Toronto based strategic management consultancy now accepting new clients

Toronto-based, worldwide, remote, blended, face-to-face, now accepting new clients for statistics, research, and operations research solutions

Magate Wildhorse Ltd, is currently accepting new clients for statistics, research, and operations research solutions.

Our solutions include:

  • Strategic market research
  • Marketing research
  • Environmental scans
  • PESTLE Analysis
  • Statistical Research
  • Government Ministers’ Research help
  • Research design; and
  • Operations research solutions.

Services are available worldwide by remote (virtual), or blended mode.

Schedule a client connect and clarify session today!
Contact us: Phone: 1(647)-854-5323, Direct Tweet, or Direct Message
Send us an Email: Email

Leading our research and statistic arm is Partner Associate, Dr. Daniel Maposa.
To learn more about Dr. Maposa, senior lecturer and expert in statistics, and operations research please visit the link below.

Magate Wildhorse Ltd.
“Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success, despite the constraint of size.”

Dr. Daniel Maposa joins Magate Wildhorse as lead Associate, Statistics and Research


Lecturer, Department of Statistics & Operations Research, School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Faculty of Science & Agriculture, University of Limpopo, South Africa; and Associate Statistics and Research Magate Wildhorse Ltd.

Daniel Maposa, B.Sc. Hons, MSc, PhD

By Meegan Scott

Magate Wildhorse Ltd. is pleased to announce that Statistics, and Operations Research Expert and Senior Lecturer, Dr. Daniel Maposa has joined us in the capacity of Associate, Statistics and Research.

Daniel will bring a significant boost to our research, statistics, and operational research capability. He will ensure that we take our evidence-based promise to the next level. Dr. Maposa is a welcomed addition to the Magate Wildhorse family; and more so in this our Iron Year of Truth and Good.

Dr. Maposa holds a PhD in Extreme Value Statistics, a Master of Science in Operations Research and Statistics, and an Honours degree in Applied Mathematics. He has published more than 21 research articles in internationally accredited journals including Taylor & Francis Group, Copernicus Publications, Inderscience, Crop Research.

Daniel has addressed international conference audiences in Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and Africa.

Dr. Maposa is a registered professional natural scientist (Pr.Sci.Nat.) in Statistical Sciences & Mathematical Sciences and is a member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), the South African Statistical Association (SASA), and the Operations Research Society of South Africa (ORSSA).

Meegan Scott, is excited by the opportunity to grow a rich partnership with Dr. Maposa as we work together for delivering greater value to clients and communities.

Partner Associate Dr. Maposa, please click the link for details.

Government Minister Research & Intelligence Solution



Are you a new or seasoned Minister of Government who could use help with research and packaging of evidence-based content for supporting your arguments in parliament, enhancing decision-making or for boosting your speeches and messages?

Could you use help with getting off the bandwagon and eyeing what’s in the blind spot?

We are talking about relevance, sustainable, financially viable and impact in decisions and solutions.

We are talking about performance and results-driven think and solutions.

Take this situation for instance, a bandwagon approach will leave millennials with a huge burden of care for their parents and older relatives who are experienced and talented, but side-lined by age related prejudice.

At the same time many Gen Ys will be struggling to repay student loans.

For many of them there will be next to nothing or nothing to be inherited in the form of  intergenerational wealth transfer.

It means government had better have deep pockets to care for the elderly in less than 5 years from now. Gen X, will have to leave some of the burden of care for their parents to the state given, many have been side-lined because of flawed policy-making.

Those cast aside individuals will live longer than their parents did, and their health care cost will be sky high.  Most will not have retirement savings to take care of them given, they earned next to nothing, hand-to-mouth or nothing in their prime years for earning and saving.

Could an ear to the ground and a different perspective have helped you to halt the slide?

Get help with differentiating yourself and bringing sanity when madness abounds.

We will be your confidential research and ear to the ground aide for single or ongoing projects.

Contact us about our confidential research solutions today!

Click on the following link to contact us.

Available for Ministers of Government in the Caribbean, USA, UK, and Canada