Public Announcement: “ZA Women-led Born Global & Born-Again Global Business Survey”

take south africa women-led born and born-again global survey and win

Magate Wildhorse Ltd., wishes to inform stakeholders and women entrepreneurs in South Africa, namely management consultants and providers of professional services about the South Africa Women-led Born Global and Born-Again Global Consulting Business Survey

South African women who own or manage women-led businesses (that is entities in which women make up the majority at the highest level of leadership and decision-making). Womenpreneurs and solopreneurs for all provinces in South Africa are invited to share by way of the survey.

Your answers along with that of other respondents will help decision-makers, you, and entrepreneurs to better understand what drives the decision to export and the best approaches for accelerating scale-up of your businesses in foreign markets. Thank you for sharing by completing the survey by Monday, December 31, 2018!

Deadline for all extended to January 25, 2019.

Complete the survey by December 20, 2018 for a chance to win!

Please click the following link to take the survey:

Thank you for the time taken to share.   Thanks also for sharing appropriately with your networks.

Happening also ― is are focus group discussions related to the research.

Deadline for all extended to January 25, 2019

These discussions will end on December 29. There will be no discussions between December 24th and 26th.   To participate in a session please see the information at the following link:

Thanks again for sharing.

For further information: Please Email us at
Or visit:

Research team: Meegan Scott (Magate Wildhorse Ltd.), Dr. Daniel Maposa (lecturer in the Department of Statistics and Operations Research in the School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, University of Limpopo & Magate Wildhorse Ltd.), and Dr. Zakaria Sorgho (Economist-in-Chief at African Centre for International Trade and Development – ACITD).

focus group women-led management consulting businesses South Africa SMEs small medium sized enterprisesborn global and born-again global South African Women-led Online Survey 

Cs of the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

collaboration, cooperation, curiousity, co-creation, creativity, curiosity, The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

We decided to share the Cs of the CoP as presented on the Magate Wildhorse Facebook Page for readers not on Facebook―though you can access it whether or not you are signed into Facebook.

The CoP Challenge towards Greater Cooperation and Creativity

The nature and circumstances under which The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (The CoP) came to be, and its unique opportunities and challenges― as well as that of its members, potential members, partners, and supporters requires that it operates back and forth along the collaboration to cooperation continuum.

In so do doing, it will be best able deliver its vision and mission ―given, its hybrid form, structure, and its ambitions, related to good, emergent, novel, and even best practices.

Within that structure, and substructures for working on individual projects, for projects members will partner to deliver, for CoP and partner projects we expect to move to the C of creativity. But collaboration will be another big C for long time until the targeted beneficiaries of the CoP have overcome some of the barriers and challenges that it aims to overcome.

Some best practices and coordination will be involved as we organize, plan, and deliver structured components of our programme.

We look forward to endless curiosity from members and in particular members in the core and shaper categories.

Lessons from Jarche and the different blend of The CoP given, its unique hybrid of a Community of Practice.

Meegan Scott

Source: Magate Wildhorse Facebook, November 30, 2018


Public Announcement: Survey for Caribbean Immigrant Consultants & Professional Service Providers

born global and born again global Caribbean immigrant business survey

Public Announcement: Caribbean Immigrant Consultants & Professional Service Provider Survey

Deadline for all extended to January 25, 2019.

Magate Wildhorse Ltd., wishes to inform Caribbean immigrant entrepreneurs, namely management consultants and providers of professional services about the “Caribbean Immigrant: Born Global and Born-Again Global Consulting Business Survey”

Caribbean immigrant entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs with Caribbean roots in all the Region’s diasporic markets are invited to share by way of the survey.

Your answers along with that of other respondents will help decision-makers, you, and entrepreneurs to better understand what drives the decision to export and the best approaches for accelerating scale-up of your businesses in foreign markets. Thank you for sharing by completing the survey by Monday, December 31, 2018!                      Deadline extended to January 25, 2019.

Please click the following link to take the survey:
Thank you for the time taken to share.

The research is guided by Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans , all data collected will be anonymized and stored in a safe and secure manner.

Thanks also for sharing appropriately with your network.

Happening also ― is a focus group for ensuring the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs provides solutions that supports and advances the ambitions of your business.

Deadline for all extended to January 25, 2019.

The CoP is a unique hybrid that is designed with the structure for delivering its vision and purpose.

Deadline for focus group extended: If, you’d like to share in a Focus Group related to the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (Including second generation and beyond of Caribbean immigrants in the diaspora please click the following link to find out more,

Thanks again for sharing.

For further information: Please Email us at


Share if you are a management consultant or professional service provider with Caribbean roots in Canada, UK, Italy, USA, Portugal, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, China, India, Malaysia, France, Lebanon, Singapore, Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, Brazil, Panama, Peru, all of Africa, rest of Asia, the Mediterranean and other countries not listed. We want to hear from you even if your country or place of business and residence is not listed above.

Stakeholder Invitation: Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs, & Professional Service Providers― with Caribbean Roots

focus group, the community of practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs


You are invited to participate in a focus group consultation with The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs.

Deadline extended

Registration has been extended to January 20, 2019

Dates: December 15-31, 2018

Time:  10:00 am – 11: 30: am | 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm | 2:00 pm – 3: 3:30 pm    | 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm | 4:00 am – 5: 30 am

Time Commitment: 45 mins to 1 ½ hours

Location: To be provided by Email upon receipt of R.S.V.P.

Participation: Europe, Asia, Africa, Caribbean, North America, Pacific

Purpose: The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs aims to connect entrepreneurs, consultants, and providers of professional services (solopreneurs, individual consultants, and businesses with 2 or more members of staff) to a connected diasporic market, learning, networks, networking, financing, and opportunities to co-create and gain mastery of business know-how.

The goal is to create that safe space for meeting of minds, markets, resource sharing, research, learning, support, knowledge transfer, building of social capital, collaboration, cooperation, and creativity for accelerating the growth of Caribbean immigrant entrepreneurs. Two-way learning and growth between diaspora and home countries and increased member capacity to create jobs for Caribbeans by Caribbeans are also among the expect results of The CoP.

You know what you need most? You know what exist in your neck of the woods. You also know what is missing most, and what you would most love to see changed.  In addition, we would be delighted to have your contribution to shaping a CoP initiative that is currently in its infancy.

By participating in this focus group consultation, you’re helping to shape The CoP. But more than that you are helping to improve and ensure its relevance and offer.  The information that you share will serve to help our people to succeed in creating a more inclusive entrepreneurship space for themselves. You are also helping to create a more supporting environment for your business, and most of all you are helping peoples of the Caribbean and their peers to benefit from their right to economic freedom. Your host country will also be rewarded by your role in helping your immigrants who share your roots to make a bigger and better contribution to their societies.  You’ll also find out who are the members of The CoP Steering Committee.

The CoP presents an opportunity to demonstrate our symbols of freedom; and ability to attain social and economic progress in large numbers―across vast geographic areas. Our ability to contribute to home and host countries, as well as to share that with non-Caribbean members such as African-Americans, Africans at home and in the diaspora, Canadians with no history of family business, and immigrant entrepreneurs who are not native speakers of English. It presents a terrific opportunity to overcome the barriers of “foreignness”, lack of entrepreneurial experience, and more.

Confidentiality: Please note that your name and any identifying information you share with us will be kept confidential. Your responses will be summarized along with other responses and used collectively to help guide decision-making. No names or identifying information will be used when compiling this information.

Privacy: Your contact information will not be shared with third-parties, nor will it be used for sharing marketing or other CoP related information. 

Participation in the stakeholder engagements are by invitation only. Please indicate your interest in order to receive an invitation, if selected to participate. Please R.S.V.P. by December 18th  to participate in a  meeting between December 15th and 20th, or to coordinate attendance by a designee, by contacting Meegan Scott at or by calling 1(647) 854-5323.

Thank you in advance for including your full name, Email contact, business or services offered, country of your Caribbean roots, as well as the city and country in which you currently live. Links to company or professional web sites are also welcome.

 collaboration, cooperation, curiousity, co-creation, creativity, curiosity, The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant EntrepreneursAbout The CoP

The CoP aims to fertilize, strengthen, manipulate, and boost the entrepreneurial ecosystem from talent, through to markets, support, culture, finance, policy, and training. Very important, it will connect and boost social capital among Caribbeans at home and in the diaspora as well as within their extended networks. The CoP opportunity presents a chance for our entrepreneurs to develop mastery of entrepreneurial skills.

 CoP members have already begun to report benefits or payouts as we call it.

About the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs with Caribbean Roots

Why bother with a CoP?

The Cs of the CoP

 What is Happening in the Caribbean Entrepreneurship Space & Commitment to The CoP.

Interview with Dr. K’adamawe K’Nife, (UWI, Mona Campus)

 Shared by: CoP Sponsor, & Secretariat, Magate Wildhorse Ltd

Thank you for sharing appropriately with your network!


CoP little Globe and Logo

Stakeholder Invitation: Born Global & Born-Again Global Businesses―South Africa

focus group women-led management consulting businesses South Africa SMEs small medium sized enterprises

You are invited to participate in a focus group consultation with women-led entrepreneurs and professional service providers in the management consulting sector (Including international development consultants).

Deadline extended

Registration has been extended to January 25, 2019

Dates: December 13- 29, 2018

Time:  10:00 am – 11: 30: am | 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm | 2:00 pm – 3: 3:30 pm    | 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm | 5:00 pm – 6: 30 pm (SAST)

Time Commitment: 45 mins to 1 ½ hours

Location: To be provided by Email upon receipt of R.S.V.P.

Participation: South Africa


  1. To identify what factors, influence the decision of leaders of South African women-led management consulting businesses to sell their services abroad (Internationalize).
  2. To better understand the pathways and process they use to service markets or customers who are not residents of South Africa.
  3. To find out how local, diaspora, and other foreign networks influence and accelerate the internationalization process of small and medium sized management consulting firms in South Africa.
  4. To better understand the role of networks in increasing available financing, by-passing geographic border restrictions, firm capacity in terms of human capital, and technology.
  5. To determine what role if any networks play in helping with market and customer identification, size of earnings, and the growth trajectory of sales.
  6. From the discussions we also hope to learn about the role of other foreign and local networks in facilitating internationalization and the scaling-up of the born global firms versus born-again global firms (Those business who intended to export since inception versus those who decided to benefit from exporting at a later stage in the life of the organization).

The consultations are a part of a larger research that is intended to provide new knowledge and important insights into the process of internationalization.  It also aims to understand the impact of networks (including diaspora connections, suppliers, partners, customers, and other social connections) on the process and outcomes of internationalization among women-led management consulting firms in South Africa.

It is our hope that the findings will inform decision-making for improving the support given to entrepreneurs as well as to help women entrepreneurs to take actions for accelerating the pace of growth of their businesses.

To compensate you for your time, we will provide you with a copy of the research finding.  And a chance to win a free pass to one of our upcoming educational events.

Confidentiality: Please note that your name and any identifying information you share with us will be kept confidential. Your responses will be summarized along with other responses and used collectively to help guide decision-making. No names or identifying information will be used when compiling this information.

Privacy: Your contact information will not be shared with third-parties, nor will it be used for sharing marketing or other related information. 

Participation in the stakeholder engagements are by invitation only. Please indicate your interest to receive an invitation, if selected to participate. Please R.S.V.P. by December 18th to participate in a meeting between December 13th and 18th, or to coordinate attendance by a designee, by contacting Meegan Scott at or by calling 1(647) 854-5323.

Thank you in advance for including your full name, Email contact, business or services offered, country and city in which your business is located. Links to company or professional web sites are also welcome.

Facilitator: Meegan Scott
Magate Wildhorse Ltd

South Africa Flag
