Calling all Recent Graduates ― Publishing Opportunity

Call for Papers recent graduates, publication opportu

Closing soon!  Last Call for Papers!


Last 3 to current year graduates from community colleges, Baccalaureate Masters, and PhD programmes.

Graduated more than 3 years ago but interested?

If you’ve got a hot topic not explored or discussed adequately that relates to Caribbean and  Caribbean diaspora entrepreneurs, agri-preneurship, management, and performance management and measurement, trade finance, behaviour change marketing, corporate strategy planning, trade, creative industries, or management consulting, that is up to 5 years old then your are welcome to submit.

Besides the topics highlighted above we are interested in pieces that address entrepreneurship, and management that are by and or related to Caribbean Immigrant and diaspora entrepreneurs (all Caribbean diasporic markets), indigenous and founding nation Canadians, Black and non-native speakers of English entrepreneurs and consultants in North America, Africans in the diaspora and at home.


See Poster for topics.

The best 2000-3000 words of your thesis.

  • Business
  • International Trade
  • Trade Finance
  • Market Systems Development
  • Evaluation
  • Organizational assessments
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Private Sector Development
  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship

 Deadline: Midnight, Sunday, October 27, 2019

Submission Guideline:

The Noësis: Double-Blind Peer Review Guidelines 2019

About the publication

Call for Papers —The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine (2019)

The Noësis | November 2019, Fall Edition

#publishing #opportunity #lastcall #closingsoon #recentgraduates #thesis #The Noësis #CanadianBusinessMagazine #Magazine #Journal #hybridpublication #management #business #subjectmatterexperts #peerreviewed #doubleblind #greyliterature #CanadianCaribbean #Caribbean #Blackbusiness #immigrantbusiness #nonnativespeakersofEnglish #diasporaentrepreneurs


Call for Papers —The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine (2019)

Call for Papers The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine 2019

Deadline: April 26, 2019

Visibility and simplicity―do you know an entrepreneur, a consultant, or business that could do without one or the other?

We didn’t think so.  So, we strive to give organizations and entrepreneurs the best of both.

In today’s world where the language of business expands almost daily and growth-related concepts can be tough to understand, The Noësis aims to bring understanding and simplicity —disambiguation.

Its content will facilitate understanding of tough business and development concepts― while accelerating the learning of industry language and how-to.

And by so doing help organizations and entrepreneurs get more out of their investment in consulting solutions. Practitioners and consultants can expect content that will help them to improve their craft.

The power of visibility as that first step towards building trust is one the worst kept secrets of today.

Still not all visibility carries the same weight. For that reason, this magazine is designed to provide opportunities for accelerating solid trust in your expertise and business.

It does this by highlighting successful Caribbean and Canadian entrepreneurs, business related educational content, research findings, issues, trends, companies, stories, commentaries, book reviews and entertainment pieces.  In the mix will be articles and stories focused on growth related topics such as strategy, marketing, trade, performance management and measurement, intellectual property, and the creative industries.

While the focus is on Canada and the Caribbean we embrace and look forward to sharing with the global community.  This publication welcomes guest contributors from all continents, cultures, and ethnicities.  We look forward to presenting a rich blend of content by and about ambitious startups, gazelles in the making, the ordinary, the extra-ordinary and mainstream businesses, business ecosystems, consultants, and professional service providers.

The publication is a hybrid Magazine/Professional Journal geared towards C-level executives, entrepreneurs, researchers, practitioners, and consultants with an interest in strategy, marketing, evaluation, organizational assessments, international trade, FDI, entrepreneurship and international development.  It will be circulated to senior executives, business owners, and libraries.

The new Canadian-Caribbean Magazine is the only business magazine designed to promote the culture of Caribbean entrepreneurship; and entrepreneurship as a desirable, feasible and viable economic activity for Caribbean immigrants in Canada and other diasporic markets of the Region.

We want to see the growth of high performing Caribbean businesses in all major diaspora markets. We want to see the Caribbean culture of entrepreneurship and its entrepreneurial DNA deliver significant impact to entrepreneurs and the markets in which the businesses call home— as well as those they serve.  But we also want to hear the voice of others with no Caribbean roots who would love to meet and collaborate with Caribbeans through this publication.

To ensure simplicity and visibility we provide information, stimulate debate, share research, cases, and stories for ensuring organizational leaders and team have the necessary information for strategy success in starting and growing their businesses.  We want to see greater impact from international development initiatives especially in ACP Countries; therefore, we will address those issues and explore solutions.

Learn more about The Noësis or subscribe, click here.

Publishing Opportunities

Consultants and practitioners are invited to submit articles, case studies, anecdotes, and stories.

Academic researchers, consultants, and experts are invited to serve in editorial roles as well as to contribute articles, stories, and cases.

Recent Graduates, final year PhD and Master’s Degree students are invited to submit articles based on their final research papers. Submissions should have a focus on the Caribbean, Caribbean Diaspora Markets or Canada.

Business writers and/journalists are invited to submit articles (feature, news stories, historical and opinion pieces, commentaries, and tips).

Editorial Policy and Practice

Academic submissions will be peer-reviewed. Subject matter experts, academia or magazine editors will review other pieces. However, all published pieces would have met the editorial standards and the objectives of the magazine.

Contributor Guidelines

What to Include in Your Draft or Proposal

Submissions must be in MS Word documents. Illustrations and images should be clear and impactful in communicating your ideas. They may include maps, photos, illustration, tables, infographics, and other images that are properly labelled.

Double-blind Peer Review

Please click the link above to ensure your submissions are compliant with the double-blind peer review process applicable to all submissions.

Deadline for final submissions: April 26, 2019                                                            Deadline for submission of drafts or proposals: April 15, 2019.

To submit your proposal, article, or query, please contact Meegan Scott by Email at:

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Strategic Executive Consulting & Coaching ― Execute & Grow

strategic executive consulting and coaching solution for entrepreneurs, executives and their teams, grow and execute

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Magate Wildhorse Ltd 3 days only sale!

Get empowered to solve your own unique business challenges in 2019.

For three days only you get to save 30% on our Strategic Executive Consulting and Coaching Solutions.

We help you take matters into your own hands, or take them into ours and show you how!

Yes, now you can improve performance, grow, and strengthen your organization this year.

We’ve made it easy and affordable for you to gain experience from doing, plus grow execution know-how. 

Your uniquely designed solution may be a combo of strategic executive consulting and coaching. It may include pre-session review and refinement of documents such as strategy plans, performance reports, meeting plans, or other corporate documents.

An investment in our Trust and Reputation Coach † Gimme a Hand!(Executives) , could come with the opportunity to clear your desk, by handing us tasks related to corporate strategy or strategic planning, programme management, monitoring, evaluation, learning, behavior change, marketing, stakeholder engagement, change management, research, and training.  You get complete co-working with you for a do-and-learn together engagement.

If you choose the Trust and Reputation Coach † Execute!(Executives), we’ll review and recommend corrections, adjustments, frameworks, models, or processes, best and good practice.

Then there is TheGuide which is packed with more coaching, than consulting.

It aims to actuate progress, reduce, or eliminate stress, gain confidence, clarify, discover solutions, boost both strategic thinking as well as reflective skills and practice. It is a blended performance and transition solution.

Both sets of solutions are tailored to fit. The execute solutions― are designed to accelerate the achievement of major organizational goals, gain buy-in, foster funder confidence, drive commitment, foster trust, and solve complex problems. They are focused on strategy, performance, and organizational strengthening; and draws heavily on processes and problem-solving know-how that we’ll contribute. They are grounded in results-oriented practice, strategic management, strategic coaching, directive, and facilitative coaching styles.

To learn how we will work with you to deliver the promised results please complete and submit the request for consultancy form click here.

This one-time promotional offer ends at midnight on Wednesday, February 20, 2019.

Click here to learn about the Small Business Execute Coaching Offer.

Submit your connect and clarify consultation request form and let’s get that conversation started!

Got a question?  Phone: 1(647) 854-5323.

I am Meegan Scott, and I look forward to working you to take your business to the next level!



“Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success,
despite the constraint of size.”

                                             Available internationally!                                         Magate Wildhorse Instagram button

Lizra Fabien – Stakeholder Engagement and Gender Mainstreaming for Climate Resilience and Climate Fund Initiatives

Celebrating International Development Week 2019!

Join Lizra Fabien, of the Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce as we discuss Stakeholder engagements and gender mainstreaming for climate resilience, and climate fund initiatives.

Dominica is one of the Caribbean Countries that have suffered most from the exacerbating effective of climate change. Hurricanes Maria and Erika stopped short of destroying the island with back to back battering in 2016 and 2017.

Canada is among the countries that have responded to efforts to help Dominica and other Caribbean islands to become climate resilient.

We are therefore delighted to hear from Lizra who represents duty-bearers in the private sector on the topic of stakeholder engagements, how they are working, and the gaps for delivering related solutions that deliver gender equality, and climate resilience. DAIC members are also right-holders in their roles as individuals and citizens.

Thank you Lizra for having shared so richly!

Magate Wildhorse Limited tell us about your experience IDW2019

Click here to share your experiences in the comments box.

                                                Magate Wildhorse Ltd thank you for watching IDW2019 Stakeholder engagement gender mainstreaming climate resilience


This interview is an extract from the Fireside Chat: Stakeholder Engagements and Gender Mainstreaming for ensuring Gender Equality and Climate Resilience in the Context of initiatives that are financed with Climate Funds.