Be Our Guest at the Upcoming Book Fair

You are invited to join us for the Annual International Entrepreneurs’ Book Fair.

‘Tis a time to read and get ready to write for entrepreneurs!

‘Tis a time for showcasing your books and listening to book readings.

‘Tis a time to meet authors and business leaders, to network and benefit from the coming together of authors, academia and entrepreneurs.

We might even share what prompted us to create a book fair for entrepreneurs.

Guessing a local, global or regional event or observation triggered this event?

Then you are absolutely wrong.

Find out what we learnt on the frontlines and in our own practice that moved us to create this particular event.

Join us this February 2021, Thursday to Saturday for the First Annual International Entrepreneurs’ Book Fair.

Join us from whereever your ar in the world.

Come for exhibits, how-to sessions, readings, networkings and the chance to win one of five coveted awards.

Ask about sponshor and or advertising opportunities!

Get on the list of invitees – click the word subscribe below.


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Copyright © 2021 by Meegan Scott and Magate Wildhorse.  All rights reserved.