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With just a click.Magate Wildhorse Ltd  Strategic Management & International Development Practise  Instagram  Follow Magate Wildhorse Ltd on Instagram Corporate Strategy Plans, Evaluations, Organizational Assessments, Market Research, Environmental Scans, Strategic Executive Coaching, Strategic Executive Coaching, Critical Friend Evaluation Solutions

Critical Friend Performance & Growth Solution

organizational improvement solutions, economic development agency solution, entrepreneur scale-up solutions notforprofit, government department critical friend evaluations corporate strategy planning magate wildhorse ltd trust and reputation solutions

This solution combines performance management, evaluation and mentoring through your executive consultant, sounding board, advisor, mentor, coach, planning or design executive help.

We are your trusted friend who drives success by bringing challenge, rhythm, pressure, support, urgency, objective viewpoint, experience, expertise, and fun.

Yes, it comes with that bitter pill of truth to help you grow a more impactful organization or department.

Be deliberate about creating impact through your not-for-profit, development project, or government department this year.

We’ll help you troubleshoot your programme design, theory of change, programme, or corporate strategy plan.

We’ll help you articulate the right questions for ensuring you solve the right problems for your clients and your organization.


Keeping your ear to the ground?

Ah ha, yes, that ongoing environmental scan!

We’re sure to bring something you missed to the decision-making table.


Find your success rhythm.
Get your strategy and tactics right.


Act, measure success, learn, adjust, and improve.

Let us be that critical friend, and trusted advisor who will hold your hand along the way.

Celebrate and own your success!

Yes, it’s all within your reach.

Improved performance!


More funding!

A stronger more recognized brand!



critical friend, evaluation, performance, objective outsider, performance and growth solution for NGOs, Government Departments, Local and international development

  • Full Circle
  • Half-Way Review and Improve
  • LAT: Learn, Adjust, and Thrive

Submit your consultancy request form to find out more! 

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Let’s start a relationship for performance, growth, impact, and results today!

Get your solution online | through a blend of online & face-to-face | face-to-face

Making it smiles for executives, managers, and leaders this year!

measure, learn, and improve. get beyond funder requirement for accountability, relevance, impact, and sustainability. Critical friend evaluation, planning, and improvement solution , Toronto and Internationally.


“Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success,
despite the constraint of size.”

Available internationally!Magate Wildhorse Instagram button