Survey Deadline – October 30, 2015

Don’t forget to share your feedback and experience by completing the Glory of India Customer Satisfaction Survey below.  Your feedback and suggestions are important, thanks in advance for completing the survey by midnight, Friday, October 30, 2015. Thank you for sharing.

Little things we will do that make a Big Difference:

  • We will develop your project management tools and systems and manage your project or program for you
  • We will use your tools to manage your project if you prefer
  • We will develop your Project or Program Work Plan
  • We will translate your Corporate Strategy Plan into an Operational or Project Work Plan
  • We will design your program or project Performance Management Framework (We will do this for the entire organization as well)
  • We will provide Program /Project Monitoring and Evaluation services
  • We will design your Electronic Performance Measurement and Reporting System plus Dashboard
  • We will conduct Performance Surveys and prepare your Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Reports
  • We will undertake special research for industry, market, industry best practise, or a feasibility study for a new project
  •  We will prepare your business plan
  • We will conduct Organizational Assessments and Internal Reviews
  •  We will conduct your stakeholder research and focus groups
  • We will deliver a Change Management Workshop to your Team
  • We will deliver our RATIS Workshop (RATIS = Relevance, Accountability, Transparency, Impact, and Sustainability) to your Team

We Will Take Care of Your Remote Project and Program Management Needs


Remote Project Management and Performance Measurement Solutions

Available: comprehensive ongoing and short term specific solutions.

Great organizational leaders do not sit and wait to see what the recruitment process shores up when they need a great team member, advisor, or execution partner. They actually research, scout, and woo prospective team members and execution partners with the skills and expertise that they require.

We know that you are busy and the search can be long and hard so we are parading ourselves right here before your eyes. Believe it or not today is your lucky day! In fact it is our lucky day!

Use our top class remote project or program management solutions when:

  • You need to save on staff cost or space
  • You need project management expertise and rigour of PMP, Lean, and Six Sigma caliber but suited to the results oriented approaches used by government, international development projects, non-profits, or private sector development entities
  • You need help with project initiation; scoping; budgeting; timelines; performance measures (KPIs etc.); articulating project objectives; identifying constraints, risks, and assumptions; root cause analysis and corrective actions.
  • You need help with communication, marketing and operationalizing your project
  • You need to strengthen your performance measurement (monitoring and evaluation culture and capacity)
  • You need to improve your results, impact, and credibility
  • You need help with answering and designing-in a system that can help you to answer one or more of the following tough questions:
  1. Is our program or project relevant
  2. Should we continue to offer this project or program as we currently do?
  3. Have we delivered our project or program as planned?
  4. How effective are we in delivering our solutions?
  5. Are we using the most cost effective approach for delivering the desired outcome
  6. Are we creating impact? Are we financially viable?
  • You need to secure the buy-in of stakeholders and funders
  • You need expertise with project  planning, management, execution, monitoring, evaluation, assessment, and reporting

We offer remote project and program management plus performance measurement solutions in two formats.

  1. Remote or Virtual Project Management – the total solution is delivered online via web technology, including web meetings, virtual project war room, or meetings and online workspace.
  2. Blended Project and Program Management Solution – delivered by a mix of virtual service delivery plus on-site meetings, training, research, or work days.

We are your one stop organizational effectiveness and performance measurement partner!

Little Things We Will Do That Make A BIG DIFFERENCE! Continue reading

Better Than Best Beef Vindaloo Challenge ― Dare Yourself to Try This Delectable Culinary Delight for Only $11.95

Long to taste a toothsome beef stew with beef that tastes like real beef?

Here’s your only true solution, Vindaloo Beef Curry from Glory of India Roti Cuisine at 1407 Queen St. W! The Vindaloo Beef Curry is served with rice as only Ben Nanneti cooks rice― delicious. Take the challenge for making your testimony of having had the best Beef Vindaloo in Toronto to the Better than Best Vindaloo in Toronto!

Expect to be wowed!

Not in the mood for beef today, then try Vindaloo Chicken or Lamb.

It’s almost a sin to go home without your Vindaloo Beef Curry from Glory of India today!

Did you know that Vindaloo originated in Goa, an Indian Colony which was ruled by the Portuguese for 450 years? The Portuguese brought Vindaloo made from a marinate of meat in a blend of wine, garlic, and spices called vinha de alhos. The Indians added ginger, chili pepper, cumin, cloves, pimento, tamarind, cinnamon, mustard seeds, coriander, turmeric, curry, and other spices. From Goa to Toronto, Beef Vindaloo Curry, cooked with local ingredients and Indian spices.

RT if you tried and loved the Vindaloo Beef Curry.

Find out what others say about their Glory of India Experience on Yelp, click here.

Order by phone at: 647-349-5679 | Visit them at: 1407 Queen Street West. |

Visit them at:

Source: blog.travelwithsmile.comwidth=


Source: Living in Goa

Source: Living in Goa



I’ve got a Great Business Plan but I Just Can’t Get the Business Going!

Join me for an on parade, auction house, let’s make do with what we have, preacher styled session on how to get that business going.  The session is just over 14 minutes and may be listened to at one go or in two parts without losing the meaning. You will need to have your businesses plan and colour pens (red ink, green ink, blue or black).Magateminibusplan

If you have a business performance report or other tool for tracking your progress in implementing your strategy please grab that too. Part 1 is 8 min and part 2 is 6 min in duration.

Find out what I learnt while at a gathering of start-up entrepreneurs in Toronto.

Warning: This audio session is intended for solopreneurs and other leaders of small, medium, and micro-enterprises who have an urgent need to take steps for improving the results of their businesses. This session is not for you if, you have been tricked into believing that as an entrepreneur and organizational leader you do not need the details.

Now   “F   a   l   l           N”

F   O    R    W   A    R    D

M   A   R   C   H!

Let’s get going for getting the sales going.

Listen now: Please click the image below to listen.

Meegan Scott at Magate Wildhorse

Enjoy the Fusion of Indian and Iranian Culinary Traditions. Try it Today for Just $10:49

Try the Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani at Glory of India Roti Cuisine at 1407 Queen St. W, today! The pelau or “Basmati rice pulao”, is made with nice chunks of boneless chicken breast. Ben serves up an Epicurean’s delight when he prepares this dish.  He is a master at serving up flavours― the rich natural taste of each ingredient just pops out of his dishes.  The Chicken Biryani is said to have been the dish of Nazim ruler of the State of Deccan.  Ben does justice to the heritage of the dish.  Dine like a King or Queen today for just $10.49. Believe me this lovely dish and meal deal comes in a portion that is enough to share.chickenbiryaniwhole

Yield to the temptation to satisfy your taste for something delicious and healthy. Savour the flavours of ginger, clove, coriander leaves, onions, and mint. Splash on the flavoured Yogurt and enjoy the feel of having coleslaw added. Surprise someone at home with this tasty meal.

RT if you have tried and loved the Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani at Glory of India.

Order by phone at: 647-349-5679 |Visit them at: 1407 Queen Street West. |

Share with them at:

glory of India Sign

Organizational and Executive Needs Assessment

Dear Client or Prospect:

We thank you for your interest in Magate Wildhorse and our solutions.

We are committed to providing world class solutions and affordable prices to you.

But in order to exceed your expectation we need an in-depth understanding of your needs. Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable for helping us to improve our offer, and for ensuring that we are able to give you the best value for money.

We also want to make sure that we use your time efficiently and offer you the best solution at our first meeting.

For that reason we invite you to contribute 15-20  minutes of your time to complete the Needs Assessment  Survey below.

Thank you in advance for sharing.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.


Meegan Scott

Principal Consultant

Magate Wildhorse



Small Business Marketplace Feedback & Service Need Assessment Survey

Dear Guest: You made Small Business Marketplace a great event by visiting our exhibit, thank you for stopping by. We want to provide world class solutions at affordable prices to organizations and professionals like you.   But we need your feedback and an in-depth understanding of your needs in order to exceed your expectation.  For that reason we have prepared this detailed survey that will allow us to understand your needs and help us  ensure that you save time in our first meeting.  Your invaluable responses will also help us to put together the best solution for you. Please allow 20-25 minutes for completing the needs assessment. Please scroll to complete the Feedback and Needs Assessment Survey below. We thank you in advance for sharing.

Thanks again, for your visit to our exhibit.


Meegan Scott

Principal Consultant

Magate Wildhorse


Heaven Scent of Dominica Natural Handmade Soaps for Canada and the USA

Thanks for Telling Us What You Think.

We’d love to hear how badly you need to get your natural handmade soaps from Heaven Scent of Dominica here in Canada and in the USA.

Tell us if you would love to get your Heaven Scent of Dominica Handmade Soaps here in Canada or in the USA?

Travelled to Dominica and is now back in the US or Canada and just can’t get enough of your favorite natural handmade soap from Heaven Scent of Dominica?


Gloricida Cleanse

Are you from the Commonwealth of Dominica and is dying to get your regular supply of luxury, beauty, vigor, and healing from Heaven Scent of Dominica?

Have you been looking around for a natural alternative for treating eczema, acne, aging skin and black spots?

Would you love to try soaps by Heaven Scent of Dominica?

Many say soaps from Heaven Scent of Dominica cleanse and heal like no other can. What do you say?

Need the perfect soaps for tightening pores and regulating oily skin?


Sulphur Wash

We know the touch of the Nature Isle and the healing touch of the powder from the volcanic rocks that could come to you in the Sulphur soap by Heaven Scent of Dominica. But if you have used the Sulphur soap we would love to hear your feedback.

If you miss these wonderful soaps and would love to get some soon please use the comment box below to tell let us how much you love and want them.

Listed below are the names of familiar soaps by Heaven Scent of Dominica. Pease rank your top three soaps by copying and pasting the name of each in the comments box in the order of preference, starting with your favourite.

  • Herb Garden Cleanse
  • Patchouli Wash
  • Cinnamon Scrub
  • Oatmeal Scrub
  • Oatmeal & Spice Scrub
  • Gloricida Cleanse
  • Coconut Wash
  • Noni Wash
  • Sulphur Wash
  • Bay leaf Cleanse
  • Aloe Cleanse
Oatmeal Scrub

Oatmeal Scrub

Noni Wash

Noni Wash

Herb Garden Cleanse

Herb Garden Cleanse

Patchouli Wash

Patchouli Wash

Let us know what you would love to see added to the line?

Is there anything that you would love to see improved?

Thank you in advance for your invaluable feedback.

Heaven Scent of Dominica

hand crafted • all natural • herbal soap

Stay connected to be among the first to get your Heaven Scent of Dominica Soap here in Canada and in the USA. Thanks for liking this Page in order to stay up to date on happenings with your favourite natural soap.

Looking forward to bringing your favourite soaps to you soon.

Thanks for sharing with us at Caribbean Connection Point!

Got a question or need more information?

Phone us at: 1(647) 854-5323 or Email us

Thanks for sharing this post with your friends and family.

Caribbean Connection Point is the in-country market development brand for Caribbean exports by Magate Wildhorse.

Invitation to share in Glory of India Roti Cuisine Customer Satisfaction Survey

Glory of India Roti Cuisine thanks all guests and patrons for their business.

They want to make sure that they provide the best dining experience; the best value for your money; and the best roti cuisine menu. But, without your feedback and suggestions they will not be able to exceed your expectations.

surveyfeedbackGlory of India wants you to tell it like it is, so they have asked us to collect your input which they will use to guide them as they work to give you the very best.
For this we thank you for 10-15 minutes of your time to complete the customer satisfaction survey at the link below. Your invaluable contribution will go a long way towards ensuring that you get the best value for money and the best dining experience when you visit or purchase from Glory of India Roti Cuisine.
Please click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your browser to complete the survey.

Customer Satisfaction Survey–Glory of India Roti Cuisine

On behalf of Glory of India Roti Cuisine and Magate Wildhorse we thank you for sharing.
