Magate Wildhorse ™ has been established as a strategic management and international development consulting entity in Toronto. Our core services include corporate strategy solutions, from strategy development to evaluation and re-formulation; marketing; monitoring and evaluation. Within that mix we offer entrepreneur, market and sales development support, research, training, workshops, one-on-one coaching and program management support. Our services are delivered virtually, as well as face-to-face. Canada, USA, Europe and the Caribbean are our primary markets; however, we are delighted to serve clients in Africa and Asia. To our Caribbean clients and prospects we offer almost two decades of experience in supporting Caribbean governments, organizations and projects. We travel internationally to serve our clients.
In December 2019, New York, USA became our second home.
How to pronounce Magate Wildhorse
Magate Wildhorse should be pronounced as MA-Get Wildhorse. There is a glottal stop at Ma just as there is one at the “t” in department. Gate is pronounced as in “I get it”.
Our Story
At the end of the day people, health, relationships, and wealth are what truly matters.
Magate Wildhorse ℠ is the articulation of a commitment to help organizations and their leaders succeed; by bringing focus, passion, integrity, and energy to the job of improving their condition.
We are about building relationships, and supporting organizations that foster the growth of rich relationships, friendships, and health in the pursuit of profit and wealth.
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