Banner Covid supplies no bord

We’ve partnered with reputable certified entities to ensure you have the hard to source COVID-19 healthcare supplies (disposables) and equipment you need to reduce coronavirus related health risk.

Now available for purchase:

We stand firmly against price gouging and will secure the best prices for quality supplies.

Among the items available are:

  1. Disposable surgical masks
  2. Protective coverall
  3. Gloves non-sterile
  4. Gloves
  5. Gloves sterile
  6. FFP2 -(N95 )
  7. FFP3
  8. N95
  9. Gas Mask
  10. Gas mask filter
  11. Hand Sanitizer— ISO 14001:2009; ISO 22716:2007; ISO 9001:2008; CE certificate
  12. 3 ply Masks – Surgical and Non-Surgical FFP2 Quality
  13. Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer
  14. Ventilator (Artificial Respirator Machine)
  15. Covid-19 Test Kits

If you buy on behalf of a pharmacy, hospital, health region, donor, retail outlet or other entity you’ll want to get in touch today! Supplies go quickly.

Available internationally!

available now covid

The Beat Back Coronavirus Shutdown Revolution is here!

clock adTurn that clock back on for your Corporate Strategy Planning delivery timeline.

Don’t let social distancing and being socially responsible impact your future cashflow or key deliverables negatively.

After all budget cycles will stay the same whether the coronavirus ends tomorrow or Fall.

Besides, it is in times like these when there is rapid unforeseen environmental change that you need to engage in more frequent strategy planning, review  and updating exercises.

It is now that you need that objective external mind and hands to help you scan the environment and take control of your strategic issues worry list.

It is now more than ever that you need a critical friend to help your team with organizational learning, execution and strategy update. Working by remote requires discipline, technology and know-how, we bring two decades of experience to help you get it right.

We gave you the Wildhorse long before COVID-19. compass for ad

Yes, that friend and service delivery partner to guide and help you finish with a win during tough times.

So now we are even more present to help you stay calm and get the job done.

Message us today to schedule an appointment to discuss how we can help you with:

  • Organizational wide Corporate Strategy and Operations Planning by remote
  • Project and Programme Planning
  • Organizational Assessments (Evaluand? The organization not the human resources)
  • Scoping Studies and environmental scans
  • Work Team Facilitation & Coaching
  • Climate Finance Strategy Planning and Review
  • Project Reports
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Market Research and more.

Put your strategy planning in the hands of experts in government, non-profit, private sector and international development corporate strategy planning. We will help you with your 3 or 5-year Corporate strategy planning and plan preparation. Your one— year operational plan or related solution.

Get a trained and experienced corporate strategy planner and not just a facilitator to help you craft, articulate and communicate your strategy, plus execution and improvement support. Or a team of consultants including award winning strategy planning expert. Get planning with evaluation in mind.

Did you read media strategy planner? No!

Did you read human resource strategy planner? No!

You read corporate strategy planner.

Phone: 1 (647) 854-5323 today!

Email: magate.wildhorse@gmail.com

Ask about our backstopping solutions for consulting firms and independent consultants!

Magate Wildhorse Consulting

Registered offices in Toronto and New York

Caribbean country experience and practice (work) permit

 100 percent satisfaction Government reliability status two decades 16 years