Transcript: Meegan Scott, Interviews Dorinda So, Conference Director

Post-Conference Interview Dorinda So

Meegan Scott    October 31, 2018

Dorinda So Research Director at the Institute of Competitiveness and Prosperity; and Conference Director, for the 21st TCI Network Global Conference (TCI 2018) Image Source:

Dorinda So Image Source:

We caught up with Dorinda So, Research Director at the Institute of Competitiveness and Prosperity; and Conference Director, for the 21st TCI Network Global Conference (TCI 2018).

Here’s what she had to share about the conference, women, Toronto, and the Caribbean.

Meegan: What would you say was your greatest takeaway from the TCI Conference last week?

Dorinda: For me, the greatest takeaway is seeing how much activity there is between 38 countries. TCI conferences are always friendly places to network and it’s a really humbling experience when people connect with one another and they learn from each other. It’s also a testament that we can foster good relationships; and we need this for trade purposes and to see our clusters grow.

Meegan: Do you have any messages for the CARICOM Caribbean on what Toronto has to offer as it relates to clusters and collaboration?

Dorinda: The Toronto Region, like so many places, are recognizing the need to collaborate.  Toronto isn’t a very large region in terms of population which is more the reason for clusters to collaborate in order to compete. And we are seeing a lot of collaboration happen within clusters, we are seeing that firsthand with the conference.

Finally, there are a lot of strong clusters here and it’s rare to see so many in a region that is not that large.

Meegan: You have just past the Flag or Baton of leadership to Belgium, what was Toronto, and Canada’s biggest benefit from its time in the leadership chair?

Dorinda: For us, it’s internally–or within the Toronto Region, getting people to work together. As much as there is collaboration there are also reasons to not work together, and it’s often because of perceived competition between organizations and governments. But this conference gave actors reason to work together. So many of the people who organized the cluster immersion experiences never worked with the other organizations in their working group before. Even if they wanted to, there was no reason for them to do so. We are thankful for this opportunity to be the catalyst for collaboration.

Externally, we are happy to showcase what we have in Toronto. Sometimes we are too self-deprecating as Canadians, at least I am, and therefore we don’t tell the world how great we really are. TCI 2018 was a chance to do this.

Meegan: Who was your biggest unexpected connection?

For me, it was working with UN Women. They reached out and we worked together to ensure that their amazing programme, WE EMPOWER received the attention that it deserves. This was the first TCI conference that put talent and diversity at the forefront of the conference and so it was fitting to work with UN Women and such a privilege.

We want to hear what you think about the possibilities for cluster partnerships between Toronto and the Caribbean?  What are your thoughts relating to economic development clusters and empowering women?

Share your thoughts at:


Mr. Mohamed Ali ATIG joins Magate Wildhorse as lead Associate Evaluation, Business Process Analysis and Value Chain

Mohamed Ali ATIG

Mohamed Ali ATIG B.Sc., MSc,

By Meegan Scott

Magate Wildhorse Ltd, is pleased to announce that Value Chain and Rural Sustainability Expert, Mr. Mohamed Ali ATIG has joined us in the capacity of Associate Evaluation, Business Process Analysis and Value Chain.  Mr. Ali ATIG is a welcomed addition to the Magate Wildhorse family; and more so in this our Iron Year of Truth and Good.

Mohamed will bring a significant boost to our evaluation, strategy, value chain and business process analysis capability.  He will also bring new competence to deliver agricultural planning and evaluation solutions.  With Mr. Ali ATIG on board we have doubled up our deftness to fulfill our promise to deliver strategy solutions with that laser sharp focus on value or what matters. And which will serve to position your organization to gain the competitive edge.

Mr. Ali ATIG holds a Master’s degree in National Resources Management and a Bachelor of engineering degree in Agroeconomic, Agricultural Development Policy specialization.   He also holds certifications in value chains, communication, adults training, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), microfinance, and coaching. Mohamed comes with experience leading final evaluations, entrepreneur, and incubation support.

He has served UN agencies and development organizations such as the FAO, IFAD, ILO, IFC, AFD, GIZ, EU, as well as NGOs and private sector entities.

Mohamed is member of the Order of Engineers of Tunisia, the JCI Chamber of Mutuelleville’s OLM, and the “Union Tunisienne des Ingénieurs Agronomes”/ Tunisian Union of Agronomist engineers.

Meegan Scott, is excited by the opportunity to grow a rich partnership with Mr. Mohamed Ali ATG as we work together for delivering greater value to clients and communities.

Partner Associate Mr. Ali ATIG please click the link to view.

Should Seeding Winners or Economic Inclusiveness be the Focus of Clusters?

Credit: TCI Network Source:

Credit: TCI Network

By Meegan Scott

Toronto, October 21, 2018 ― The 21st ‘TCI Network Global Conference’, the “leading global clusters event for government, business, and academic leaders” was held in Toronto October 16-18.

Event host, The Institute for Competitiveness & Prosperity (ICP), and presenting organization, The Competitiveness Institute Network (TCI), made Toronto and Canada proud by delivering on the promise to explore thoughts, perspectives, best practices, and facilitate new connections in relation to clusters as vehicles for economic development and inclusive prosperity.

“Clusters are geographic concentrations of industries related by knowledge, skills, input, demand, and or other linkages” (The Journal of Economic Geography). Through co-location, shared learning, synergies, partnerships, and access to shared resources, clusters are designed to drive productivity, innovation, the formation of new businesses, and job creation.

However, the meeting of minds between, industry, academia, economics, and the social sector concluded with a challenge to the definition of clusters and their roles.  At the heart of the debate was the question of “what constitute a cluster in terms of― business mix and geographic location”.  And even more controversial was the debate surrounding whether “inclusiveness” should be a priority focus or an outcome for clusters. According to Margaret Campbell of the ICP, that institution has “advocated for the development of strong clusters in the province of Ontario as a medium through which to accelerate closing the prosperity gap between the province and its peer jurisdictions”.

That vision includes linking human capital and small businesses in inner city communities to more lucrative industry clusters.  But the traditional role of clusters was to seed and accelerate the growth of ambitious companies destined to win. Finding the middle ground between supporting born to win and finding the ambitious but weak and helping them to win was a challenge for the major stakeholders and leaders of the cluster sector.

Ifor Ffowcs-Williams led a powerful workshop on “Clusters and internationalization”, a session attended by Indera Sagewan of Trinidad and Tobago, the only Caribbean delegate in attendance at the event. Latin America and Europe, as well as global leaders in clustering were well represented among the 37 countries and 340 delegates in attendance. The Caribbean missed out on an opportunity that delivered 11 Greater Toronto area, cluster immersion experiences, and global matchmaking sessions with more than 70 participants.

For Indera the biggest take-away came from Conference Keynote Roger Martin, (Director of the Martin Prosperity Institute and the Michael Lee-Chin Family Institute for Corporate Citizenship at the Rotman School of Management, and #1 Management thinker according to Thinkers50).  Her take-away― “Corporate Strategy is about choice: making the best choice.”  Mr. Martin shared an example of good and bad strategy “If the opposite of your strategy is stupid on its face it is not a good strategy―examples: a strategy aims at “maximizing customer strategy” the opposite would be “minimizing customer strategy” which is stupid.  He further pointed out that “the only thing important in strategy is what you do, not what you say”.

One of the inclusiveness strategies presented had to do with bringing businesses from one country eco-system to strengthen them for driving growth in addition, to sending businesses to the source eco-system.  Given, expected volatility and limited capacity of businesses (large and small) to bear the risks that is expected with advances in the adoption of Artificial Intelligence and robotics much of the global community is looking to clusters for additional capacity and for absorbing shock. The CARICOM Caribbean would be wise to partner with Latin America, Europe, and Canada for accelerating its current cluster development process.

“Absolutely yes!”, was Indera’s response to the suggestion above, she feels “cluster collaboration” was a missing link when comes to the CARICOM Caribbean and opportunities for accelerating business growth, competitiveness, and internationalization.

She noted that the term cluster is used loosely and incorrectly even among regional institutions with a mandate to promote business competitiveness”.  According to Indera, there is a need to “conduct cluster mapping exercises to identify those that are ready for expansion and growth”.  She believes the mapping should not be a purely top down process, but should include “bottom up involvement for identifying value chains, key players, institutional support and markets― so that gaps can be filled for driving growth”.

Indera, hopes to see policy level actions for cluster development as public and private partnerships, and incentive driven cluster development instead of fragmented development, driven by private sector entities”.

Finally, Ms. Sagewan is of the view that there is a need to develop regional clusters and supporting strategies for maximizing return to the Region. She believes “if economic development clusters are to drive growth and development in the region, there must be country specializations, competition, and collaboration among countries”.

Delegates at the conference were delighted to make the unexpected connections they did, as well as the possibilities for partnerships and collaborations they made, whether they attended the matchmaking events or not. There were plenty of opportunities for interaction and opening the conversation for future collaboration.

Photo Credit: Jenna Muirhead Source:

Photo Credit: Jenna Muirhead

Delegates from Latin America were expecting more opportunities to experience the workings and impacts of Industrial clusters in Canada, an area in which Canada is behind.  Canada past the flag to Belgium who will host next year’s Conference in Flanders.

About the author: Meegan Scott, B.Sc. Hons, MBA, ATM-B, CL, PMP., is Jamaica-born Strategic Management Consultant, at Magate Wildhorse Ltd in Toronto. This is a syndicated article.


Upcoming Events : Oct. 20 to GEW 2018

Join us for CoP Strategy Planning  and Global Entrepreneurship Week 2018

Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (CoP) Strategy Planning

  • Saturday, October 20, 2018 or
  • Sunday, October 21, 2018

Global Entrepreneurship Week Canada, 2018
Celebrating, supporting, and promoting entrepreneurs.

One click to access details for each event available at link to PDF below flyer.

#GEW2018 #GEWCanada2018 CoP Strategy Planning Magate Wildhorse GEW Events 2018 join us for Global Entrepreneurship Week Canada Celebrations 2018 Upcoming events

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Looking forward to sharing your company, partnering, or collaborating with you for the events above.

Meegan Scott for Magate Wildhorse Ltd., and Magate Wildhorse for CoP Secretariat.




For Speaking Engagements & Workshops

Meegan Scott of Magate Wildhorse Speaker

       Determined, Decisive, Driven
       Strategic, Witty, Passionate

Meegan Scott, is a competent toastmaster, competent leader, advanced toastmaster bronze, and strategic management consultant.

For almost two decades Meegan has helped organizational leaders across industries and geographical borders to get better results from their strategy development, planning, and execution processes.  She has helped Boards of Directors and managers to think beyond risk management to embrace risk intelligence―to own, and deliver tough pieces of their mandates.

She has inspired people within organizations, and complete straPerfect Slant Cream ATM Ribbon and Pinngers from diverse cultures and jurisdictions to commit and act to deliver visions, missions, objectives, and development goals.

Meegan is known for helping organizations to develop planning mindedness and for growing their competence and demand for organizational performance management and measurement.

When it comes to entrepreneurs, she is known for helping them to bring a deeper understanding of self, the problem to be solved, and finding their own best fit pathways and processes for growing their businesses.  She firmly believes that small businesses should act and think with a big business mind.

Meegan has addressed audiences at conferences, trade shows, MBA and other graduations, boards, corporate launches, webinars as well as radio and television audiences.

Meegan holds a Bachelor of Social Science in International Relations; an MBA (Marketing and finance focused); the designation PMP, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Analysis. She also studied International Trade and Finance Law at the graduate level, and holds a Diploma in International Environmental Law.

She is available for workshops, conferences, strategic facilitation and strategy communications sessions, rapporteur, and other speaking engagements.

For more information visit:

To request a speaker session or workshop please click contact us.