Loving it in the Dark!

love and respect cash cash accountability scaling up

Loving cash— sounds like loving dirt?

Do you feel the need to love cash secretly― in the dark?

If you are uncomfortable owning the message on the picture below as a part of your business philosophy something is not quite right.

Whether you lead a for-profit or a social enterprise difficulty with owing a love and respect for cash means its time to rethink?

It is time to focus on the following questions:

  • Am I really an entrepreneur?
  • Am I still in the early stage of my journey as an entrepreneur and still a little shy about embracing the need to respect and love cash? Doing so outwardly, that is.
  • Am I dropping the ball on one of my areas of accountability?
  • Am I being authentic?

Cash is the lifeblood of a business.

  • You need it to secure loans
  • You need it invest in the growth of your business
  • You need it to purchase risk and threat protection
  • You need it to protect your health, wealth, leisure, retirement, and peace of mind
  • You need it to ensure your family is taken care of today and tomorrow
  • You need it to invest in your growth and development as entrepreneur
  • You need it to bring your purpose to life
  • You need it PAY the BILLs
  • You need it to PAY the TAXES
  • You need it for networking as well as for building networks
  • You need it to demonstrate caring for family, community, environment, and more
  • You need it to inspire confidence in your business

Bring your authentic self and your entrepreneur’s accountability and responsible hat to business every time. Don’t be shy to let your customers know that you are in business to make a profit.

Decide how you can help; and how much help you will give in pro bono, volunteer, and corporate social responsibility initiatives. Decide how much you will give to say thank you for being my customer.

Decide how much you can and will give to acquire new customers.

Let customers, potential customers, and partners know how you can work together in cooperation or collaboration for your individual and mutual success on a cash free or preferential price agreement.

We are talking about pride, profit, and gain ―no free lunches, I received, and I gave!

We are talking about, I respect your business―thank you for respecting mine.

We are talking about, being responsible and not driving artificially created poverty.

Solve problems for clients, customers, and your community in a responsible and authentic way.

Do good and solve problems without digging your business into a hole.

Whether your profit is for greater good or a greater good―you read that correctly.

If you are earning and spending, you are contributing to the greater good!

If you are in business you must be solving a problem, so whether you profit for good at market rate or for less or give more back to a cause you are still or should be in the business of making a profit for good!

Put training wheels on your business. Many of the businesses that fail post incubation do so because they had on no training wheels for sustaining themselves.

So, if you’re serving up the mix of martyrdom and growing a business don’t expect many customers or investors at your party.  Don’t even expect many friends or family at your party.

We love and respect cash in the open!

Meegan Scott
From: The Marathoner


“Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success,
despite the constraint of size.”

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This one-time promotional offer ends at midnight on Wednesday, February 20, 2019.

Submit your connect and clarify consultation request form and let’s get that conversation started!

Got a question?  Phone: 1(647) 854-5323.

I am Meegan Scott, and I look forward to working you to take your business to the next level!



“Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success,
despite the constraint of size.”

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To learn how we will work with you to deliver the promised results please complete and submit the request for consultancy form click here.

This one-time promotional offer ends at midnight on Wednesday, February 20, 2019.

Click here to learn about the Small Business Execute Coaching Offer.

Submit your connect and clarify consultation request form and let’s get that conversation started!

Got a question?  Phone: 1(647) 854-5323.

I am Meegan Scott, and I look forward to working you to take your business to the next level!



“Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success,
despite the constraint of size.”

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