Loving it in the Dark!

love and respect cash cash accountability scaling up

Loving cash— sounds like loving dirt?

Do you feel the need to love cash secretly― in the dark?

If you are uncomfortable owning the message on the picture below as a part of your business philosophy something is not quite right.

Whether you lead a for-profit or a social enterprise difficulty with owing a love and respect for cash means its time to rethink?

It is time to focus on the following questions:

  • Am I really an entrepreneur?
  • Am I still in the early stage of my journey as an entrepreneur and still a little shy about embracing the need to respect and love cash? Doing so outwardly, that is.
  • Am I dropping the ball on one of my areas of accountability?
  • Am I being authentic?

Cash is the lifeblood of a business.

  • You need it to secure loans
  • You need it invest in the growth of your business
  • You need it to purchase risk and threat protection
  • You need it to protect your health, wealth, leisure, retirement, and peace of mind
  • You need it to ensure your family is taken care of today and tomorrow
  • You need it to invest in your growth and development as entrepreneur
  • You need it to bring your purpose to life
  • You need it PAY the BILLs
  • You need it to PAY the TAXES
  • You need it for networking as well as for building networks
  • You need it to demonstrate caring for family, community, environment, and more
  • You need it to inspire confidence in your business

Bring your authentic self and your entrepreneur’s accountability and responsible hat to business every time. Don’t be shy to let your customers know that you are in business to make a profit.

Decide how you can help; and how much help you will give in pro bono, volunteer, and corporate social responsibility initiatives. Decide how much you will give to say thank you for being my customer.

Decide how much you can and will give to acquire new customers.

Let customers, potential customers, and partners know how you can work together in cooperation or collaboration for your individual and mutual success on a cash free or preferential price agreement.

We are talking about pride, profit, and gain ―no free lunches, I received, and I gave!

We are talking about, I respect your business―thank you for respecting mine.

We are talking about, being responsible and not driving artificially created poverty.

Solve problems for clients, customers, and your community in a responsible and authentic way.

Do good and solve problems without digging your business into a hole.

Whether your profit is for greater good or a greater good―you read that correctly.

If you are earning and spending, you are contributing to the greater good!

If you are in business you must be solving a problem, so whether you profit for good at market rate or for less or give more back to a cause you are still or should be in the business of making a profit for good!

Put training wheels on your business. Many of the businesses that fail post incubation do so because they had on no training wheels for sustaining themselves.

So, if you’re serving up the mix of martyrdom and growing a business don’t expect many customers or investors at your party.  Don’t even expect many friends or family at your party.

We love and respect cash in the open!

Meegan Scott
From: The Marathoner


“Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success,
despite the constraint of size.”

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The Big Question of the Week ― What is a Corporate Strategy Plan?

On Thursday, February 28th we’ll be hosting a free Corporate Strategy Planning  webinar at Magate Wildhorse.

Many curious about the event had the following questions.

What is a corporate strategy plan?
Is it the same as a business plan?

Here are the differences between them.

While both plans are used for guiding organizations, they differ in scope, who, when, and how they are used.

Let’s start with the business plan.

The business plan is typically what a small or micro-business uses during its start-up phase. A large organization might also use a business plan for getting a new line of business or initiative off the ground. It supports the period of executing, testing and adjusting for viability at the start.

In a small nutshell, start-ups use their business plans to articulate, help them organize, and guide them in relation to why, how, who, and what they will do to produce their solution, market it, sell it, and make a profit.

 How they put the business plan to use:
  • To say what business, they are in;                                                                              The business you are in does not necessarily wear the same name as the products or services that you produce and sell.
  • To articulate how they will bring their solution from concept to a profit-making product or service, as well as the resources and actions that are needed to make that happen;
  • To define their customers, and say how they’ll reach them;
  • To say how they differ from the competition;
  • To highlight barriers, challenges, constraints and how they will work around them or remove them;
  • To help convince funders to invest in their businesses;
  • To tie a budget to delivering the planned solutions to the market and customers identified in that plan;
  • To highlight their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats;
  • To say what success should like including― the amount of money they intend to earn that year; and projections for another year or two; and
  • To say how they will wrap up the business in the most painless and beneficial if not profitable manner should there be the need to do so.

Now, let’s look at the corporate strategy plan.

The Corporate Strategy Plan is used by larger organizations with multiply programs and business units, or both. It is also used by entrepreneurs who have exited or is preparing to exit the start-up stage. Typical examples of such organizations are government departments, non-profit organizations, development programs, and larger private sector entities.

Big difference 1: The corporate strategy plan is used by organizations who are already in existence and who are looking to grow and improve.

How they use the Corporate Strategy Plan:     

  • To articulate the organizational strategy, the strategic direction, and for allocating resources in order to deliver the strategy.
  • To focus on agility, gaining the competitive edge over time, and incrementally, or completely within the plan period depending on how that edge is to be achieved.    It focuses on new capabilities and positioning to seize future opportunities.
  • To answer the question “where are we today?”                                                          The answer to which includes a focus on the organization’s results (including the financials), position in the market, etc.
  • To answer the question “where do we want to be?”                                             Here the answer focuses on the ambitions of the organization, the big problem(s) to be solved and for whom, objectives, and goals etc. It is in answer to this question that organizations arrive at what Jim Collins call BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals —pronounced Bee Hags). 
  • To answer the question, “What could prevent us from getting there?”
  • To answer the question, “How will we get there?”,                                              here is where priorities must be made and guide for tactics comes into play.
  • To answer the questions, “What should success look like?”, and “Are we on the same page?”, “Who is responsible for what?”
  • To guide execution.
  • To schedule time to step back analyze and reflect on the results, gather, and share learning (monitor, evaluate, assess), adjust the strategy, and improve.
  • It is also used is securing funding by government departments, development programs, and negotiating deals.

The Corporate Strategy Plan is usually elaborated into a 1-year Strategic Operational Plan asl known as the SOP or Operations Plan. The SOP contains details of what and how the first, second, third, fourth, or fifth year of the Corporate Strategy Plan is to be executed (Some entities use a 3-yr, 5-yr, and less frequently a 10-yr Corporate Strategy Plan)..

Corporate Strategy Planning, also known as long range planning should not start at the Board Retreat or the Strategic planning workshop.

Register here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2162653983818368/

To learn more you are invited to join us this Thursday, February 28, 2019 for a webinar on Corporate Strategy Planning.   Please visit the following link for details as well as to complete the registration form in order to receive a link to the webinar.

top question of the week strategy feb 26 smart


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Marketing Change: Climate Resilience & Green Fund Programs

Marketing Change Climate Resilience

Be with us

for the webinar

“Marketing Change: Climate Resilience & Climate Fund Programs”

Join us on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 at 10:00 AM

Presenter: Meegan Scott

Duration: 45 mins. (Including Q & A).

You are welcome to submit challenges and concerns you have regarding the topic prior to the event.

Get on the early birds list. 

Request your invitation to the webinar now, click here.

Looking forward to sharing with you!

The event is brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Ltd.

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Don Your CEO’s Hat ― Keynotes

Don Your CEO's Hat Keynotes speaker session


You’re running a business and you are an entrepreneur.

So, what if you’re not the CEO of the business you lead?

Why should you care about being the CEO, when you are already the entrepreneur behind the business?

Join us on Thursday, March 14, 2019 at 7:00 PM

For the speaker session: Don Your CEO’s Hat―Keynotes

Presenter: Meegan Scott

Duration: 45 mins. (Including post session networking).

You are welcome to submit challenges you have faced with owning both roles ahead of the session.

To book your seat, please complete and submit the registration form at the “Book my seat”  link below.

Book my seat, please!

Registration deadline: Sunday, March 10, 2019
Looking forward to sharing with you!

The event is brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Ltd.

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Lunch is Free!

Free lunches connect and clarify coaching sessions 9090. min free executive coaching and consulting solution , or critical friend

Free Lunches!

Get yours for a big price you can easily afford ―without touching your cash.

We LOVE cash!

We’re in business to make money by helping you grow a stronger high performing business.

You’re trying to keep as much cash in the kitty.

We get it!

We even encourage it―when it supports your strategy.

That’s why we charge for free lunches too.

No out of pocket payout.

Just get out your “information wallet”.

Next to cash we love intelligence.

Fill the form and collect your free Connect and Clarify consultation!

  • A free 90 min. session from our Strategic Executive Consulting & Coaching Solution!
  • If you prefer you can choose the Crtical Friend Evaluation & Improvement Solution instead!


Then to make it a win-win for both us.

Grab that pen and ink it out!

“Who do you know, who we should know”

Cooperating to build bigger, stronger businesses!

Submit your consultancy request form to find out more!

Click here to fill and submit your form..

Let’s start a relationship for performance, growth, impact, and results today!


“Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success,
despite the constraint of size.”

Available internationally!Magate Wildhorse Instagram button


Corporate Strategy Planning Solution ― Preview Webinar


presenter Meegan Scott, Corporate Strategy Solution Preview Webinar

Corporate Strategy Planning at Magate Wildhorse Ltd., find out what it all means.

,Join us on Thursday, February 28, 2019, at 1:00 PM for a lunch hour preview webinar on Corporate Strategy Planning at Magate Wildhorse Ltd.


  • The Connect & Clarify Session ― Questions & Answers (Case of an Architecture Firm)
  • Journey of a typical solution
  • Answers to your pre-submitted questions
  • Session Q & A

Presenter: Meegan Scott

Duration: 45 mins.

Please submit your registration form at the link below to receive link to webinar.


Registration deadline: Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Looking forward to sharing with you!

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Corporate Strategy Planning ― with Heart & Fun

Corporate Strategy Planning Solution Magate Wildhorse Ltd Serious Business with heart

Corporate Strategy Planning at Magate Wildhorse Ltd., means
serious business with heart.

The journey

  1.  connect and clarify meeting
  2. a strategic organizational assessment
  3. organizational assessment & development proposal
  4. strategic review w Board & ED/CEO
  5. facilitated strategic planning meeting(s) & training workshop
  6. strategy communication session (s)

Every step is sandwiched by stakeholder engagement


  • We’ll help translate your Corporate Plan to a 1 yr. Operational Plan.
  • We’ll help develop your Performance Management tools.

Serious business with heart and care for your pocket!

Available internationally: face-to-face, virtual, remote, blended face-to-face & online!

Request your connect & clarify meeting now!

Or send a request for proposal (RFP).
Click here.

Preview Webinar

Of interest to government departments, entrepreneurs, non-profit leaders, leaders of international development projects, cluster managers, leaders of private sector development agencies, economic development agencies, & other third sector managers & leaders.

Join us on Thursday, February 28, 2019, at 1:00 PM for a lunch hour preview webinar on Corporate Strategy Planning at Magate Wildhorse Ltd.


Please submit your registration form at the link below to receive link to webinar.


Registration deadline: Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Looking forward to sharing with you!

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Scoop on Magate Wildhorse Ltd ― get it here!

With just a click.Magate Wildhorse Ltd  Strategic Management & International Development Practise  Instagram  Follow Magate Wildhorse Ltd on Instagram Corporate Strategy Plans, Evaluations, Organizational Assessments, Market Research, Environmental Scans, Strategic Executive Coaching, Strategic Executive Coaching, Critical Friend Evaluation Solutions

We Love Running Into You

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We love running into you on Facebook.

We love running into you on Twitter

We love running into you on Google Plus

We love running into you on LinkedIn.

We wouldn’t want to miss you on Instagram.

If you’re an entrepreneur, international development consultant, government procurement officer, head of government department, non-profit executive, chief of party, incubator or accelerator manager, economic development cluster manager, Permanent Secretary or Minister of Government with a Development portofolio, publisher, retired editor of an academic journal, Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneur, researcher, manager at an investment and promotions agency, convener of business events and conferences, or business journalist we’d love to meet up.

Let’s up the probably of running into each other on instagram.

Share a laugh and like!

Follow us on instagram


Thank you for following!

Looking forward to connecting.

I am Meegan Scott, at Magate Wildhorse Ltd

Critical Friend Performance & Growth Solution

organizational improvement solutions, economic development agency solution, entrepreneur scale-up solutions notforprofit, government department critical friend evaluations corporate strategy planning magate wildhorse ltd trust and reputation solutions

This solution combines performance management, evaluation and mentoring through your executive consultant, sounding board, advisor, mentor, coach, planning or design executive help.

We are your trusted friend who drives success by bringing challenge, rhythm, pressure, support, urgency, objective viewpoint, experience, expertise, and fun.

Yes, it comes with that bitter pill of truth to help you grow a more impactful organization or department.

Be deliberate about creating impact through your not-for-profit, development project, or government department this year.

We’ll help you troubleshoot your programme design, theory of change, programme, or corporate strategy plan.

We’ll help you articulate the right questions for ensuring you solve the right problems for your clients and your organization.


Keeping your ear to the ground?

Ah ha, yes, that ongoing environmental scan!

We’re sure to bring something you missed to the decision-making table.


Find your success rhythm.
Get your strategy and tactics right.


Act, measure success, learn, adjust, and improve.

Let us be that critical friend, and trusted advisor who will hold your hand along the way.

Celebrate and own your success!

Yes, it’s all within your reach.

Improved performance!


More funding!

A stronger more recognized brand!



critical friend, evaluation, performance, objective outsider, performance and growth solution for NGOs, Government Departments, Local and international development

  • Full Circle
  • Half-Way Review and Improve
  • LAT: Learn, Adjust, and Thrive

Submit your consultancy request form to find out more! 

Click here to fill and submit your form..

Let’s start a relationship for performance, growth, impact, and results today!

Get your solution online | through a blend of online & face-to-face | face-to-face

Making it smiles for executives, managers, and leaders this year!

measure, learn, and improve. get beyond funder requirement for accountability, relevance, impact, and sustainability. Critical friend evaluation, planning, and improvement solution , Toronto and Internationally.


“Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success,
despite the constraint of size.”

Available internationally!Magate Wildhorse Instagram button