Questions from the dark.
It’s Global Entrepreneurship Week, that means Views on News is back!
Share your views and become a newsmaker.
You and your business that is!
Deadline: Monday, November 15, at 6:00 PM | Toronto, EST
Each year we partner with The Caribbean Camera to bring you this opportunity to share and promote your business during Global Entrepreneurship Week.
This year we present you with one radio and four opportunities for gettng published.
Seize this opportunity to represent your brand.
Who can submit?
Publication date – Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020
How to participate:
One hundred and eighty countries, including Canada, several in the Caribbean and its diasporic markets are celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) 2020. #Ecosystems and #Policy are among the themes of GEW 2020. Ecosystems focuses on building connected and thriving entrepreneur communities. Policy aims to recognize the work of government in helping entrepreneurs “start and scale”. It has been concluded that even with a COVID-19 vaccine the pandemic will be far from contained for 2021. Therefore we cannot rely on economic forecasts for informing business decision making.
SMEs, small, medium-sized and micro-enterprises.
Thank you for submitting your response in 100- 150 words for Views on News. Eighty words will be fine but not more than 150.
Include your name, the name of your business, city and the country where your business is located.
Please include a headshot photo or portrait with attitude that is not cluttered (There may be nice background image but you, your face should be visible.
Type or copy and paste “Views on News Entry” in the subject line.
I know some of you have been anxiously awaiting your question, six will be featured in Views on News in The Caribbean Camera.
A treasure hunt on Magate Wildhorse blog or LinkedIn page will lead you to the other media opportunities.
Each entrepreneur is limited to a maximum of two print and a radio opportunity only.
Depending on uptake you might be restricted to one during Global Entrepreneurship Week.
Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.
Revenue and increasing revenue is one of the clearest sign that you and your business are in business when we talk reality.
Join Andrea Livingston-Prince
November 19, 2020
Time: 11:15 AM Toronto, EST | 11:15 Jamaica | 12:15 Eastern Caribbean
What you’ll learn
This session, global and local goals:
The workshop is intended to help drive SDGs # 8 ―Decent Work through strong businesses and SDG 11 ― Sustainable Cities and Communities in home and diasporic markets.
This a is utilization-focused session, all levels can comprehend, use, and benefit.
It is suitable to private sector development practitioners, consultants and policy agents, business development actors and entrepreneurs.
(Click the word above)
Click the words Register here
Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.
Details at: Showcase or the image above to view.
Graphic design by Meegan Scott
Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.
Here’s your entrepreneur’s steal of a deal for zero penny.
Publishing and publicity one action; two standout results for finishing 2020 strong!
Respond to the piece below to get featured during Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW 2020). This year GEW will be celebrated November 16-22.
Mission Drift, The Stormerpreneurs℠ and Finishing 2020 Strong
“Young bird nuh know storm” — unless of course they were born in 2020 among the turmoil of COVID-19. If the term stormerpreneur has a place in your unique story or journey then let us know by your response to the question below.
This has been a busy year with lots of pivots and virtual activities so it would not be surprising if many of our organizations experienced some form of mission drift. Mission drift can be positive though we mostly hear about the negative drift. Tell us about your experience below. Thank you
#IAmAnEntrepreneur #yes #toentrepreneurship #GEW2020
Word length: 200- 400 words maximum
Deadline: Friday, November 14, 2020.
Register to participate in this and other events at the following link
Some lucky participants will have a chance to share in print as well as in video.
Click the link or text highligthed green to submit your written piece to Mission Drift.
Submit your pieces to: submit here.
.You may submit a video version of your story in addition to the written piece (File format, MP4. MPEG-4, WMV).
The best six will be selected for publishing during GEW 2020.
The next 3 runners up will be featured in another publication in December.
Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Consulting!
Copyright © 2018 by Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.
This year Magate Wildhorse Consulting [Magate Wildhorse Ltd, Toronto and Magate Wildhorse Inc., New York] and The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs will deliver #BIDEM 2020 GEW Brawta.
We will carry forward the BIDEM Conference and Trade Show theme:
“Connecting the Roots, Building Networks Together for Profit and Purpose”.
Our GEW celebrations will serve to accelerate the kick off of BIDEM, the entrepreneur and market development process which commenced on October 13, 2020.
BIDEM [pronounced BID-EM], means bridged, high impact diaspora entrepreneurs to efficient diasporic markets! It also aims to drive the growth of high impact mainstream businesses with that delightful ethnic flavor. It is grounded in local, national, regional and international sustainable development. Profit and purpose and draws in risk intelligence, evaluation, monitoring and improvement for delivering profit, purpose, the Global Goals, improvement and BIDEM.
The programme will advance progress for reducing the big 6 barriers to Caribbean Entrepreneurship in diasporic markets and with some being applicable to domestic markets. The #Eval4Action Campaign and evaluation for driving the SDGs will receive a boost as well as the GEW 2020 themes.
#GEW2020 #Education #Ecosystems #Inclusion #Policy
We primary focus is not startups though we include startups; we focus on not so seasoned and seasoned businesses, strong, weak and ambitious and the average.
Registration form
We are official GEN/GEW Partners Canada, USA and Caribbean Diasporic Markets.
About Magate Wildhorse
About The CoP
Magate Wildhorse was the main sponsors of BIDEM 2020 while The WEKH sponsored the Conference app. SchoolToonz an animation company based in Jamaica sponsored the BIDEM logo.
Discussion Forum for Accelerating Caribbean Entrepreneurship (Virtual Hub)
Happening Tomorrow
Time: 2:00 PM Est | 1:00 PM Jamaica | 7:00 PM UK
Register to participate or join us on Facebook Live
Presenter: Roza Vasileva
Roza is a PhD Candidate in Digital Economy and Sr. Digital Development Consultant at the World Bank Group. She has been actively involved in related work in Africa and have contributed to the agenda of the World Economic Forum. She has conducted research in the areas of using data especially open government data and citizen generated urban data for designing citizen-centric smart sustainable cities. Roza holds an undergraduate degree in Public Relations from Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia in St. Petersburg and a dual master’s degree in Public Administration and International Affairs from Maxwell School of Syracuse University where she was a Fulbright Scholar. Since 2012 she serves as an ICT and Open Data consultant to the World Bank’s Transport and ICT Global Practice. At the World Bank she focuses on Open Government Data and Digital Government projects in over a dozen countries including Tanzania, Mauritius, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, India, Kazakhstan, and Russia.
Why You Cannot Afford to Miss This Event
It is known that local actions by citizens and their contribution to providing data, raising issues as well as contributing to monitoring and evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are crucial to the success in meeting the targets. If we have learnt nothing from the harsh blows of COVID-19 in the BCAME diaspora (Black, Caribbean, Asian and other Minority Ethnic Groups) communities, we have learnt about the importance of not having community data. We have learnt the high price of not having evidence. We have learnt that government cannot generate all the data for supporting plans and policies for effecting the needed transformation in our communities.
We have seen how evidence in the form of videos recordings have helped in the fight against racial injustice the case of George Floyd being among the most notable. But it the data we generate can also help in other ways when it comes to ensuring what matters to you in relation to topics such as social injustice, climate change, mental health, economic inequality, education, entrepreneurship and modern day slavery are included on policy agendas, budgets, action plans, and studies among other. What gets measured gets funded!
Being commitment and having the capacity to generate our own data as entrepreneur communities and diaspora communities will make a significant difference in advancing our progress. Evaluation is said to have the biggest multiplier effect in driving the delivery of the SDGs. It can work for you in making strong strategy plans, programmes, evaluation and delivering the evidence for ensuring your relevance, ensuring your inclusion and participation as well as transparency and accountability.
Businesses and entrepreneurs must also commit to contributing the voluntary national reporting on the SDGs by their cities and countries. Today only a quarter of businesses do so, change has to move from local to global, we must own, participate in and ensure accountability in relation the transformation that is needed by our communities and businesses.
Join us tomorrow learn what, how and the connection to the SDGs from expert Roza Vasileva.
Come ready to ask questions and to seek guidance for improving your programmes in the Q & A session.
Request the registration link at magate.wildhorse(at) or join us live on
Moderator: Meegan Scott, B.Sc. Hons, MBA, CTM, ATM-B, CL, PMP
Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse and The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs