Join Us in Celebrating IDW2019

International development week 2019 celebrating #IDW2019 IDW2019 gender equality

Celebrating International Development Week 2019

We’ll be joining you in celebration this week.

And we’ve got a thing or two for helping you to achieve your development objectives.

Gender equality, gender equity, rights-based, gender-focused― we’ll help you get it right.

Improve your results. Advance progress towards gender equity with effective behavior change marketing, gender-focused planning, webinars, stakeholder engagements, or evaluation.

Let’s talk!  Contact us to schedule a meeting today!


Go for big this year!

Scaling up doesn't happen overnight. We are here to help you do it a step at a time

Go for big in 2019!

Make bold and strategic moves for achieving your business ambition.

Star in your own business show.

Let us help you along the way!

If you’d like to preview a selection of our general services versus our scale up solution visit the following link:

Message us for a free consultation today!

Available for serving entrepreneurs through economic development agencies, business incubators, business accelerators, newcomer entrepreneur programmes, workshops, and speaking engagements.

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ZA Women-led Small and Medium Sized Business Owners Invited to Participate in Research on Going Global

A random selection of women-led small to medium sized business owners and managers in South Africa will be invited to take part in a study that will provide valuable insights to inform a forthcoming Paper as well as the academic, and entrepreneur support communities on the process of internationalization among such entities in the context of a developing country.

The Paper is the first in a series that will feature, South Africa as a developing country; it will be followed by a second that is focused on Caribbean consulting businesses in the Diaspora. The Paper on South Africa aims to increase the pool of literature that is available on how and why internationalization takes place in women-led consulting businesses that fall in the category small to medium sized entities (SMEs).

Magate Wildhorse Ltd, Dr. Daniel Maposa, and Dr. Zakaria Sorgho will ensure that stakeholders have a say in framing, planning and conduct of the research. Dr. Maposa is a lecturer in the Department of Statistics and Operations Research in the School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Faculty of Science & Agriculture, at the University of Limpopo and Magate Wildhorse Associate. Dr. Sorgho, is a research fellow at the Department of Economics, HEC-Liège, University of Liège (Belgium), and Economist-in-Chief at African Centre for International Trade and Development – ACITD. He is also an Associate Researcher at Centre for Inter-disciplinary Studies on International Trade and Investment (CSITI), Laval University (Canada).

The findings of the research will be shared with a wide cross section of stakeholders and communities.

The study will provide insights into the role of networks and diaspora connections in the internationalization of the entities studied.  In addition, it will present a comparison of the outcomes of born global versus born-again global entities and the factors that triggered the move to serve foreign markets.

The research will be guided by Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans , all data collected will be anonymized and stored in a safe and secure manner.

For more information about the study or the paper please contact lead researcher, Meegan Scott of Magate Wildhorse Ltd, at or 1(647) 854-5323.

magatelogogreen  born global and born-again global South African  Women-led Online Surveyfocus group women-led management consulting businesses South Africa SMEs small medium sized enterprises

Professional Standards & Guidelines We Embrace

Below are some of the major professional standards and guidelines embraced by Magate Wildhorse and by which we are guided in delivering our service and our in operations.

Strategy Planning and Strategic Change Management

  • ASP Body of Knowledge (ASP BOK)

Planning Models & Cycle Tools We Love

  • The Re-invented Strategic Management Model was developed by Haines and Associates and the Centre for Strategic Management
  • The CIVICUS Planning Framework
  • Strategy Cycle  (Bryson, M. J. (2004)
  • Plan Do Check Communicate & Improve (PDCA)/ Plan Do Check Act

Marketing, Advertising and Market Research

  1. Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada)
  2. Chartered Institute of Marketers – CIM UK
  3. Marketing Research Association Code of Ethics in Marketing Research
  4. Marketing Research Society Code of Conduct – Click here to download a copy
  5. American Marketing Association
  • No harm
  • Embrace ethical values
  • Embrace ethical values
  • Honesty
  • Fairness
  • Responsibility
  • Respect

5. AMA Ethical Norms and Values for Marketers

6. Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans

Project Management & Program Management

Project Management Institute

Performance Measurement, Management and Evaluation

  1. The program evaluation standards developed by the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (JCSEE). There are five standards which provide practice guidelines relating to  Utility
  • Feasibility
  • Propriety
  • Accuracy
  • Evaluation Accountability.

2. The American Evaluation Association (AEA),  Statement on Cultural Competence in Evaluation (2011)
3. The AEA Guiding Principles for Evaluators
The key guidelines relates to:

  • Systematic Inquiry
  • Competence
  • Integrity/Honesty
  • Respect for People
  • Responsibilities for General Public Welfare

   Technical guidance manuals

1. Technical Guidance for Planning and Managing Impact Evaluation
Evaluators should be guided by the publication:
  Impact Evaluation in UN Agency Evaluation Systems: Guidance on Selection, Planning and Management
2. Technical Guidance for Integrating Human Rights & Gender Equality in Evaluation
Evaluators should be guided by the publication:
     UNEG Handbook “Integrating Human Rights and Gender Equality in Evaluation

3. Selection of other Manuals and  Documents for Evaluations Organizational  Assessments and Reporting

Non-profit Standards & Operational Guidelines that we share with and help our Non-profit clients to adopt and implement. 

  • Malcolm Baldrige Quality Standards and Performance Assessment Awards Program
  • Imagine Canada
  • Roberts Rules & Parliamentary Procedures