Service Fees


At Magate Wildhorse ℠, we ensure you receive maximum return on your investment of purchasing our services.

Accordingly, we apply a value based approach for calculating service fees; which allows us to charge based on the  benefits and impact to be derived from our intervention by your organization.

As such we do not charge a standard hourly rate for our services; except for those services offered through our Building a Stronger Community Initiative; or for international development and government contracts which specifically request an hourly rate for services rendered. Once the value for a solution is agreed together we can prepare an hourly breakdown to satisfied the needs of clients who prefer to see hours assigned to the figures.

Building a Stronger Community Initiative


This service carries a special discounted rate that allows qualifying clients to access quality service at the price they can afford.


After discounting, the fees may then be allocated according to agreed hours of service.

  • Item #: MWH5

You may also qualify for a free workshop, or presentation for your next event. Click here to find out more.

Telephone: 1(647) 854-5323
Fax: 1(866) 291-1314



Virtual Project and Program Rescue & Support Service

Many development project fail to deliver the desired levels or impact because of the need for that trusted friend and advisor who could provide objective implementation support; an extra pair of hands; additional tools; processes and mindset, and who is committed to working in collaboration and partnership with the implementation team.

To implementing partners and organizational leaders

  • Why wait for a funder review, evaluation or the dreaded message that the funding will be suspended to get help?
  • Why allow the brand of your project to be damaged or for your team to end the project with no meaningful outputs or outcomes for which they can feel proud as a team and as an individual?
  • Why risk your professional reputation?
  • Why not design in the success of your project or program including your support life-line from the start?

To donors and funders

  • If you are a donor or funder, why not hedge the return on investment by providing technical support for ensuring effective and efficient delivery of relevant solutions?

Please accept this invitation to meet for discussing how we can rescue your project or program.  Perhaps you do not represent an implementing agency but a Department of Government that is committed to improving its results by making the transition to evidence based and results-oriented thinking and actions as your new culture. In that case, we would love to help you too.

We offer solutions that will give you access to top-tiered consulting expertise at the price you can afford.

Go virtual and get more for the money! Our tools are fully interactive and experiential, you will forget that we are working virtually.

Got the bucks to invest? No problem, we will travel to your location in the Caribbean, USA or Canada!

Let’s make it a date, tell us what is the best time for you. We are available 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM – on Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays, May 16- 23, 2015.  Book early for a free 30 minute consultationSchedule your date: Call: 1(647) 854-5323 or Click here to send us an Email.

Not available to meet before May 23rd or prefer after work hours? Send us a note and we’ll work on a best time for us both.

 “Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success, despite the constraint of size.”
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Professional Standards & Guidelines We Embrace

Below are some of the major professional standards and guidelines embraced by Magate Wildhorse and by which we are guided in delivering our service and our in operations.

Strategy Planning and Strategic Change Management

  • ASP Body of Knowledge (ASP BOK)

Planning Models & Cycle Tools We Love

  • The Re-invented Strategic Management Model was developed by Haines and Associates and the Centre for Strategic Management
  • The CIVICUS Planning Framework
  • Strategy Cycle  (Bryson, M. J. (2004)
  • Plan Do Check Communicate & Improve (PDCA)/ Plan Do Check Act

Marketing, Advertising and Market Research

  1. Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada)
  2. Chartered Institute of Marketers – CIM UK
  3. Marketing Research Association Code of Ethics in Marketing Research
  4. Marketing Research Society Code of Conduct – Click here to download a copy
  5. American Marketing Association
  • No harm
  • Embrace ethical values
  • Embrace ethical values
  • Honesty
  • Fairness
  • Responsibility
  • Respect

5. AMA Ethical Norms and Values for Marketers

6. Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans

Project Management & Program Management

Project Management Institute

Performance Measurement, Management and Evaluation

  1. The program evaluation standards developed by the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (JCSEE). There are five standards which provide practice guidelines relating to  Utility
  • Feasibility
  • Propriety
  • Accuracy
  • Evaluation Accountability.

2. The American Evaluation Association (AEA),  Statement on Cultural Competence in Evaluation (2011)
3. The AEA Guiding Principles for Evaluators
The key guidelines relates to:

  • Systematic Inquiry
  • Competence
  • Integrity/Honesty
  • Respect for People
  • Responsibilities for General Public Welfare

   Technical guidance manuals

1. Technical Guidance for Planning and Managing Impact Evaluation
Evaluators should be guided by the publication:
  Impact Evaluation in UN Agency Evaluation Systems: Guidance on Selection, Planning and Management
2. Technical Guidance for Integrating Human Rights & Gender Equality in Evaluation
Evaluators should be guided by the publication:
     UNEG Handbook “Integrating Human Rights and Gender Equality in Evaluation

3. Selection of other Manuals and  Documents for Evaluations Organizational  Assessments and Reporting

Non-profit Standards & Operational Guidelines that we share with and help our Non-profit clients to adopt and implement. 

  • Malcolm Baldrige Quality Standards and Performance Assessment Awards Program
  • Imagine Canada
  • Roberts Rules & Parliamentary Procedures

We’ve got green thumbs for growing businesses and developing winning programs, let’s connect!

Put your organization or project in our nurturing hands and watch it grow.

Many people will tell you that they met the love of their life by chance.  Why not take a chance on finding your forever organizational strengthening and success partner?

We might be interested to start a relationship with your organization if you need help with any of the following:

  • Program planning and redesign
  • Program monitoring and evaluation
  • Help with getting funders to sign the cheque
  • Meeting funder and stakeholder reporting requirements
  • Training in strategic planning, change marketing, customer service, work plan development, results-based management and more
  • Help with change management or project management
  • An organizational assessment
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Cause or behaviour change marketing
  • Strengthening and improving you brand recognition
  • Growing your clientele and better servicing your market or catchment area
  • Rescue operation for a failing project or program.

We’d like to invite you on a date to discuss your challenges and how we can help you to improve your results and win the support of funders and your local community!

Let’s make it a date, tell us what is the best time for you. We are available 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM – on Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays, May 16- 23, 2015.  Book early for a free 30 minute consultationSchedule your date: Call: 1(647) 854-5323 or Click here to send us an Email.

Whether you are a community based organization, professional association, social enterprise, faith-based organization or a non-profit organization involved in international development we can help you.

This could be a great beginning, what have you got to lose? Contact us today!

Looking to Start a Relationship with Canadian & US MSMEs, how about your Business?

Success is not just for big businesses!  Control, fun, leisure and luxury are for small business owners too!

 Go virtual and save money while we help you live big business mind for your small business.  Chances are a pair of extra hands, meeting of minds and a little help with adjusting a few processes are the wings your business need to soar to success.

If you prefer the face-to-face on spot interaction, no worries your wish will be our command, we travel internationally to serve our clients.

You won’t know if you’ve found your number one, for making your business number one until you talk with us.

Because we love a challenge and we thrive on defying the odds we look for businesses that need a fix for a dogging problem (s).

We would like to meet you if you are faced with one or more of the following challenges:

  • You have hit a brick wall in trying to grow your business
  • You have been wondering whether or not it is really worth your while to pursue the business you love and worked hard to build
  • Declining sales or falling profits
  • Problems with planning strategically for your business and putting the plan into action
  • Difficulty finding new customers and or keeping those you have
  • Coming up with new service ideas for bringing in extra revenue
  • Finding out what your customers really want and what they are willing to pay for it
  • No time to market the business
  • Dissatisfied customers and related complaints
  • Developing a winning business plan and making the pitch to financiers
  • Crafting that winning marketing plan

We’d like to invite you on a date to discuss your challenges and how we can help you to work more effectively on and in your business to realize the success you dream of and deserve!

Let’s make it a date, tell us what is the best time for you. We are available 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM – on Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays, May 16- 23, 2015.  Book early for a free 30 minute consultation.  Schedule your date: Call: 1(647) 854-5323 or Click here to send us an Email.

Whether you are an independent tradesman or woman, consultant or retailer we can help you.

This could be a great beginning, what have you got to lose? Contact us today!

Looking to Start Relationship with Caribbean Canadian MSMEs, how about your Business?


Chances are you’ve just found your perfect business advisor and implementation partner for putting your business on the success path.

We would like to meet you if you are faced with one or more of the following challenges:

  • You have hit a brick wall in trying to grow your business
  • You have been wondering whether or not it is really worth your while to pursue the business you love and worked hard to build
  • Declining sales or falling profits
  • Problems with planning strategically for your business and putting the plan into action
  • Difficulty finding new customers and or keeping those you have
  • Coming up with new service ideas for bringing in extra revenue
  • Finding out what your customers really want and what they are willing to pay for it
  • No time to market the business
  • Dissatisfied customers and related complaints
  • Developing a winning business plan and making the pitch to financiers
  • Crafting that winning marketing plan

We’d like to invite you on a date to discuss your challenges and how we can help you to work more effectively on and in your business to realize the success you dream of and deserve!

Let’s make it a date, tell us what is the best time for you. We are available 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM – on Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays, May 16- 23, 2015.  Book early for a free 30 minute consultation.  Schedule your date: Call: 1(647) 854-5323 or Click here to send us an Email.

Whether you are an independent tradesman or woman, consultant or retailer we can help you.

This could be a great beginning, what have you got to lose? Contact us today!


About this Forum

Welcome to Magate Wildhorse Strategy and Evaluation Answers Forum!

Here you can join members from around the world for discussing issues related to strategy, execution, monitoring and evaluation.  Share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences from the field; and have your questions answered.  Find innovative solutions and increase impact by learning from others how to, apply change marketing and knowledge management for improving strategy execution.

Join us for discussions on all things related to strategy and execution, key sub-themes include:

  • Program, project and organizational success
  • Poverty reduction and economic growth
  • Entrepreneur and enterprise development
  • Water, sanitation, health and environment
  • Sustainable development
  • Making markets work for the poor
  • Project and program management
  • Strategy and Strategic Change Management
  • Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessments
  • Business Incubation
  • Change marketing

Submit questions about:

  • Strategy development, planning and implementation
  • Work plan development and implementation
  • Program and organizational performance measurement and management
  • Designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation systems
  • Conducting monitoring, evaluation or organizational assessment
  • Cause or change marketing
  • Growing your business
  • Improving the outcomes or impact of your program, project, organization or department of government
  • An economic growth initiatives for which you need strategy, evaluation or market development support

Be an active participant:

  • Participate in all forums, storythons and blogathons
  • Submit a request for help privately to Magate Wildhorse
  • Increase your visibility
  • Plus subscribe for our newsletter

Who is this forum for?

This forum is not just for consultants, researchers, monitoring, evaluation and strategy practitioners. Organizational leaders, program and project staff of micro, medium and small enterprises; government, community based and international development organizations are welcome to join.

Registration is free and as easy as 1-2-3. Join our community today!
Have a question about registration?  Click here for help.

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