Cs of the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

collaboration, cooperation, curiousity, co-creation, creativity, curiosity, The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

We decided to share the Cs of the CoP as presented on the Magate Wildhorse Facebook Page for readers not on Facebook―though you can access it whether or not you are signed into Facebook.

The CoP Challenge towards Greater Cooperation and Creativity

The nature and circumstances under which The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (The CoP) came to be, and its unique opportunities and challenges― as well as that of its members, potential members, partners, and supporters requires that it operates back and forth along the collaboration to cooperation continuum.

In so do doing, it will be best able deliver its vision and mission ―given, its hybrid form, structure, and its ambitions, related to good, emergent, novel, and even best practices.

Within that structure, and substructures for working on individual projects, for projects members will partner to deliver, for CoP and partner projects we expect to move to the C of creativity. But collaboration will be another big C for long time until the targeted beneficiaries of the CoP have overcome some of the barriers and challenges that it aims to overcome.

Some best practices and coordination will be involved as we organize, plan, and deliver structured components of our programme.

We look forward to endless curiosity from members and in particular members in the core and shaper categories.

Lessons from Jarche and the different blend of The CoP given, its unique hybrid of a Community of Practice.

Meegan Scott

Source: Magate Wildhorse Facebook, November 30, 2018