Loving it in the Dark!

love and respect cash cash accountability scaling up

Loving cash— sounds like loving dirt?

Do you feel the need to love cash secretly― in the dark?

If you are uncomfortable owning the message on the picture below as a part of your business philosophy something is not quite right.

Whether you lead a for-profit or a social enterprise difficulty with owing a love and respect for cash means its time to rethink?

It is time to focus on the following questions:

  • Am I really an entrepreneur?
  • Am I still in the early stage of my journey as an entrepreneur and still a little shy about embracing the need to respect and love cash? Doing so outwardly, that is.
  • Am I dropping the ball on one of my areas of accountability?
  • Am I being authentic?

Cash is the lifeblood of a business.

  • You need it to secure loans
  • You need it invest in the growth of your business
  • You need it to purchase risk and threat protection
  • You need it to protect your health, wealth, leisure, retirement, and peace of mind
  • You need it to ensure your family is taken care of today and tomorrow
  • You need it to invest in your growth and development as entrepreneur
  • You need it to bring your purpose to life
  • You need it PAY the BILLs
  • You need it to PAY the TAXES
  • You need it for networking as well as for building networks
  • You need it to demonstrate caring for family, community, environment, and more
  • You need it to inspire confidence in your business

Bring your authentic self and your entrepreneur’s accountability and responsible hat to business every time. Don’t be shy to let your customers know that you are in business to make a profit.

Decide how you can help; and how much help you will give in pro bono, volunteer, and corporate social responsibility initiatives. Decide how much you will give to say thank you for being my customer.

Decide how much you can and will give to acquire new customers.

Let customers, potential customers, and partners know how you can work together in cooperation or collaboration for your individual and mutual success on a cash free or preferential price agreement.

We are talking about pride, profit, and gain ―no free lunches, I received, and I gave!

We are talking about, I respect your business―thank you for respecting mine.

We are talking about, being responsible and not driving artificially created poverty.

Solve problems for clients, customers, and your community in a responsible and authentic way.

Do good and solve problems without digging your business into a hole.

Whether your profit is for greater good or a greater good―you read that correctly.

If you are earning and spending, you are contributing to the greater good!

If you are in business you must be solving a problem, so whether you profit for good at market rate or for less or give more back to a cause you are still or should be in the business of making a profit for good!

Put training wheels on your business. Many of the businesses that fail post incubation do so because they had on no training wheels for sustaining themselves.

So, if you’re serving up the mix of martyrdom and growing a business don’t expect many customers or investors at your party.  Don’t even expect many friends or family at your party.

We love and respect cash in the open!

Meegan Scott
From: The Marathoner


“Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success,
despite the constraint of size.”

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Strategic Executive Consulting & Coaching ― Execute & Grow

strategic executive consulting and coaching solution for entrepreneurs, executives and their teams, grow and execute

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Magate Wildhorse Ltd 3 days only sale!

Get empowered to solve your own unique business challenges in 2019.

For three days only you get to save 30% on our Strategic Executive Consulting and Coaching Solutions.

We help you take matters into your own hands, or take them into ours and show you how!

Yes, now you can improve performance, grow, and strengthen your organization this year.

We’ve made it easy and affordable for you to gain experience from doing, plus grow execution know-how. 

Your uniquely designed solution may be a combo of strategic executive consulting and coaching. It may include pre-session review and refinement of documents such as strategy plans, performance reports, meeting plans, or other corporate documents.

An investment in our Trust and Reputation Coach † Gimme a Hand!(Executives) , could come with the opportunity to clear your desk, by handing us tasks related to corporate strategy or strategic planning, programme management, monitoring, evaluation, learning, behavior change, marketing, stakeholder engagement, change management, research, and training.  You get complete co-working with you for a do-and-learn together engagement.

If you choose the Trust and Reputation Coach † Execute!(Executives), we’ll review and recommend corrections, adjustments, frameworks, models, or processes, best and good practice.

Then there is TheGuide which is packed with more coaching, than consulting.

It aims to actuate progress, reduce, or eliminate stress, gain confidence, clarify, discover solutions, boost both strategic thinking as well as reflective skills and practice. It is a blended performance and transition solution.

Both sets of solutions are tailored to fit. The execute solutions― are designed to accelerate the achievement of major organizational goals, gain buy-in, foster funder confidence, drive commitment, foster trust, and solve complex problems. They are focused on strategy, performance, and organizational strengthening; and draws heavily on processes and problem-solving know-how that we’ll contribute. They are grounded in results-oriented practice, strategic management, strategic coaching, directive, and facilitative coaching styles.

To learn how we will work with you to deliver the promised results please complete and submit the request for consultancy form click here.

This one-time promotional offer ends at midnight on Wednesday, February 20, 2019.

Click here to learn about the Small Business Execute Coaching Offer.

Submit your connect and clarify consultation request form and let’s get that conversation started!

Got a question?  Phone: 1(647) 854-5323.

I am Meegan Scott, and I look forward to working you to take your business to the next level!



“Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success,
despite the constraint of size.”

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We Made It in Time to Help You Succeed!

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Who is this piece for?

Organizational leaders looking to grow and improve their results in 2019.

We came packed with solutions to help you attain the ―competitive edge!

We are talking about help with

  • Getting strategic focus;
  • Setting growth indicators that are aligned with your personal and business ambition;
  • Working from your CEO’s hat versus from simply that of the operations manager― (to put it another way, we’ll help you with focusing and acting for driving balanced growth);
  • Creating an actionable corporate strategy plan― for guiding you, and your organization to achieving the tomorrow you want for your business;
  • Communicating your strategy to your team so your people will line up, fully committed, and working to deliver your strategy;
  • Market research for ensuring you are aware of changes in your environment that could quickly become threats, risks, or opportunities;
  • An evaluation, or an organizational assessment for boosting organizational learning, strategy execution, improved results, better understanding of and communicating your results, or all plus improved funder readiness;
  • Problem solving, or capacity building, and increased levels of understanding for getting the right job done. We bring― workshops, webinars, charrettes, ideation, strategic and creative thinking sessions. Ever hear about our Pepper Pot Sessions for tough conversations and problem solving?

We’re all about growth, improved results, your success, and our success when you succeed!

For the solopreneur, or small business leader― finding your “one drop” or rhythm for success can take longer.  Having us as a critical friend and success partner means the acceleration of that process.

You’ll notice the improvement as you prepare for, and move from one meeting to the next.

For the government department or non-profit organization, we’ll help you turn that evaluation spend into an investment in learning and growth for your organization, even as you meet your funder requirement.

But, why wait for a funder’s request to check on growth?

Why wait for an externally driven request to learn what is going well and what must be changed in your organization?  After all, you’ve got the mandate to run that show!

We know the many reasons, why you don’t get around to it, that is why we have designed, and will work with you to get this essential part of your work done well.

And that corporate strategy plan, we know how that missing performance management system can squeeze your strategy execution to a slow and painful death. We’ve got your back with that one too!

Join a new class, say goodbye to Grade C, and that painful 60-70% failure report for strategy execution!

Economic development agency managers, chief of party, cluster managers, leaders of incubators and accelerators you thought we had forgotten you. Not a chance!

We know why and where business incubation fails.

We know cluster members could use affordable help with strategy execution; we know businesses in accelerators need that objective critical friend or advisor.

We know why development and change projects fail to deliver up to 70% of intended results.

We know that economic development agencies can realize a higher ROI if they had a partner for helping their beneficiaries with execution, and or performance measurement and management.

Look yonder to the image above, we come with a journal to help you and your clients with journaling, reflection, learning, strategy adjustment and performance improvement.

We come with hold your hand care ―plus pressure and urgency to drive success!

We come with a pen, conversations, meetings, tools, and a watch to keep score, track, and help you adjust your strategy and improve your results in time!

Because we are Magate Wildhorse Ltd, we come as that trusted friend to help you through the tough time and to focus on what really matters.

Together we’ll sniff the roses, relax, have fun, share laughs on your way to exceeding expectations.

Expect evidence-based, facts, rigor, organized, planned, synthesis, results, and caring!

Get value for money as you define it!

Let us help you find your success rhythm!

Let’s get the conversation going, message us today!


Eavesdrop on E and O’Neil

Magate Wildhorse Soundcloud channel, audio stories for businessGo undercover for learnings in strategy execution and performance management on Magate Wildhorse Soundcloud Channel this May.

Eavesdrop on O’Neil at the office after dark and later on his date with E. Find out how they’ll tackle the problem of understanding the strategy and deciding on the extent to which the organization had made progress in realizing its desired advantage since the last strategic plan.

Don’t miss-out on the intimate journey of the forty-something year old executive in his effort to deliver the ambitions of his company.

We believe, taking the position of the fly on the wall won’t hurt if learning how your organization could benefit from a self-assessment; and what to include in your request for a similar solution is what you’ll gain from eavesdropping on E and O’Neil.

It’s Caribbean flavoured with just enough spice for global appetites.

Follow us on Soundcloud and be first to listen to their story.





rethink May on Magate Wildhorse

magate wildhorse youtube channel, new learning, interviews, stories entertainment for strategy, performance management, marketing, canada, caribbean, entrepreneurs May 2018, celebrating 6


Coming this May, 2018

New learning videos on Magate Wildhorse YouTube Channel.
fun plus learning, Subscribe today to ensure you miss none of what’s in store for you.
Find out More about the Magate Wildhorse YouTube Channel below.
The Magate Wildhorse ℠ Channel showcase our promotional videos about our upcoming workshops, events, research, and services, stay tuned so you don’t miss out.
We will share some of what we have learnt in the form of educational videos developed by the Magate Learning Institute.
You will find content on topics such as corporate strategy; strategic planning; marketing; social marketing; social media marketing; monitoring; evaluation and organizational assessments. International development, food safety, environment, entrepreneurship, business, trade, export, and retail will also be featured here.
No, we will not re-invent the wheel, so we will share interesting videos created by others that are related to our main themes and interest; that we believe you might find useful.
From time to time we hope to entertain you with a bit of related trivia.
Magate Wildhorse is a Toronto based Strategic Management and International Development Practise.



Business People Can Set Social Change in Motion

Today, I read an interesting article by Richard Straub of the Drucker Society and formally of IBM.

What does it take to cause something big about a community to change — something that no one individually has much power over, even something as big as a prevailing mindset? We know what it takes: a social movement. And social movements aren’t only the domain of community organizers and college students. Business people can set them in motion, too, as we are seeing right now”.

What Straub said was not new thinking to me, it is a belief that comes as naturally as breathing.

I have seen others with the same belief within and external to the Caribbean Community at home and abroad and I admire them for it.

However, during the past weeks while sharing information related to the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs in the OECD and other diaspora markets I was asked questions which made it clear that many in our community still believe that such initiatives are the purview of Government, NGOs or donor agencies.  I also experienced this very sentiment while serving another initiative for change in our community.

It is high time that we realize that business people do have a role in setting such change in motion.

Big business in the community also have a role to play in benefitting from while supporting the growth of smaller businesses. Smaller businesses have a role to play in providing cost effective and relevant solutions that will help bigger businesses with their overall objectives for growth and disruption.

A true entrepreneur recognizes the role of business in providing solutions; and that not all should not be for profit. A business is an individual and like human citizens has a civic role to play in society. We take that role very seriously at Magate Wildhorse Ltd.

I remember years ago serving as marketing manager for an industrial equipment sales and manufacturing entity that suffered regular break-ins at its warehouse located at the border of an inner-city community.

When I suggested to the owner and CEO that we establish a Corporate Social Responsibility programme and engage in dialogue with the community as well as help their students he did not hesitate.  Needless to say, the break-ins ceased— at least for as long as I was there.

I don’t take all the credit for that kind of think for myself; I also thank the Government of Japan and the World Bank for my first scholarship course in Corporate Social Responsibility that served to plant that seed.  I very well had it when it came to volunteering, government, NGOs and donor agencies, but I certainly learnt and have rallied teams to have it entrenched in every entity that I served since 2003.

The Black and Caribbean community must waste no opportunity to seize and run with our freedom and independence as a community— that means coming together to lead the change we want to see.  That means we must engage in strong, persistent actions and create more symbols of the practice of freedom, independence and power of a people and community to chart its destiny.  And in addition to charting its destiny position itself to be a high demand demographic or group within society. I do not propose alienation from other groups in society, I am speaking about moving to fix our big problems in society and positioning for a different future.

I also take this opportunity to challenge all our Alumni Associations to ensure playing a role in advancing the economic outcomes of our graduates is a primary objective your organization. The school ran one leg of the relay, the student and parents did one and our Alumni Associations must wake up and understand this fundamental role of our Alumni and Past Students Associations.

Our community and businesses must wake up, expect and accept the role of businesses and business people to set change in motion.

Meegan Scott                                                                                                              Magate Wildhorse Ltd

Copyright © 2018 Meegan Scott
All Rights Reserved

KICK OFF Meeting – Entrepreneur’s CoP & MeetUPs


Notice of misprint: “The statistics validates that the Caribbean immigrant is among the least likely to start and grow a business in the OCED,’  should read: OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development).

Kick off Meeting
Community of Practice and GTA Meetups for Caribbean Entrepreneurs in the Diaspora


meetup, b2b networking, caribbean entrepreneur's community of practice, high performance entrepreneur's ring, GTA entrepreneur's meetup, caribbean, diaspora

Event sponsor                      Tickets

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Why Your Black Parents Doubt You —Their Entrepreneur Offspring

I’ll never forget the first time I heard my neighbour shouting in englishized Jamaican Patios.

That Saturday morning was the first time that I heard shouting coming from their home. It was also the first time that I heard her speak patios—not to mention belting it out at her father. She had just told him of her plans to resign from her prominent job and to open her own business. She would still be providing consulting services to her former employer. But her father could not see the logics of that move and like the typical Jamaican parent of the day he declared that the plan amounted to “madness”.

Photo credit; Can Photo Stock, dneffendorf

As soon as I was in the privacy of my car I laughed at hearing her lash out in Patois and I cheered her on. “Serve him right”. “Yes, it is high time for our parents to  show confidence and respect when their children decide to start their own business”. Of course, they could not hear me but I was happy to support her quietly.

Thirteen years later I hear the same cry only with Canadian or Canadian-Caribbean accents in addition to the Jamaican. Today, I take a different view of the situation despite having walked in my neighbour’s shoes— for a while.

This time around I am looking from a lens shared with us by Stephen R. Covey as the fifth habit of highly effective people, that is —”Seek first to understand, then to be understood”.

If we apply this lens to the typical response of the parents of black and Caribbean entrepreneurs on learning of the calling of their children, we will be able to maintain more harmonious family relationships. At the same time, we will be able to accelerate our own growth and development as entrepreneurs. Which in the end will serve to fuel the growth of a culture that supports and promote entrepreneurship in our communities.

However, none of this will happen if we fail to understand and respond appropriately to fear that drives doubt in our parents and communities.

“I believe you would be better off finding a job than killing out yuh self on that business!

Eev’ry day you work, and no money coming in; you went to University why don’t you just get a job?


 Photo Credit: Can Stock Photo, AndreyPopov

Photo Credit: Can Stock Photo, Andrey Popov

Those words can really hurt individuals who are just starting out in business, they can hurt even more seasoned entrepreneurs just out of the growth phase. Unfortunately, those refrains are very familiar to first and second-generation entrepreneurs in the Black and Caribbean communities.  They hear it from parents, siblings, spouses and friends. Coming from parents and loved ones those words could carry a potentially more lethal sting because entrepreneurs look to them most for support. Every entrepreneur must therefore decide to refuse or to permit hurt from such words.

When we do not understand or are tired of the well-intentioned distractor-doomsday prophet there will be resentment and even anger. Matters are made worse when detractors seek to wield financial or emotional power in order to have their way.  If you are a parent or partner who use such tactics please remember that you got one life to live and so does your relative. I doubt you consciously want to be a poacher of someone’s life.  If you are the entrepreneur, know that your life is yours to live.

But fact is, some people don’t mind poaching on the lives of others.  While some end up doing so unintentionally.

How do you overcome the overbearing naysayer and unintended deprecator?

First, understand that while black and Caribbean entrepreneurs are likely to hear those intended “words of wisdom” which lack even shadows of wisdom, a thousand times more than other groups— they are not alone. In every social group the ears of the young in business will be assaulted by family and peers who doubt or fear for them.

Second, remember naysayers are more risk averse; that is why they are not entrepreneurs. Their fears are real. They do not have many success stories of their own kin who have led big businesses. Some have shared negative business journeys with family and friends while others are acting from the negative half of their view of the world. Uncle John and Aunt Lou tried their hands at business but failed to attract adequate numbers of customers. Understand their frame of reference!

Some operate from a position of wisdom, but wisdom for whom? Yes, they have seen the lack of support for the black and Caribbean enterprise in their communities and feel forced to warn you. Because your loved ones do not see business as a feasible option for ensuring your financial wellbeing—or for making a basic living they have no logical basis for supporting you. Your view is different so you must find creative solutions for maintaining harmonious relationships while bearing your own weight and growing your business.

Many among us lack entrepreneurial experience, formal training, do and learn or the combination—that ignorance drives the persistent fear of doing business. Even you feel it at times when too many doors are slammed close in your face over a short period of time. So, empathize— with your parents or loved ones even as you reinforce the boundaries of respect for you and your business.  Their intent is not to harm or to show disrespect for you. It is merely their crimpling fear that is rooted in caring; it will hold you back if you let it.

Sometimes they do take things for granted though—”Sale is on let’s go shopping Tuesday”. Remind them that those are full working and business days.

Don’t expect a culture that supports and promote entrepreneurship to emerge to meet your needs when there exists no universal training in entrepreneurship and historically your people have served more in micro-businesses and employment compared to others.

Be grateful, for even partial support from naysayer-parents, they are the ones who will ensure you eat, wear clothes get to the doctor when clients and customers don’t pay and the bank won’t give you a loan.

Some wives and husbands who are irritating and backstabbing naysayers make the sacrifice to hold down jobs they would rather fire because the bills must be paid while you experiment with growing your business.  To make it work for you and your family, you must walk around in their shoes even as you stick to your calling.  Caring for the significant persons in your life despite their lack of faith and understanding will help you to make the right decisions for you and your business. Besides, you might discover new revenue streams or opportunities.

When you succeed and can demonstrate the outcomes and impact of your business and can share your journey as an entrepreneur you will help to make starting and growing a business a more feasible idea for parents, loved ones, educators and others in your community.

If you doubt me watch carefully what happens to your network while you are growing your business, especially if you had what they deemed to be a “great job” before. Watch what happens when that business begins to take off.

Let’s use understanding and success to root out fear and under representation of high performing Caribbean businesses in an era when jobs are threatened and entrepreneurships is a must for providing solutions as much as it is for survival.

Copyright © 2017 by Meegan Scott

All rights reserved