Is Strategic Thinking―Really All That Important?


It is if you are looking to explore or develop ideas, products, services or innovations that get you where you want to be.

So yes, Strategic thinking, can deliver what you need for getting to competitive edge.  Therefore, you will want it to be your number one.

Strategic thinking involves research, asking the right questions, and of course thinking. It happens in a formal strategic thinking process before moving into strategy planning. strategic thinking firemagatReading a booking, doing your chores, watching a video, nature watching and many other day-to-day activities might generate ideas. But strategic thinking for your business, career or other big moves is often designed to force you to think in a structured way about the next opportunity and how you might seize or create it.  It is designed to focus on what you could do to gain a competitive edge or  how to retain it.

Get hooked on engaging in regular strategic thinking activities today!

You might be surprised to find that completing a questionnaire designed to force you into a strategic thinking mode could deliver rich results.

magatestrategicthinkingStrategic thinking might be facilitated by the use of numerous tools and processes in a group setting or alone.

I have been speaking about business monkey, macaws, and mimics over the past days. If you are yet to figure out your business monkey and don’t know what the crap I am talking about, I invite you to take the survey at the following link,

This survey is not a customer feedback or customer satisfaction instrument; it is designed to give to you and your business as much as it is designed to share your thoughts and viewpoints with us.

Request for More Time to Complete Risk, Planning, and Entrepreneurship Survey

We received your calls and texted messages for an extension; we will therefore extend the deadline for completing the survey to midnight April 29, 2016.

You will find that a segment of the survey will force you into a bit of strategic thinking for your business, career in management or human resource management. You are bound to walk away with a few ideas or viewpoints that you would have come up with yourself.

Tell us about the point in the Survey when you got that “Bing” regarding your business monkey if you have not yet found it. It might also be your “monkey” regarding hiring and adding human talent to your business. Perhaps a seed will be planted and you will find your monkey tomorrow, next week, or even next month.

20 something minutes is a worthy investment in strategic thinking for career or business. Many thanks to those of you who have already completed the survey.

Thanks also for the feedback regarding your experience.

We thank the respondents who texted, called or Email to indicate that they have completed the Survey.

We look forward to the views of those who will share during the next couple of hours!

Have a great day!

Magate Wildhorse℠

Planning, Risk, and Entrepreneurship Survey

You could win a month’s supply of Energy + Mind Coffee, or a place in a Magate Wildhorse Webinar if you choose to include your contact in the Survey!

Please scroll to read introduction and to begin survey (See side bar on intro panel below).


All rights reserved — Copyright © 2016 by Magate Wildhorse℠ and Meegan Scott.



Free Webinar Plus Help With Planning Matrix

Discover an easy way to create a planning and performance matrix for your organization.

Request a free webinar on how to develop your planning matrix today!
What you will learn?

How to create and use the planning matrix to:

  • Organize to get the right work done;
  • How to get more work for profit; and
  • How to improve your performance results.

Attend a webinar Free with no purchase obligation!

Why You Should Attend
There are 3 little things that often prevent an organization from achieving the competitive edge needed to succeed or thrive.
They are:

  • Getting organized in order to get work done;
  • Putting structures in place for getting work done; and
  • Getting more of the right work done for making a profit or surplus.

Many organizations have a business plan or a strategic plan.

Many host Board Retreats, strategic planning exercises, management meetings, trainings, and team building exercises yet fail to achieve the desired performance results.

No matter how hard they try they just can’t seem to get the right things done.

Where things fall apartThings generally fall apart at the point where strategy, execution, and execution tools should be tied together.

Why do things fall apart at this point?
Because there is generally no strategic management system for tying the two together.
But organizations can choose one of two proven tools for solving the problem, they are:

  • The Logical Framework Matrix; and the
  • Hoshin X-Matrix.

The tool you choose will depend on your processes and strategies.
Organizations that are implementing a LEAN Strategy and or Lean Process may prefer the Hoshin X-Matrix.
Either tool makes it so much easier to get your “Plan, Do, Check, Improve” right.

Tie the Right Knots

How We Can Help

  • We will create your Logical Framework  Matrix or your Hoshin X-Matrix
  • Provide hold your hand help to create Work Plans based on your Logical Framework Matrix
  • We will prepare, review and refine, or create your Quarterly and Annual Organizational Performance Reports based on your Planning Matrix

Thinking of buying a solution?


Try before you buy! Request a free webinar for up to 3 members of your team.
Join the webinar free, from home or office, North America, Caribbean, Europe, Pacific, or Africa.
Click here to request your webinar or phone: 1(647) 854-5323
Paid webinars for staff teams are also available maximum 15 participants.
Face-to-face workshops – maximum 20 participants.

to you from meegan

Where to Shop for ―Remote and On-site Business and Executive Solutions

  • Virtual Project Management and Planning War Rooms
  • Corporate Strategy Planning
  • Organizational Assessments
  • Project and Program Planning/ Re-design
  • Work Plan Development
  • Workshops
  • Capacity Building
  • Research  &  Literature Reviews
  • In-Country Sales Support―Caribbean Exporters (Coming soon, Canadian Exporters)
  • Change Marketing
  • Strategic Marketing Planning
  • Business Plans
  • Annual Strategic Operational Plans
  • Project and Program Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Help with Project or Program Coordination and Management
  • Executive Coaching
  • Entrepreneur Development Training
  • Off-site Project and Program Management and/ Measurement

Solutions are offered face-to-face, virtually or blended.

Magate Wildhorse

Serving Canada, USA, UK, the British Virgin Islands, US Virgin Islands, Caribbean, and Pacific States

phone for bizplan

Click here to request a meeting | proposal | free consultation | or workshop

What You Get When You Buy This Solution

risk adjusted

  • A plan you understand and can execute.
  • Free consultation before you buy
  • A plan that helps you to organize marketing, sales, cash flow, and operations for ensuring you can meet your profit and service targets
  • A guide that helps you to improve efficiency and effectiveness
  • Assigned roles and responsibilities and their contribution to specific and individual goals, objectives, targets, results, or strategy success
  • A plan and strategy that is adjusted to give you the handle on strategy and business risk
  • A plan that tells what you are accountable for and what you commit to delivering
  • The basis for evidence-based monitoring and reporting; performance evaluation, and assessment
  • A plan that inspires commitment and one that wins entrepreneur, team, investor, and customer confidence.
  • A guide for increasing sales and growing profit
  • A performance management system that suits your need and schedule.

Your plan and planning experience are guaranteed to foster learning; and helps with continuous improvement. In other words, your Strategic Operational Plan is “Plan, Do, Check, and Improve” ready!

Goals, objectives, strategies, output, outcomes, KPIs, KRIs, indicator targets, and reporting timelines are clearly articulated.

How We Work

Annual Strategic Operational Plans – Now on sale!

operational plan mini16.v.1

1 Yr. Annual Strategic Operational Plans
For― Small Medium and Micro Sized Enterprises | Businesses | Government Departments | Donor Projects & Programs |Charities | Associations | Solopreneurs | Start-ups

You are now funder ready or have received funding and is up and running. Perhaps you are a business that is financed by owner investment, and or partner/ shareholder investments. You have one or more of the following: a solid strategy; a business plan; or corporate strategy plan; program charter; funder agreement; and or corporate objects and is struggling to decide how to organize and get the work for advancing your mission, vision, mandate or goal done!

We can help you to craft the right work plan for ensuring:

  • you get the work that matters done
  • you are able to meet organizational, funder, client, stakeholder, and regulatory reporting requirements
  • you are able to exceed the expectations of customers, members, clients, or other stakeholders
  • you deliver solutions that are relevant and win you more contracts or opportunities
  • You are able to measure progress made in delivering your goals, objectives, and targets for the period

What You Get When You Buy This Solution

What You Get When You Buy This Solution

risk adjusted

  • A strategy and plan you understand and can execute
  • Free consultation before you buy
  • A plan that is designed to let you deliver planned results; and increased levels of impact
  • A plan and strategy that are adjusted to give you the handle on both strategy and business risk
  • A plan designed to drive quality and continuous improvement in your operations
  • A plan that shows contribution to national, local, funder and or global goals, change or impact
  • A plan that supports ease in reporting and put you on a path to attaining quality designation
  • Measures for helping you to get things like effective governance; accountability; transparency; compliance; advocacy; and increased stakeholder value right
  • Tested assumptions, scenario planning and simulations for helping you to gain the handle on risk and uncertainty.
  • A plan that inspires commitment and wins― staff, funder, community, member, customer, and other stakeholder confidence.
  • Your guide to increasing earnings, winning more funding, and improving financial viability and sustainability
  • A plan that is aligned, and guards against mandate, purpose, or mission drift.

Your plan and planning experience are guaranteed to foster learning; and helps with continuous improvement. In other words, your Program Plan is “Plan, Do, Check, and Improve” ready!

Goals, objectives, strategies, output, outcomes, KPIs, KRIs, indicator targets, and reporting timelines are clearly articulated.    

In addition to key performance indicators, included are key risk indicators, together they will help you and your program to fail forward to greater success!

How We Work

3 Yr. Program Plans – Now on sale!


3 Yr. Program Plans 
Nonprofit Organizations & International Development Project Solution

Available now, results-based plans and planning solutions that are designed to guide you to deliver― planned results; impact; and financial viability. Time and resource constraints make it difficult for many nonprofit organizations, charities, quasi-government, and international development projects to craft a plan and strategy that is enhanced by rigorous adjustment for strategy and business risks.

We guarantee you will receive a plan and supporting performance management tools that suits your needs; and one that does not add undue burden on your existing resources.

What You Get When You Buy This Solution

What You Get When You Buy This Solution

risk adjusted

  • A strategy and plan you understand and can execute
  • Free consultation before you buy
  • A plan that is feasible; says what success should look like and is designed to help you succeed
  • A plan and strategy that are adjusted to give you the handle on both strategy and business risk
  • A plan designed to drive quality and continuous improvement in your operations
  • A plan that shows contribution to national, local, funder and or global goals, change or impact
  • A plan that supports ease in reporting and put you on a path to attaining quality designation
  • Measures for helping you to get things like effective governance; accountability; transparency; compliance; advocacy; and increased stakeholder value right
  • Tested assumptions, scenario planning and simulations for helping you to gain the handle on risk and uncertainty
  • A plan that inspires commitment and wins― staff, funder, community, member, customer, and other stakeholder confidence
  • Your guide to increasing sales, winning more funding, and improving financial viability and sustainability
  • A plan that is aligned, and helps you guard against mission drift.

Your plan and planning experience are guaranteed to foster learning; and helps with continuous improvement. In other words, your corporate strategy plan is “Plan, Do, Check, and Improve” ready!

Goals, objectives, strategies, output, outcomes, KPIs, KRIs, indicator targets, and reporting timelines are clearly articulated.

How We Work


3 Yr. Corporate Strategy Plans – Now on Sale!


3 Yr. Corporate Strategy Plans
Nonprofits, Governments, & International Development Project Solutions

Available now, results-based plans and planning solutions that are designed to help you deliver― planned results; impact; and financial viability. Time and resource constraints make it difficult for many nonprofit organizations, quasi-government, and international development projects to craft a plan and strategy that is enhanced by rigorous adjustment for strategy and business risks.

We guarantee you will receive a plan and supporting performance management tools that suits your needs; and one that does not add undue burden on your existing resources.

What You Get When You Buy This Solution