Bonds,
  • contingency debt facility, donor assistance (relief and reconstruction),
  • budget reallocation, tax increase and
  • credit (domestic and external) depending on the phase of the disaster response.

The climate risk finance and protection opportunities shared are available to both governments and vulnerable low-income individuals such as “small farmers, tourism workers, fishers, market vendors and day labourers. Vulnerable income individuals can benefit through the provision of  quick cash payouts following extreme weather events (specifically, high winds and heavy rainfall)”.  Participants expressed a strong desire contribute and benefit as business leaders and investors in their home countries.  They pressed for Caribbean wide access to the livelihood protection and other solutions. Sanguinetti-Phillips noted that between 1970 and 2017 damages from natural disaster totaled US $156 billion dollars.

Rudi Page of Making Connections Work, UK invited Gina to share the opportunities with diasporans in the UK.  Available scholarships and internships in climate risk finance were also of interest.

The MarathonerUnveiled at the event was the hybrid core-peripheral network governance model with integrated market mode— for governing and coordinating a comprehensive diaspora and Caribbean response. The model was shared by Meegan Scott, Principal at Magate Wildhorse Consulting. It is an inclusive and collaborative mechanism for delivering business and economic recovery.  The model has been adapted for advancing individual and collective sustainable development goals and ambitions of Caribbean diasporans, home and host countries.

Scott pointed out that the model will eliminate negative competition and allow for different organizations and individuals to advance their visions while contributing to global and local action and results.

The core-periphery structure is often used for driving resilience because it allows for connectivity, idea generation, and information flow including during emergencies or shocks.  The flow can be intensified or scaled down as required for drawing in the public and private sectors as well as civil society as needed.

There will be a need for “significant changes in culture, practice, entrepreneurship in diasporic markets,  and the need to develop key industry market sectors”. “In addition, other social and economic challenges must be addressed, it was therefore essential to include a market mode”. The market mode will complement the network to deliver effective coordination and the development of efficient markets. Complete with diaspora-coordinated working groups, communities of practice, networks and communities, governments, think tank and markets, the model will drive the delivery of profit, purpose, mission-driven social impact and functions of key stakeholders and duty bearers in the third, public and higher education sectors in host and home countries. The model was partly informed by research on COVID 19 and its impact on diaspora organizations being by Scott since April of this year.

In another session Scott shared about Supply Chains, opportunities and strategy responses and hidden industry sectors impacted COVID 19 that hold pivot opportunities for entrepreneurs.  Jennifer Clémence Graham, Managing Director and Senior Consultant at JG&G Consulting Services Inc. highlighted the importance of being social while presenting “ Digital Transformation – Process Pivots for COVID 19 and Beyond”.  Theo Chambers, Motivational Speaker at CaribAcademy reminded the gathering “To be an entrepreneur you don’t have to fear, always do your best, consider how you spend your day, get ready for of any opportunity you can afford or manage”. He also cautioned the audience “not to participate in the recession”,  but to borrow that approach used with success by Sam Walton of Walmart during the 1991 recession.

Roy Page, of Asterix Tourism Services Ltd asked that the gathering consider the financing challenges faced by the Government of Jamaica and growing debt to the Chinese.  That came as the group contemplated the need to shift the mix of remittances towards investment in productive capital. The agriculture sector and food security were named as a priority. Rudi Page, Dr. Roy Davidson, of UNI Healthcare Inc and Andrew Sharpe of Authentic Caribbean Foundation championed health care and disability while Philip Bedward of Pathways, championed education.

Factored into the strategic profit and purpose responses of the organizational leaders for helping themselves, host and home countries were:

  • Predications of a more active hurricane season or the Caribbean with a forecast of 7 to 9 hurricanes, two of which are expected to become major.
  • The pronouncements of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNELAC), for the region shared by Gina “the COVID-19 pandemic will result in the worst economic contraction in the history of Latin America and the Caribbean” and that will that will come “sharp increases in unemployment; reduction in household incomes and the ability to meet basic needs; falling commodity prices; reduction in international trade; and increases in the poverty rate”.

CCRIF, the world’s first multi-country multi-peril risk pool based on parametric insurance and provides parametric catastrophe insurance for Caribbean and Central American governments. Their solutions covers drought, public utilities, agriculture, excess rainfall,  tropical cyclone, and fisheries, the tourism industry included.  The group will reconvene to look at trade, finance and investment as well as how to leverage the governance model for impactful joint response and recovery during and post the COVID 19 era;  as well as how to better prepare to help the Caribbean through relief, recovery and reconstruction phases of environment, climate, health crisis and other shocks.


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Thank You – Strategy Planning for Outriding COVID 19

Speakers Strategy planning for Outriding COVID 19 Seminar

Thank You for Making Strategy Planning for Outriding COVID 19 A Rich & Relevant Event

Magate Wildhorse Consulting, The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs and our  partners take this opportunity to thank you for attending our Outride COVID 19 Seminars.

To our speakers we thank you for the richness shared with our audiences.

We were honoured and delighted by your company ― both speakers and participants.

For those who stayed as we tested and support the COVID 19 pivot of one company during series one, we thank you for being a wonderful audience.

We are also delighted that through that experience you might feel greater confidence in making your move and risking it as you improve and make it ready for your intended customers.

Yesterday’s edition, Strategy planning for Outriding COVID 19 was well received.

We are especially thankful to the following speakers who through their contribution added to the richness and relevance of the seminar to a wider audience:

· Shariful Islam―Market Intelligence Planning and Response for the Agri–business sector

·  Dr. Mythili Kolluru ― Strategy Planning for Outriding COVID 19 ― Education sector

· Albert Ramsay ― Legal Protection in Uncertainty

· Meegan Scott ― Strategy Planning for Outriding COVID 19 ― general, diaspora businesses, government, third sector, international development, non-profits etc.

Joining us from the floor and contributing richly from the panel was Shyam Kolluru, who spoke on digital transformation.

Special thanks to Philip Bedward, who stayed on even though he was not feeling well.

Oh Rudi, Mythili, is looking forward to your next. Skills definitely relevant subject of skills set and more.

Shariful, our audience expects to hear from you again! Strategy, market systems, market intelligence, agile all coming together to add wealth.

Albert, you left us with some thought-provoking questions, we look forward to your next contribution.

Mythili, definitely food for the education sector among others.

To our participants, we heard, and we will explore your request for bringing the series to as many geographic areas as we can.

We encourage you to share the invite with your friends, family and network. From our end will do our best to get the information to you especially those who struggled with bandwidth issues from Africa.

Special salute to the Indian Diaspora, you are delighted by company and the rapport in these seminars. Mythili thank you for bringing several members of the Indian diaspora to learn and share with us yesterday.

Mark Brown

From series one: Risk Intelligence, special thanks to Mark Brown, World Jamaican of Public Speaking for taking us back to our roots in a well received motivational talk.




Prof. Amit Kapoor of the Insitute for Competitiveness, India.  Packed full of information on all areas to be considered from political through to business and end-users.

Dr. Amit Kapoor







Loretta N. Green Williams and Philip Bedward for Community updates from New York both Caribbean and Black American perspectives shared.

Loretta N. Green-Williams

Rudi Page, humanity, big C’s of the skills needed to succeed.

For those who missed the event as they sought to register a little close to time we encourage you to register before 12:00 Noon for each session. We need to that lead time for ensuring the integrity of events in this risk tech environment of today. See you next time.

April 30, 2020                                                                                                                    Series 3: Customer Service, Value & Sales

We truly appreciate sharing with and learning from you.

Meegan Scott