Celebrating One ― The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs Say I do Anniversary

Say, I do!

Bigger better Caribbean Immigrant businesses with an ethnic flavor!

Say I do to bigger better businesses for peers and partners with no Caribbean roots!

It’s time to write a different history for growing and scaling a business in the diaspora.

Come help us create a different future, and write a new history in growing entrepreneurs, collaboration, and mainstream immigrant businesses with an ethnic flavor. Let’s do in collaboration with Canadians of all ethnicities and no history of family business.  Let’s do with African Americans, Black Canadians, Non-native speakers of English to North America, Africans in Africa, Caribbeans in the Caribbean.

Researchers, academia, and entrepreneurs from all ethnicities and countries from which the DNA of Caribbeans come.

Say I do, to collaboration, cooperation, market meeting, market sharing, talent swapping, deliberate seeking out and financing our businesses, visibility, authorship, research, meeting of minds.

Mastery of entrepreneurship!

Join the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs!

“The CoP”.

You are not just another entrepreneur, but an amazing entrepreneur consultant, professional service provider, manufacturer, or other entrepreneur.  Your business sphere? Local or global!

Find out more:

Write to the CoP Secretariat― Email: magatewildhorse@gmail.com

The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (CoP), is Not a STARTUP COMMUNITY

Why Bother with a CoP for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs?

Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1174311986005774

Upcoming Events

Whys and Wherefores ― Friday, May 10, 2019  at 6:00 PM Eastern

Planning Charrette ― Thursday, May 16, 2019

Join from wherever you are in the world!

Request additional information at: Email: magatewildhorse@gmail.com

See you there!

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Focus Group — Invitation Executing Strategy & Resource Constraints


We are recruiting participants.

Recruiting Focus Group Participantss

Recruiting Focus Group Participantss