Mini Power Tips: Test and Grow the Value of your Business

Mini PowerTips Meegan Scott

Seriously speaking, do you know how much your business is worth?

Are you in the market for investors or a business loan?

For all the sweat and sacrifice that you have poured into your small business do you know how much it is worth?

Join Meegan Scott in an easy but serious conversation on the value of your business and tips for boosting your business value even in a crisis when money might just be trickling in.

You will want to fill the detailed registration form by November 16, 2020.

You’ll find out at the end or we’ll shine the light during the session.

Small group with limited spaces going fast!

About the Speaker

Click the words about the speaker to view

Register here

Click the words Register here

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Business valuation word art

Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott,  Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.


For Immediate Release: Canadian business organizations to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020

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COVID-19 might be a formidable enemy but it cannot stop Canadian businesses from celebrating GEW2020.  Among them are several organizations from the Caribbean diaspora who will join business leaders and their supporters in celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020 to be held November 16-22, confirmed one event partner.

“ This year we will be celebrating the event under the banner BIDEM 2020 GEW Brawta,” said Meegan Scott, founder of  The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (The CoP), (BIDEM is an acronym for “bridged, high impact diaspora entrepreneurs to efficient diasporic markets.”).

” Our partners and audiences can expect extras (brawta) from BIDEM Conference and Trade Show recently hosted in Toronto, only with a greater focus on the virtual trade show and virtual bazaar,” Scott said.

More than 20 events have been posted by eleven organizations as Canada gets ready to  “connect and celebrate ” the contributions of entrepreneurs to economic growth and job creation.

“This year the coronavirus pandemic forced business leaders to be more deliberate and sharp in bringing economic recovery and solving some of the world’s most “wicked problems to their daily plans and actions”, said  Scott.

Official sponsors of GEW Canada 2020 along with several GEW partners and organizations will host events in cities across Canada for building resilience and entrepreneur capacity in the face of COVID-19.

The Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) will lead approximately 180 countries including Canada to host 40,000 events in celebration of GEW and entrepreneurs. The CoP will lead the celebrations for Caribbean diasporic markets with the sponsorship of Magate Wildhorse Consulting (Magate Wildhorse Ltd., Toronto and Magate Wildhorse Inc., New York).

The four official themes for this year’s celebration are ecosystems, policy, education, and inclusion.

Partnering organizations such as Magate Wildhorse Ltd, The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs, The Caribbean Camera, GEN Canada, United Counties of Prescott and Russell Economic Development, Business Community and Partners and academic institutions such as George Brown College will host official GEW Canada events.

Magate Wildhorse and The CoP will heighten our focus on policy.  The discussions and action for “accelerating Caribbean entrepreneurship at home and in the diaspora” will be a major agenda item. Currently there is an online discussion forum  open to interested organizational leaders with Caribbean roots worldwide. The discussions will follow on the Minister’s Panel discussion of the same name in which Canada’s Minister of Small business the Hon. Mary Ng and the Hon. Audley Shaw,  Jamaica’s Minister of Industry, Investment & Commerce were panelists last month at BIDEM.

In addition, there will be virtual discussions, trade show, bazaar, workshops and media related activities for entrepreneurs during GEW. The Strategy Planning and Evaluation Workshop for Disability Programming; “Views on News”, The Virtual Trade and Chamber of Commerce Summit and “Blinkers Off MSME Fireside Chat” are among the highlights of this year’s event.

“Facilitating collaboration among diaspora and domestic Caribbean entrepreneurs and their peers of African descent, mainstream North America and the UK, indigenous, other immigrant groups and entrepreneurs from other geographical areas will also be a feature of our celebration this”, said Scott.

Organizations with Caribbean roots, Mainstream Canadian and diaspora entities are invited to register to celebrate with us at: invited, Scott..

Futurpreneur is the county host for GEW Canada

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Strategy Planning and Evaluation for Disability Programming — Workshop

Strategy and EVALUATION GEW PT 1

Saturday, November 21, 2020   Time: 10:00 AM EST | Toronto

Join us for Parts  I & II in this workshop series.

Part I maybe taken as a stand-alone capacity building session.

It is a pre-requisite for taking Part II, which focuses on practical application of learnings from Part I.

The dialogue and workshop series is grounded in risk intelligence, robust strategy planning, influential evaluations and experiential learning.

  • Because evidence matters.
  • Because relevance matters.
  • Because local context and community issues matters.

About Meegan Scott , workshop facilitator.

A Global Entrepreneurship Week Special!

Strategy and Evaluation Workshop GEW PT II

Sunday, November 22, 2020  Time: 5:00-6:20 PM  EST  | Toronto

#unmissable  #limitedspaces

Register at: words colour hand

A limited number of  scholarships will be available to developing country participations.

Selection will be based on assessment in registration form.


News Release: Co-Leader, Decade of Evaluation for Action to Address Jamaican Diaspora Stakeholder Engagement for the National M & E System

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TORONTO, Canada – Khalil Bitar, Co-leader, Decade of Evaluation for Action and Chair, EvalYouth Global Network, Johannes (Jan) VOORDOUW, Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Design Consultant and  Andrea “Delcita” Wright, Actress and Guidance Counsellor will be guest speakers at the “Jamaican Diaspora Stakeholder Engagement for the National M & E System”  which will be held today, July 30, 2020 at 2:00 pm.

Mr. Bitar will bring greetings on behalf of the Co-leaders for the Decade of EVALUATION for Action, also known as the Eval4Action campaign. “The campaign is aligned with the UN Secretary-General’s Decade of Action to deliver the Global Goals (UN Sustainable Development Goals, also known as the SDGs).

The Eval4Action campaign “seeks to promote widespread recognition on evaluation being critical to, and a key accelerator for achieving the SDGs. It will mobilize commitments by different stakeholders – parliaments, governments, and evaluation associations – to invest in stronger evaluation systems to inform public policies, ensuring no one is left behind” (

The campaign also raises awareness about the lack of evaluation evidence in the Voluntary National Reviews presented to the United Nations High Level Political Forum by developed and developing countries.  It also champions the need for building evaluation capacity— including monitoring and evaluation systems, which are critical to the delivery of the goals.

Columbia, Mexico, and Venezuela were among the first 17 countries to present Voluntary National Reviews in 2016, and the only Latin American countries to do so (UN ECLAC). Canada, Jamaica, The Bahamas, and The Dominican Republic reported in 2018, the third round of reporting. While the United Kingdom submitted their first report in 2019. Fifty-one countries were preparing their reports in February 2020.

“Eval4Action is envisaged as a highly inclusive campaign that is led by civil society for the achievement of these objectives, with global coordination and support by the co-leaders”. UNFPA Evaluation Office, EvalYouth Global Network and Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation are the co-leaders. Local action for delivering the goals as well as for ensuring issues unique to countries and their citizenries such as unique challenges faced by Jamaica, and its diaspora both mutually and independently require actions and commitment by individual diasporans, businesses and diaspora organizations says, Meegan Scott of Magate Wildhorse Consulting event host and Eval4Action campaign partners.

Eval4Action aims to “revitalize global engagement and commitment on national evaluation capacities for timely delivery of the SDGs”. Today’s event aims to ensure all Jamaicans can own, contribute, and benefit from the process.

Diaspora organizations public and private must generate data and engage in evaluation so Jamaica and host countries can meet the “the key UN principles for constructing national reviews”. That requires “rigorous evaluations based on evidence,  and informed by data which is high-quality, accessible, timely, reliable and disaggregated by income, sex, age, race, ethnicity, migration status, disability and geographic location and other characteristics relevant to the context of the diaspora and beneficiaries of programmes it funds in Jamaica.

Johannes (Jan) VOORDOUW, the consultant engaged by the Government of Jamaica for delivering the M & E System will facilitate the stakeholder engagement session. He is also a Director of the Board of Caribbean Evaluators International (CEI), an international partner in the Eval4Action campaign.  The CEI is registered in Jamaica with chapters in other Caribbean countries.

Andrea “Delcita” Wright will bring humour as well as serious conversation through her session “ “Genderation Revue” . She will address Jamaica’s unique context and manifestations of the challenges related SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”; and SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Results-based strategy planning that is grounded in systems thinking and informed by evidence is also crucial to the delivering the goals. Dr. Karren Dunkley will present, North East Diaspora Strategic Planning: Ensuring Productivity & Success in a “ Soon Come” Mindset and Mentality Frame.

With just 10 years for fixing some of world’s most “wicked problems” , when both developed and developing countries were off target to varying degrees before and now dangerously off  track as a result of the COVID _19 pandemic the need for action is urgent.

Delivering the SDGs are crucial to improving the wellbeing of people, planet, and prosperity, but it requires  partnerships like we have never needed it before― if “no one is to be left behind”.

The event is hosted by Magate Wildhorse Consulting and The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs. Today’s event partners are the Co-leaders of Eval4Action,  the Jamaica Diaspora Northeast USA, Windsor West Indian Association, the Jamaican Canadian Association Alberta as well as several ethnic media outfits.

Magate Wildhorse is committed to partnering and delivering influential evaluations for the goals.

There is no charge for participating in the event. Individuals with no Jamaican roots but who identify as Jamaicans are welcome to participate in the event.

Pre-registration is required via the following link:

For questions, email:

Or visit the event links at:

Event flyer

Event participants are being ask to pre-register at the link included in the release above.

PDF Version of Release


Citizen Generated Urban and Rural Data for Citizen-Centric Smart Sustainable Cities and Diaspora Change Makers

Event Flyer Citizen Generated Data

Happening Tomorrow

Citizen Generated Urban and Rural Data for Citizen-Centric Smart Sustainable Cities and Diaspora Change Makers

Time: 2:00 PM Est | 1:00 PM Jamaica  | 7:00 PM UK

Register to participate or join us on Facebook Live  

Roza picture

Presenter: Roza Vasileva

Roza is a PhD Candidate in Digital Economy and Sr. Digital Development Consultant at the World Bank Group.  She has been actively involved in related work in Africa and have contributed to the agenda of the World Economic Forum. She has conducted research in the areas of  using data especially open government data and citizen generated urban data for designing citizen-centric smart sustainable cities. Roza holds an undergraduate degree in Public Relations from Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia in St. Petersburg and a dual master’s degree in Public Administration and International Affairs from  Maxwell School of Syracuse University where she was a Fulbright Scholar. Since 2012 she  serves as an ICT and Open Data consultant to the World Bank’s Transport and ICT Global Practice. At the World Bank she focuses on Open Government Data and Digital Government projects in over a dozen countries including Tanzania, Mauritius, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, India, Kazakhstan, and Russia.

Why You Cannot Afford to Miss This Event

It is known that local actions by citizens and their contribution to providing data, raising issues as well as contributing to monitoring and evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are crucial to the success in meeting the targets.  If we have learnt nothing from the harsh blows of COVID-19 in the BCAME diaspora (Black, Caribbean, Asian and other Minority Ethnic Groups) communities, we have learnt about the importance of not having community data. We have learnt the high price of not having evidence. We have learnt that government cannot generate all the data for supporting plans and policies for effecting the needed transformation in our communities.

We have seen how evidence in the form of videos recordings have helped in the fight against racial injustice the case of George Floyd being among the most notable. But it the data we generate can also help in other ways when it comes to ensuring what matters to you in relation to topics such as social injustice, climate change, mental health, economic inequality, education, entrepreneurship and modern day slavery are included on policy agendas, budgets, action plans, and studies among other. What gets measured gets funded!

Being commitment and having the capacity to generate our own data as entrepreneur communities and diaspora communities will make a significant difference in advancing our progress.  Evaluation is said to have the biggest multiplier effect in driving the delivery of the SDGs. It can work for you in making strong strategy plans, programmes, evaluation and delivering the evidence for ensuring your relevance, ensuring your inclusion and participation as well as transparency and accountability.

Businesses and entrepreneurs must also commit to contributing the voluntary national reporting on the SDGs by their cities and countries. Today only a quarter of businesses do so, change has to move from local to global, we must own, participate in and ensure accountability in relation the transformation that is needed by our communities and businesses.

Join us tomorrow learn what, how and the connection to the SDGs from expert Roza Vasileva.

Come ready to ask questions and to seek guidance for improving your programmes in the Q & A session.

Request the registration link at magate.wildhorse(at)  or join us live on

The Marathoner

Moderator: Meegan Scott,  B.Sc. Hons, MBA, CTM, ATM-B, CL, PMP

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse and The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Placards-we commit to influential evaluation

We commit to facilitate

Outride COVID 19 — Can Your National Brand Attract the Big Spend?

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Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar

“Embracing risk for driving vision and growth”

The series is grounded in risk intelligence (RI). RI is that process of embracing risks and putting it to work for ensuring your business can survive or thrive during a crisis and beyond. It is also about value creation and protection. About delivering your vision and mission in the face of crisis as well as during the “normal”.

You are invited to join us for series ten (10) in the Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar.

Edition title: Outride COVID 19 — Can Your National Brand Attract the Big Spend?

We are now in the action planning and execution phase of this Caribbean diaspora entrepreneurs’ business continuity initiative which also caters to and welcomes Caribbeans at home, other members of the BAME community as well as mainstream entrepreneurs, development, and community service organizations worldwide.

When: June 18, 2020  |  Time: 2:00 PM EST  | Toronto & New York

Where: Online  | Registration detail below

Cost: Free

Featured Sessions include:

Doing Good, Doing Well: The Secret of National Image

National identity and reputation will impact the results of COVID 19 recovery strategy for many countries.   Let us not kid ourselves into thinking this is a matter for national governments only. Neither should we be fooled into thinking national identity and reputation should be the concern of key stakeholders in the tourism and hospitality sector only.

Join us tomorrow to learn about the secret of national image, gain knowledge and insights for boosting your purpose or profit pivot or both.  Get ready to help improve the image of the national brand or brands you love.

This session will be delivered by our featured guest speaker, Simon Anholt.                    He will address the subject of national brands and what makes a good brand.

simon anholt

Simon Anholt is the world’s leading expert on national image and the inventor of the term ‘nation brand’. He is an independent policy advisor who for the past twenty years has worked with the Heads of State and Heads of Government of 56 nations to help them to improve their economic, political and cultural engagements with the international community, and by raising their profiles, to enhance their trade, tourism, diplomatic and cultural relations, talent and investment attraction.

In 2014, Anholt created the Good Country Index, a study measuring the impact of each of 163 countries on the rest of humanity and the planet. He devised the concept of nation brand in 1996, now a multi-billion-dollar global industry, and is the founder and publisher of the annual Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index and City Brands Index, two major surveys which use a panel of 20,000 people in 20 countries to monitor global perceptions of 50 countries and 50 cities and have accumulated more than a billion data points on “how the world sees the world”.

Anholt is the author of the best-selling books among them are Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Competitive Identity: the New Brand Management for Nations, Cities and Regions, (Palgrave Macmillan 2007); and Places: Image, Identity and Reputation (Palgrave Macmillan 2010).

His sixth non-fiction book, The Good Country Equation, will be published by Berrett-Koehler in August 2020.

Professor Anholt has a Master’s Degree from the University of Oxford and studied international relations and security studies at the Royal College of Defence Studies. He was a Parliamentarian of the European Cultural Parliament and in 2009 was awarded the Nobels Colloquia Prize for Economics by a committee of 10 Nobel economists in Trieste, and the Prix d’Excellence du Forum Multiculturel pour un Développement Durable (Award for Excellence in Sustainable Development), at the 7th Multicultural Forum at the Palais de la Découverte, Paris, in 2010. He was Vice-Chair of the UK Foreign Office’s Public Diplomacy Board (2003-2010) and was appointed Honorary Professor in Political Science by the University of East Anglia in 2013.

Theo Chambers

Tough Marketing for Tough Times, presented by Theo Chambers

The Joy Spot Motivation Talk with Theo Chambers

Mr. Chambers will present both the Joy Spot Motivational Talk and Tough Marketing for Tough Times.

Theo Chambers, Motivational Speaker and Business Coach Consultant, at CaribAcademy and Co-founder of Positive Tourism News (Jamaica). He is also the author of Theo’s Theory on Marketing and Management Strategies.


The Marathoner

Semi-Structure Discussion Cultural Sayings & Resilience Building Behaviours, Facilitated by Meegan Scott

Come with 3-5 sayings or proverbs from your home and host countries that drives the resilience mindset.

Meegan Scott, is the Principal at Magate Wildhorse Consulting. For almost two decades Meegan has helped organizational leaders across industries and geographical borders to get better results from their strategy development, planning, and execution processes.  She is the founder and owner of Magate Wildhorse Ltd., and Magate Wildhorse Inc. Her most recent in Caribbean engagements includes Climate Finance Strategy Planning, The First Ever Outsource to the Caribbean Conference (2017), business incubation, and  corporate strategy planner to the National Environment and Planning Agency of Jamaica. Meegan is the publisher of the syndicated column, The Marathoner; as well as the chief editor and publisher of The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine.

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A Moment with Lou by Andrew Sharpe                                                                Founder and CEO of Authentic Caribbean Foundation Inc. (ACF), Massachusetts. Andrew is a  Festival, Tourism, and Non-profit Professional. He is a philanthropist, and is passionate about theatre and performing Caribbean drama and theatricals.

Dr. Karren Dunkley

Your Surprise Event Speaker, join us for your surprise.

Dr. Dunkley will present:                                                                                          The Jamaica Diaspora Week Salute                                                                          Vote of Thanks to Mr. Simon Anholt                                                                               Event Moderator

Dr. Karren Dunkley is an Educator, Transformational Leader, and Social Advocate. She is the Representative of the Jamaican Diaspora, Northeast USA. Dr. Dunkley is a Proven Performer, who has earned the respect and recommendation of others who have seen her work first hand. Currently, Dr. Dunkley is one of the most successful educators in the United States, and one of the most internationally recognized Jamaican-born educators. As a former high school principal and deputy superintendent, Dr. Dunkley is known for her transformational leadership and her inspiring relationships with the young people whom she has mentored in Jamaica, New York, and Pennsylvania.

She holds a doctorate in Urban Education with a concentration in Organization and Leadership from Teachers College, Columbia University; Masters degrees in Political Science and Education Leadership from St. John’s University, and Columbia University, respectively, and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science with a minor in Education from St. John’s University. She is the principal/CEO of KND Consulting, LLC, and the co-proprietor of Spiritz of Montego Bay.

She is the recipient of the Tuskegee University Education Advocacy Award, Omega Psi Phi Education Achievement Award, Philadelphia OIC’s Impact Award, and the Team Jamaica Bickle Community Educator Award.

Event Rapporteur — Dania Sammott

Dania Headshot

Dania Sammott, is an experienced Retail Merchandizer and Travel Counsellor. Her experience include serving in the hypermarket sub-sector as well as in retail, pharmacy, food and household departments.  She is the Director, Public Relations for the Manchester High Alumni, Toronto, Chapter.

Event features: Joy Spot activity, Mouth and Mind discussion, COVID 19 business community experiences (open mic―diaspora, in Caribbean, other representatives of BAME or mainstream peers), Elevator pitches & network, review of prior topics in context of the assignment and action planning for helping individual businesses (entrepreneurs) get the best from the assignment. It is also aimed at helping those joining the series late to better understand the assignment, plan and execute their pivots.

Programme and Speakers (Click the link to view)

Registration Options

New to the series?

To receive your access link to the seminar please register at the link below.

Returning attendees

Email us at magate.wildhorse (at)  or click here.                                                Copy and paste the following in the subject line and body of your Email                          “Register me for “Outride COVID 19 — Can Your National Brand Attract the Big Spend?”  please include your name.

All attendee must click the join meeting link provided before the start of the meeting to receive your unique log in credentials.

We partner

Procurement officers and buyers in search of COVID 19 and other supplies are welcome to participate.

Caribbean and Canadian hotel and tourism stakeholders are welcome to attend.

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar is a global disapora entrepreneurs affair!                                                                                                                            Leaders of mainstream businesses with an interest in doing business with diaspora entrepreneurs are welcome to register for the match making and networking sessions.

Please note that this event is not just for small and micro-businesses, big businesses and big nonprofits can benefit also.

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Consulting, and The Community of Practise for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (Home of BIDEM Conference & Trade Show)

Advance or maintain the progress.

You can’t spell BAME without the C.  The contribution of the Caribbean has been too significant.  The impact on the Caribbean community is significant and different BCAME (Black, Caribbean, Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups) #BCAME    #BAME

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COVID 19 Opportunities — SDGs, Evaluation, Performance & Your Pivot

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Notice of misprint: Series 9 was held on Friday June 12, 2020 instead of Thursday the 11th.

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar

“Embracing risk for driving vision and growth”

The series is grounded in risk intelligence (RI). RI is that process of embracing risks and putting it to work for ensuring your business can survive or thrive during a crisis and beyond. It is also about value creation and protection. About delivering your vision and mission in the face of crisis as well as during the “normal”.

We were delighted to present series nine (9) in the Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar series yesterday.  Originally scheduled for Thursday the 11, 2020, heavy rains in the USA, Internet woes in Jamaica and Canada sought to outride our participants.

We empathize with those who were still experiencing challenges and had to join by phone or to missed the session.

While we wanted to wait for you; we had to make the week’s delivery timeline, so we did yesterday, June 12, 2020. Nothing would stop our special edition in support of our commitment to The Decade of Evaluation for Action.   And we were richly rewarded by the responses and ease with which attendees stayed  for the event which was held 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM, on a Friday evening.  For that we promise you workshops and discussions that expand on some of the topics touched on as you rollout plans and execute your COVID 19 recovery strategy and actions. Those sessions will also help those who joined the series in the later half,thus making it more difficult for them to complete the series assignment for strenghten their organizations because of the sessions missed.

When: June 11, 2020  |  Time: 3:00 PM EST  | Toronto & New York

Where: Online  | Registration detail below

Cost: Free

Event Programme: Click here to view.

Featured Sessions: 

The Decade of Evaluation for Action – What’s in It for Caribbean Communities presented by Meegan Scott. 

The Marathoner


Shared in that session were the campaign messages for the observation that were provided by conveners– UNFPAEvalYouth and the Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation.  In addition, the what, whys, who, and how for delivering the intended and desires results of the Decade of was presented.

Meegan shared how evaluation helped to tell where we were in delivering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 5 and 8 (No Poverty, Gender Equality, and Decent Work and Economic Growth).  The gathering examined why those goals were important and reflected on some of the associated indicators and targets. With greater success in delivering those goals globally the Black, Caribbean, Asian and other Minority Ethnic Groups (BCAME) would not  have been hit so hard by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Attendees found answers to the questions:

  • What is evaluation?
  • How it differs from data analysis?
  • How evaluation provides evidence for informing decision making versus data analysis by itself (especially as borrowed from research for another purpose)?
  • Why evaluation is critical to delivering the SDGs, pathways of transformation (broad and contextual).

Ten (10) evaluation approaches were presented; and of the ten, seven (7) were highlighted for significant increase in demand and use by community service organizations in the Jamaican and Caribbean diasporic markets.

Among the ten listed were utilization-focused evaluations, randomized control trials, gender-based, humanitarian and empowerment evaluations.  Types of evaluation generally applied at various stages in the life of an intervention, evaluation questions associated with each; the need for better evaluations and capacity building in evaluation was also shared.  Meegan, also shared the Magate Wildhorse commitment related to influential evaluations— facilitating the use of evaluations, partnerships for evaluation, accelerating the SDGs through evaluation, strategic planning, and critical friend evaluation support.

Also shared were four types of influential evaluations, features, utility and impacts of good influential evaluations.  Attendees were encouraged to join and commit to the Decade of Evaluation for Action. We are pleased to note that one attendee is in high gear with planning for the delivery of one action by next week; and another is moving to establish a supporting business..

That session was the second action delivered by Magate Wildhorse as a  committed North America organizational partner in the delivery of the global goals and expected results of the Decade for Evaluation for Action.

Theo Chambers


Theo Chambers delivered another laughter extracting power treat, Joy Spot Motivational Session. He reminded participants that “knowledge was not power, but that power was what you do with knowledge”.  “Thank you Theo, Great reminder of how to live life” and  ” well said” were among the comments participants share in response to Theo’s message.

Andrew Sharpe 3


Andrew Sharpe gifted us with “Bun and Cheese” for life in the session A Moment with Miss Lou.  Participants had the following comments for Andrew, “Enjoyable Love Ms. LOU”, “Great work Andrew”,  “ Nice piece of Jamaica culture @Andrew” and “He’s good, am sorry he did not pursue it as a career”. “I loved it”.  Andrew we at Magate Wildhorse was hearing “Bun and Cheese” by Miss Lou for the first time. Thank you for that treat.

Meegan Scott also delivered the fourth session, COVID 19 Opportunities — SDGs, Evaluation, Performance & Your Pivot (For profits & Non-profits) .

In this session we took a quick recap of the entrepreneurial skills gap of the Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (See Fact or Fiction). Following the pre-COVID 19 capacity challenges of both for profit and non-profits, Scott challenged the gathering to become industry influencers. She emphasized the need to conduct needs assessment for entrepreneurship and other community development interventions, experiments, case studies, SMARTER and measurable indicators that would stretch and reward organizations and their leaders as they stepped to the COVID 19 challenge.  She also highlighted the need for capacity building in evaluation for both programme and business operations, for  Caribbean communities and the rest of BCAME.  The need to “do it ourselves” when it comes to business recovery as well as purpose and profit for driving the delivery of the SDGs in host and home countries was also stressed. The need for more and better evaluation, advocacy,  grey literature, and community finance was hammered home.

Could You become an Industry Influencer

From Session 4 , Getting ready for re-opened markets

Session four is where for-profit leaders got a deep dive into why BCAME did not benefit from stimulus monies and the fact that the writting was on the wall before the funding became available. The 5C’s and 5P’s methods of evaluating credit risk;  periodic cashflow red flag; indicators, results trees and how they were used to track changes in beneficiary outcomes and validate resilience or transformation was covered.  Given, the interest of several participants in the agriculture and food business sector the Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P) guidelines and examples referenced since the start of series  was expounded on in greater depth yesterday.

Not All Doom and Gloom – Pent Up Demand– Get Ready for Re-Opened Markets

Socio-economic trends globally, sustainable ocean economy (blue economy) opportunities by way of home countries were discussed as was tactics for tapping the COVID 19 BCAME legacy.  Meegan shared that many BCAME businesses thought to be dead in the service sectors will have significant opportunities for filling pent up demand; the need for new inventory by retailers; and heightened demand for variety, plus willingness to bargain shop and to try new things. She cautioned entrepreneurs to get ready to meet the demand, protect health and provide reassurance to clients related to the protection of their health. She left them with  ten tactics for seizing the opportunities presented by COVID 19. And a reminder to plan, execute, monitor, conduct ongoing environmental scans, evaluate, adjust, and update strategy and plans if they are to attain increased risk intelligence and resilience.

What participants had to say about the two sessions presented by Meegan Scott:

“The session was an informative one and there was valuable information shared that a I think that the Caribbean Diaspora could benefit from especially the group that is involved in non-profit organizations”.

“Excellent information”, “Informative session”, “Great presentation Meegan”, “Awesome presentation.  I felt like I was in a PHD class.  Thanks”

“Great point about able to do higher level analysis @ Meegan”.

As always the session ended with the gathering and chit chat among attendees.

Event Rapporteur, Dania Sammott will provide notes from the session report for attendees.

Dania Headshot


Join us next Thursday at 2:00 PM Eastern for series 10.

If you’ve never been to one of the sessions and would like to join us, please pre-register at the link below.

We commit to facilitate


Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar is a global disapora entrepreneurs affair!                                                                                                                            Leaders of mainstream businesses with an interest in doing business with diaspora entrepreneurs are welcome to register for the match making and networking sessions.

Please note that this event is not just for small and micro-businesses, big businesses and big nonprofits can benefit also.

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Consulting, and The Community of Practise for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (Home of BIDEM Conference & Trade Show)

Advance or maintain the progress.

You can’t spell BAME without the C.  The contribution of the Caribbean has been too significant.  The impact on the Caribbean community is significant and different BCAME (Black, Caribbean, Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups) #BCAME    #BAME

Footer sustainable develop seminar


We Commit to Influential Evaluation

Placards-we commit to influential evaluation

What a transition to a new day?

It was 12:56 PM on June 2, 2020 when we received the invitation to participate in the #Eval4Action Global Marathon of Engagement via Email from the IOCE Network.

Knowing the urgency and importance of the initiative we did not hesitate.

After all, since April 16, 2020 we have been supporting Caribbean and diaspora business leaders with responding to the coronavirus pandemic and how to exit COVID 19 with stronger more risk intelligent competent businesses.

It fact, it all began on April 2, 2020 with the help of the media when Meegan Scott shared the article Beyond Risk Management, Stay on Top COVID 19

Our participants include leaders of mission-driven and profit-driven organizations, media, members and change makers within the Jamaican and Caribbean diaspora leaders based in Canada, the USA and UK as well as other stakeholders and supporters.

Our Outride COVID 19: Business Threat Seminar series are inclusive.  Entrepreneurs from mainstream groups worldwide, Africa, Asia, Europe, the Pacific, North America have been invited to join. We run no wire fence related to size, scale, colour, or origin.  Our presenters also reflected our position on inclusiveness and unity for driving economic recovery and the SDGs.

On early outcome of the series among others Jamaica Stock Exchange to Develop Pooled Funds for Driving Diaspora Investment in Productive Capital .

1_day_to_goSo, submitting our expression of interest to partner for this initiative was extremely easy.

As June 2. 2020 slipped into June 3 submitting our expression of interest to join and one to partner was a done deal. With our submission receipt security tucked away we inquired about the need to wait for additional green light for getting on the job of delivering our commitment. We got that green light and there has been no turning back.

Today, June 9, 2020 is 1 day before the #Eval4Action Global Marathon of Engagement. Coincidentally, it is also 1 day less than a week since we submitted our expression of interest to partner and commenced our support for the initiative.

We are delighted by every minute spent sharing the message.

Won’t you join?

10 June 2020, 1-3pm GMT, 9-11am ET

Everyone can join!


Don’t forget we will be adding one extra special session in support of this initiative to our Outride: COVID 19 Seminar for June 11, 2020. There was another evaluation related session slotted in before we joined the campaign.

To register for the series, click the following link:

See you tomorrow at the Marathon. See you Thursday at Outride.

Footer sustainable develop seminar

Meegan Scott and Magate Wildhorse Consulting Commit to Influential Evaluation

Evaluation Committment Quote Meegan Scott

This year and throughout the “Decade of Evaluation for Action”  we will continue to deliver corporate strategy planning solutions that are built with evaluation in mind.  Both strategy and plans that make the next phases of the strategy continuum easy and more impactful.

The coronavirus pandemic has and will erase some of the progress made towards realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), on top of the risk of failure to meet the targets that existed before COVID 19.

As such we look forward to facilitating the use of evaluation and organizational assessments in order to help drive impact.

Of special interest for us are planning that supports evaluation, evaluation, and organizational assessments in the following areas:

  • Market systems development programmes,
  • Caribbean immigrant community serving not-for-profits,
  • International development programmes and projects related to trade, climate finance, Environment, private sector development,
  • Economic development clusters, and areas where geographical indicators is being used to protect intellectual property and hopefully equitable benefit from local resources, culture, and traditional practice as well as
  • diaspora development events and programmes.

Join 1 web siteWe will continue to integrate research, training, evaluation how-s and whys into our Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar series which is grounded in risk intelligence.  Monitoring, evaluation, assessment, and improvement are crucial to building risk intelligence and risk intelligence competence in our diaspora and mainstream organizations.  During series 9, which will be held on June 11, 2020 we will shift the focus on evaluation and organizational assessments to communication.

And more so the risks of growing or maintaining a culture that embraces pseudo-evaluations, ideological marketing, deception; and the frustrations that comes from a solo focus on funder driven transparency and accountability focused evaluations to the neglect of organizational strategy, mission, vision, growth and innovation.  We will be helping our attendees in the non-profit sector in particular to look at the opportunity for integrating the GCS framework in the communications component of their programmes.

It is our hope that by taking this approach the thirst for truth, impact, innovation or innovative, relevance and improvement will be a part of what they do from the start.

If you operate a Caribbean diaspora organization join us along with our entrepreneurs on June 11, 2020 for the next series with something powerful for you when it comes to performance and improvement.

To our entrepreneurs, no need to worry as you’ve seen before  we will have your piece of the pie ready for you as usual. This time around the focus will be on financial evaluation for credit.

We commit to building partnerships on evaluation.   We could go on and on about the benefits of partnership from different perspectives including ownership, democracy, learning, as well as in relation to consulting partnerships who partner. But why not check in for a chat on that one.

Mark your calendars for the #Eval4Action Global Marathon of Engagement.

Campaign launch & opening remarks by UNFPA Executive Director @Atayeshe and @UNYouthEnvoy @jayathmadw

10 June 2020, 1-3pm GMT, 9-11am ET Everyone can join! Register:

Won’t you join us?

Footer sustainable develop seminar

Decade of Evaluation for Action — Join Eval4Action

logo-01FECADE of evaluation


The global evaluation community is coming together to help make the #SDGs a reality.  While the world copes with #COVID19, now is the time to rely on evidence-based decisions.

The Decade of #Eval4Action is now.

“We commit to influential evaluation”                                                                                “We commit to facilitating use of evaluation”                                                                 “We commit to building partnerships on evaluation”                                                          “We commit to supporting Young and Emerging Evaluators” among others.

Won’t you join us?

Find out more at:

Join 1 web site

#Eval4Action #DecadeOfAction #Agenda2030 #GlobalGoals #SDGs