Public Announcement: Caribbean Immigrant Consultants & Professional Service Provider Survey
Deadline for all extended to January 25, 2019.
Magate Wildhorse Ltd., wishes to inform Caribbean immigrant entrepreneurs, namely management consultants and providers of professional services about the “Caribbean Immigrant: Born Global and Born-Again Global Consulting Business Survey”
Caribbean immigrant entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs with Caribbean roots in all the Region’s diasporic markets are invited to share by way of the survey.
Your answers along with that of other respondents will help decision-makers, you, and entrepreneurs to better understand what drives the decision to export and the best approaches for accelerating scale-up of your businesses in foreign markets. Thank you for sharing by completing the survey by Monday, December 31, 2018! Deadline extended to January 25, 2019.
Please click the following link to take the survey: https://goo.gl/forms/gWb0iFM1z5mFVJC22
Thank you for the time taken to share.
The research is guided by Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans , all data collected will be anonymized and stored in a safe and secure manner.
Thanks also for sharing appropriately with your network.
Happening also ― is a focus group for ensuring the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs provides solutions that supports and advances the ambitions of your business.
Deadline for all extended to January 25, 2019.
The CoP is a unique hybrid that is designed with the structure for delivering its vision and purpose.
Deadline for focus group extended: If, you’d like to share in a Focus Group related to the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (Including second generation and beyond of Caribbean immigrants in the diaspora please click the following link to find out more, https://goo.gl/1UfiyF
Thanks again for sharing.
For further information: Please Email us at magatewildhorse@gmail.com
Share if you are a management consultant or professional service provider with Caribbean roots in Canada, UK, Italy, USA, Portugal, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, China, India, Malaysia, France, Lebanon, Singapore, Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, Brazil, Panama, Peru, all of Africa, rest of Asia, the Mediterranean and other countries not listed. We want to hear from you even if your country or place of business and residence is not listed above.