Radio Talk SHow: Showcase― You & Your Biz


Join Magate Wildhorse Consulting, Caribbean Diaspora Connect, WBCA 102.9 FM,  and The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs in celebrating and creating awareness around barriers to entrepreneurship and how to overcome them.

Join us during Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), November 16-22, 2020 for Showcase You and Your Business.

Aired on: WBA 102.9A FM

Register your business for

  • A 2 min  Entrepreneur’s Interview  plus
  • 60 sec. give-away and sale for your solution of choice

If you’ve got Jamaica or Caribbean roots you are welcome to join us for the celebrations and interviews.

Deadline for Registration:  Saturday, November 14, 2020.

Registration Form (click the preceding link)

click words colour hand




The show aims to let Caribbean diasporans put their fingers on on the problems that hold us back from growing mainstream sized businesses with that delightful ethnic flavour.

The barriers to be addressed are listed below.

The Barriers:

  1. Of foreignness
  2. Lack of trust and the image of Caribbean entrepreneurs
  3. Access to capital and more so are we ready? [Time for business, opportunities in diaspora corporate citizen generated data, research a business opportunity]
  4. Sparse networks ―including the missing social media superstars, the need and how to change that.
  5. The need for Patrons to overcome the lack of experience
  6. Collaboration and Civility ―self―inflicted business wounds.
  7. Enterprising versus entrepreneurial 2020 and beyond.
  8. Medical trials and biotechnology – Jamaica to diaspora opportunities

The programme will gather input to be including in the research  “Towards a Policy Framework for Accelerating Caribbean Entrepreneurship at Home and in the Diaspora”.

Caribbean entrepreneurs in diasporic and domestic market are invited to share in the online forum at the following link:

CoP-BIDEM Discussion Forum

Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott,  Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.

Why they are interested in The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Why they are interested― in a nutshell.

  • Host Cities
  • Governments
  • Home Cities
  • Diaspora Organizations
  • Trade & Export Departments
  • Economic Development Clusters
  • Ethnic Media
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurs
  • Stakeholders working on Agenda 2030

Find out more in 4:00

It is a hybrid Community of Practice and Marketplace                                                        It aims to fertilize, strengthen, manipulate, and boost the entrepreneurial ecosystem–    From talent, through to markets, support, culture, finance, policy, and training.

By facilitating the growth of mainstream immigrant and member businesses it will contribute to job creation, growth, and desired increases in contribution and benefits to be realized by host and home cities.

You’ll find the CoP working to advance tacit learning by working together and for facilitating the cross-training and learning between Caribbeans at home and abroad, as well as other non-Caribbean CoP Members. And by so doing will strengthen businesses and grow trade both ways.

Why entrepreneurs join?

It is that safe place where trust is built, collaborations, cooperation, friendships, and partnerships are forged― in a marketplace and research hub for delivering dynamic and inclusive entrepreneurship for and by Caribbeans.

Find out more at The CoP Secretariat



Celebrating One ― The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs Say I do Anniversary

Say, I do!

Bigger better Caribbean Immigrant businesses with an ethnic flavor!

Say I do to bigger better businesses for peers and partners with no Caribbean roots!

It’s time to write a different history for growing and scaling a business in the diaspora.

Come help us create a different future, and write a new history in growing entrepreneurs, collaboration, and mainstream immigrant businesses with an ethnic flavor. Let’s do in collaboration with Canadians of all ethnicities and no history of family business.  Let’s do with African Americans, Black Canadians, Non-native speakers of English to North America, Africans in Africa, Caribbeans in the Caribbean.

Researchers, academia, and entrepreneurs from all ethnicities and countries from which the DNA of Caribbeans come.

Say I do, to collaboration, cooperation, market meeting, market sharing, talent swapping, deliberate seeking out and financing our businesses, visibility, authorship, research, meeting of minds.

Mastery of entrepreneurship!

Join the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs!

“The CoP”.

You are not just another entrepreneur, but an amazing entrepreneur consultant, professional service provider, manufacturer, or other entrepreneur.  Your business sphere? Local or global!

Find out more:

Write to the CoP Secretariat― Email:

The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (CoP), is Not a STARTUP COMMUNITY

Why Bother with a CoP for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs?

Join here:

Upcoming Events

Whys and Wherefores ― Friday, May 10, 2019  at 6:00 PM Eastern

Planning Charrette ― Thursday, May 16, 2019

Join from wherever you are in the world!

Request additional information at: Email:

See you there!

CoP-of-Caribbean-Immigrant-Entrepreneurs Words



Cs of the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

collaboration, cooperation, curiousity, co-creation, creativity, curiosity, The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

We decided to share the Cs of the CoP as presented on the Magate Wildhorse Facebook Page for readers not on Facebook―though you can access it whether or not you are signed into Facebook.

The CoP Challenge towards Greater Cooperation and Creativity

The nature and circumstances under which The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (The CoP) came to be, and its unique opportunities and challenges― as well as that of its members, potential members, partners, and supporters requires that it operates back and forth along the collaboration to cooperation continuum.

In so do doing, it will be best able deliver its vision and mission ―given, its hybrid form, structure, and its ambitions, related to good, emergent, novel, and even best practices.

Within that structure, and substructures for working on individual projects, for projects members will partner to deliver, for CoP and partner projects we expect to move to the C of creativity. But collaboration will be another big C for long time until the targeted beneficiaries of the CoP have overcome some of the barriers and challenges that it aims to overcome.

Some best practices and coordination will be involved as we organize, plan, and deliver structured components of our programme.

We look forward to endless curiosity from members and in particular members in the core and shaper categories.

Lessons from Jarche and the different blend of The CoP given, its unique hybrid of a Community of Practice.

Meegan Scott

Source: Magate Wildhorse Facebook, November 30, 2018


The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

community of practice for Caribbean entrepreneurs, High performance Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs, Worldwide Caribbean Diaspora Markets

The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (CoP) is not a regular Facebook Group. Our day-to-day meeting hub is housed on the platform of a Facebook Group.  And that serves our purposes perfectly for a number of reasons that you will experience for yourself when you join the CoP.

The CoP, also known as the High-Performance Immigrant Entrepreneurs’ Ring is a knowledge sharing, market, and research hub. At the core of the CoP are relationships of trust, information sharing, active research, dissemination of research findings, bridges to markets, creation of new market spaces, promotion of entrepreneurs and their stories for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs with Caribbean Roots in all of the Region’s Diaspora Markets.

It is a coming together for learning, sharing, collaborating, selling, knowledge building, resource mobilization, and skills share in the area of Caribbean Entrepreneurship and success strategies for our immigrant entrepreneurs.  Among the outcomes of the CoP are improved financial results and growth of member networks (As we help each other to become more competitive in foreign markets), increased levels of robust, and realistic market research among members. But those are just some of the outcomes that we will deliver.

At a higher level we will increase research on the pathways, and processes for growing successful Caribbean Immigrant businesses in host countries in Europe, North America, The Middle East, Asia, the Pacific, and Africa.

The Caribbean entrepreneurial experience will be boosted; and the levels of trust and collaboration among members, researchers, and other support partners will certainly help us to growth our businesses within our communities worldwide. All other groups have relied on their communities to grow their businesses and it is time for us to catch up.

While you are encouraged to promote your business and services in the CoP, participation in discussions, research, workshops, and sharing of advice and tips are a must for maintaining your membership in the group. Give generously and receive generously.

We have been building models of business growth, and for strengthening the capacities of our entrepreneurs on the findings of research done for other communities with more entrepreneurial experience than us. It is time to change that to generate insights needed to develop right solutions for us.  The CoP is open to new members, partners, and leadership team members.

Coming this September, CoP Strategy Update planning meeting, join now to have your say.

Get on board to create the change you want to benefit from today!

See the CoP Brochure for additional details at: CoP HICEP Brochure Sept 2018.v.2

Click the link to Join the CoP at: Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs .


Benefitting from a Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Who is the Young Caribbean Entrepreneur in 2018

Conversational Language Push Starts

Invitation to Share Your Immigrant or Caribbean Diaspora Entrepreneur Story

Online Language Volunteers



Speaking Engagements & Workshops

Meegan Speaker Ad 2018

Looking for humour, engagement, thought provoking questions and answers for your next event, startup development or organizational capacity building session?

Then, you need to have Meegan Scott for your next event.

Here’s a little on what Meegan can share with your audience.  Knowledge, experience, tools and lessons learnt from an international journey that spans almost two decades serving and training in strategy, performance management and measurement, and marketing plus expertise in entrepreneur development and business incubation.

Besides the rich blend of international experience, she also brings experience serving in various disciplines, sectors and industries.

Meegan is available for workshops, conferences, strategic facilitation and strategy communications sessions, rapporteur, and other speaking engagements.

Meegan holds a Bachelor of Social Science Degree in International Relations; an MBA (Marketing and finance focused); a Diploma in International Environmental Trade Law, the designation PMP, a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Analysis and Certificates in  Public Speaking, Lean Six Sigma, Facilitating Multi-national Conferences, Workshop Design & Facilitation, and in Business Analysis for International Trade.

She is trained and experienced in experiential adult learning, group process facilitation, participatory planning, workshop design, and the Technology of Participation (ToP). In addition, Meegan holds the designations Competent ToastmasterAdvanced Toastmaster Bronze and Competent Leader from Toastmasters International.

She has addressed audiences at conferences, trade shows, MBA and other graduations, boards, corporate launches, webinars as well as radio and television audiences.

Topics You Might Be Interested In:

  1. Focused for Growth Workshop (Strategy & Operations Track)
  2. Focused for Growth (Strategic Intent & Finding Your Strategy Track)
  3. Bringing in that Revenue without Mission Drift
  4. Making Your Board Fingers Sticky on Governance and Strategy Success
  5. Putting Performance Management to Work for Strategy Success
  6. Risk Intelligence, Bringing Bold to Strategy Success
  7. Is that Board Agenda Backstopping the CEO?
  8. Strategy Planning Can’t fill Your Strategy Jigsaw
  9. Let’s Review that Programme Plan Together
  10. Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs & Entrepreneurship
  11. Move Past Public Awareness to Impact with Social Marketing

Perhaps you could benefit from a “Pepper Pot Session”.

Topics one and two are perfect for entrepreneurs, incubators, accelerators and startup support organizations.  Three and four for third sector entities (non-profits, social enterprise and even government departments and international development projects will benefit from their related spin on those workshops). Topics four to eight are ideal for helping private, public, third sector, donor projects, entrepreneurs and entrepreneur development programs to learn, find and successfully execute their strategy.

Request a face-to-face or remote speaker or workshop session today!

We can also pull together a full event including our network of experts across the globe.

Click the following here to submit your speaker or facilitator request.

What to include:

  1. The name of your event
  2. The expected size of your audience
  3. What’s driving your need for the session
  4. Session or topic you are interested in
  5. Your burning questions
  6. Three best times for meeting
  7. Telephone number
  8. Expected date of your event
  9. Tell us if your Event will be face-to-face or Remote

Schedule your session today! Available internationally.