Questions from the dark.
Closing soon! Last Call for Papers!
Last 3 to current year graduates from community colleges, Baccalaureate Masters, and PhD programmes.
Graduated more than 3 years ago but interested?
If you’ve got a hot topic not explored or discussed adequately that relates to Caribbean and Caribbean diaspora entrepreneurs, agri-preneurship, management, and performance management and measurement, trade finance, behaviour change marketing, corporate strategy planning, trade, creative industries, or management consulting, that is up to 5 years old then your are welcome to submit.
Besides the topics highlighted above we are interested in pieces that address entrepreneurship, and management that are by and or related to Caribbean Immigrant and diaspora entrepreneurs (all Caribbean diasporic markets), indigenous and founding nation Canadians, Black and non-native speakers of English entrepreneurs and consultants in North America, Africans in the diaspora and at home.
See Poster for topics.
The best 2000-3000 words of your thesis.
Deadline: Midnight, Sunday, October 27, 2019
Submission Guideline:
The Noësis: Double-Blind Peer Review Guidelines 2019
About the publication
Call for Papers —The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine (2019)
The Noësis | November 2019, Fall Edition
#publishing #opportunity #lastcall #closingsoon #recentgraduates #thesis #The Noësis #CanadianBusinessMagazine #Magazine #Journal #hybridpublication #management #business #subjectmatterexperts #peerreviewed #doubleblind #greyliterature #CanadianCaribbean #Caribbean #Blackbusiness #immigrantbusiness #nonnativespeakersofEnglish #diasporaentrepreneurs