Save The Date: COVID 19 Opportunities — SDGs, Evaluation, Performance & Your Pivot

Evaluation Session in 9 Save the Date

Mark your calendars!

Coming to you Thursday, June 11, 2020                                                                  COVID 19 Opportunities — SDGs, Evaluation, Performance & Your Pivot

Time: 2:00 PM EST [Toronto & New York] | 1:00 PM Jamaica                                                      7:00 PM UK  | 8:00 PM Zambia

Rescheduled:  To be held,  Friday, June 12, 2020  @ 2:00 PM EST.

Registration: Free  | New participants pre-register at the link below

About the series:

Watch this space for session topics and speaker details!

We are proud partners in the Eval4Action Movement and Campaign.

Magate Wildhorse Inc. Celebrates June 2020 as National Caribbean-American Heritage Month

Magate Wildhorse Inc Caribbean American

Congratulations to the Caribbean Americans who have worked to ensure the significant contribution of the peoples of the Caribbean to the USA is observed and celebrated.

We join you in celebrating June 2020 as National Caribbean-American Heritage Month.

We celebrate the works of those who delivered the impact that made the observation justified through their different contributions. Whether the helped to  build brand USA, secure its people, make it a better place, or advance progress towards the delivery of the  American dream without their contribution there would be nothing to celebrate.

We therefore thank Caribbean Americans who deliver the benefits of immigration to both host and home countries.  Immigrants and their descendants who through sharing their cultures enrich the ones they joint and help to spawn and grow innovation and innovative solutions.  We celebrate those who through their presences have erased mistrust, assumptions, fallacies, and misinformation that drives suspicion and devices among people from different places and with diverse cultural practices or skin colour.

Congratulations and thanks to Andrew Sharpe and Authentic Caribbean Foundation for ensuring June is celebrated as National Caribbean American month in Massachusetts.

We thank the US Government for officially recognizing the contribution of the people of Caribbean descent.  A people whose culture and contribution is so different that one cannot accurately spell BAME without the “C”. Let us get it right and in celebrating Caribbean include all the ethnic groups of the Caribbean who have contributed to one of the most solid and diverse culture there is on earth—from music to cuisine, to languages and to the very features of its people.

Let us dedicate this month to celebrating, highlighting, owning, and observing, but also to advancing plans and actions for driving social and economic development and increased levels of community impact by not some but by all Caribbean Americans.

Let us turn the magnifying glasses on problems and our minds, strategies, plans, hands, and resources on solutions that demonstrate the symbols of freedom, independence, and the capacity to self-determine. To prevail against all odds together even as we contribute as to building home and host countries.

As a Caribbean corporate citizen, Magate Wildhorse Inc., looks forward to playing its part in collaboration with our partners, clients, Caribbean Entrepreneurs, and families in the USA.

Coincidence can be great. Minutes before the release of the proclamation we stopped to remind the work that we are there to serve from New York.

Make this a happy, entertaining, and productive observation and celebrations.

We are here to play a role in strengthening businesses, entrepreneurs, departments of government and non-profit organizations. In sharing the Caribbean culture and of course getting involved in the virtual parties.  Don’t miss the next three in our Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar it might just be the solution for helping you with your pivot.

#StaySafe #SocialDistance #WearAMask

Magate Wildhorse Inc. is a proud Caribbean Corporate citizen of the USA.

Authentic Caribbean Foundation best wishes to you as you help to kick-off the celebrations.

#NationalCaribbean #AmericanHeritageMonth #June2020 #celebrations #USAGovernment #proclaimation #MagateWildhorseInc #NewYork


Outride COVID 19: Diaspora Supply Chain― Who’s Who

Supply Chain Seminar

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar

“Embracing risk for driving vision and growth”

The series is grounded in risk intelligence (RI). RI is that process of embracing risks and putting it to work for ensuring your business can survive or thrive during a crisis and beyond. It is also about value creation and protection.

You are invited to join us for series five in the Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar.

Diaspora Supply Chain― Who’s Who

This edition will present:

  • industry update related to supply chains and the impact of COVID 19
  • strategies for making your supply chain more resilient
  • information sources for enabling you to shore up your supply chain or
  • to benefit from business opportunities presented by big business and government looking to secure their supplies and de-risks their supply chain

When: May 14, 2020  |  Time: 2:00 PM EST | Toronto & New York

Where: Online  | Registration detail below

Cost: Free

Event features: Joy Spot activity, Mouth and Mind discussion, COVID 19 business community experiences (open mic―diaspora, in Caribbean, other representatives of BAME or mainstream peers), Elevator pitches (The first 20 registered to per series), networking session

.Featured Sessions include:

Disaster Risk Financing: CCRIF, Climate Risks and COVID-19, presented by Gina Sanguinetti-Phillips, Program Manager at Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF SPC).   In attendance will be Elizabeth Emanuel, Sustainability Management Team Lead, CCRIF

Gina Saguinetti Philips 2

Gina, is an expert in sustainability and environmental policy management. She is a former Environmental Education Advisor to the National Environment and Planning Agency of Jamaica, and American Journal expert.  Her academic background spans the fields of engineering, computer science, environment and sustainability.

Digital Transformation – Process Pivots for COVID 19 and Beyond, presented by Jennifer Clémence Graham, Managing Director and Senior Consultant at JG&G Consulting Services Inc. expert in IT, Business Process Re-engineering and digital transformation

Jennifer Graham

Jennifer brings “25 years of professional credibility working worldwide as a management and business consultant for her firm JG&G Consulting Services Inc., providing professional services to executives in Financial Services, Governments, Healthcare, IT, Oil & Gas, Telecommunications, Utilities, and in other industries.

Ms Graham is an SME in OCM, ITIL, project and portfolio management, change management, process re-design, and their related tools, techniques and strategies. She has extensive experience as a speaker, facilitator, and trainer in the corporate environment, and has taught at Universities and Colleges”.

The MarathonerMeegan Scott of Magate Wildhorse Consulting will address the topic “Supply Chain― Diaspora Who’s Who for Outriding COVID 19” as well as present a network governance framework for cooperation and leveraging intelligence for improving diaspora and home country outcomes. For almost two decades Meegan has helped organizational leaders across industries and geographical borders to get better results from their strategy development, planning, and execution processes.  She is the founder and owner of Magate Wildhorse Ltd. Her most recent in Caribbean engagements includes Climate Finance Strategy Planning, business incubation, and  corporate strategy planner to the National Environment and Planning Agency of Jamaica.

Theo Chambers

Theo Chambers, Motivational Speaker and Business Coach Consultant, at CaribAcademy and Co-founder of Positive Tourism News (Jamaica) will deliver the Joy Spot, Motivational Talk.

Theo is also a tourism expert, author and former president of the Hanover Chamber of Commerce.


Other speakers at the seminar will include Philip Bedward of Pathways, Andrew Sharpe of  Authentic Caribbean Foundation and Rudi Page of Making Connections Work and rapporteur, Tonny Ng’uni, Principal Consultant at Magton Ltd (Zambia).

Diaspora Supply Chain― Who’s Who  is the fifth and final of  in the series of business continuity and growth seminars which will be followed by execution and improvement interventions.

Registration Options

New to the series

To receive your access link to the seminar please register at the link below.

Returning attendees

Email us at magate.wildhorse (at)  or click here.                                                Copy and paste the following in the subject line and body of your Email                          “Register me for Diaspora Supply Chain― Who’s Who for Outriding COVID 19 ”  please include your name.

All attendee must click the join meeting link provided before the start of the meeting to receive your unique log in credentials.

Procurement officers and buyers in search of COVID 19 and other supplies are welcome to participate.

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar is a global disapora entrepreneurs affair!                                                                                                                            Leaders of mainstream businesses with an interest in doing business with diaspora entrepreneurs are welcome to register for the match making and networking sessions.

Please note that this event is not just for small and micro-businesses, big businesses and big nonprofits can benefit also.

Do Something


Wear A Mask Save A Life Magate Covid Message

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Consulting, and The Community of Practise for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (Home of BIDEM Conference & Trade Show)

Advance or maintain the progress.

Footer sustainable develop seminar

Why they are interested in The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Why they are interested― in a nutshell.

  • Host Cities
  • Governments
  • Home Cities
  • Diaspora Organizations
  • Trade & Export Departments
  • Economic Development Clusters
  • Ethnic Media
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurs
  • Stakeholders working on Agenda 2030

Find out more in 4:00

It is a hybrid Community of Practice and Marketplace                                                        It aims to fertilize, strengthen, manipulate, and boost the entrepreneurial ecosystem–    From talent, through to markets, support, culture, finance, policy, and training.

By facilitating the growth of mainstream immigrant and member businesses it will contribute to job creation, growth, and desired increases in contribution and benefits to be realized by host and home cities.

You’ll find the CoP working to advance tacit learning by working together and for facilitating the cross-training and learning between Caribbeans at home and abroad, as well as other non-Caribbean CoP Members. And by so doing will strengthen businesses and grow trade both ways.

Why entrepreneurs join?

It is that safe place where trust is built, collaborations, cooperation, friendships, and partnerships are forged― in a marketplace and research hub for delivering dynamic and inclusive entrepreneurship for and by Caribbeans.

Find out more at The CoP Secretariat



“Whys and Wherefores — of the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs”

All you need to know about the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs.

Copyright © 2018 by Meegan Scott, and The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs, Magate Wildhorse Ltd. All rights reserved.

Of interest to Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs in all Caribbean diasporic markets, Caribbean entrepreneurs at home.

The following groups will also find this video of interest:

Host cities, economic development partners, cluster managers, retired Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs looking to mentor the next generation, academia, and ethnic media will be interested in the information shared.

Canadians with no history of business in their families irrespective of ethnicity, non-native speakers of English who are immigrant entrepreneurs in North America, Black Americans, Black Canadians, and investors.


Interesting gender gap among immigrant entrepreneurs for Barbadians, Jamaican, Guyanese, and Trinidadians in Canada.

How to Cite:

Meegan Scott, “Whys and Wherefores — of the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs, Magate Wildhorse Web Site, 33.09, October 2018, updated May 2019.

Looking forward to supporting and contradictory statistics for what is presented at    1:06 – 1: 11 minutes.

Thank you for sharing at the reflective pause at:  between 14:00 and 15:00 minutes.

CoP Membership is open to:

  • Black Canadians,
  • African Americans,
  • Caribbeans and members of the African diaspora in the United Kingdom,
  • Canadians with no history of business in their families,
  • Non-native speakers of English – who are immigrant entrepreneurs in North America,
  • Africans in Africa,
  • Entrepreneurs from all countries and regions from which the DNA of the peoples of the Caribbean come [Spain, Portugal, Germany, India, China, Europe, Asia, Pacific, Mediterranean],
  • Emerging diaspora markets such as rest of Asia, Australia and Bahrain

Got a question?                                                                                                                Contact your CoP Secretariat by  Email:

Visit us on instagram:                                                                                                         Magate Wildhorse Ltd on Instagram

The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (CoP), is Not a STARTUP COMMUNITY

CoP not a Startup Com with Logo

By Meegan Scott

The CoP is not a startup community!

It is that safe place where trust is built, collaborations, cooperation, friendships, and partnerships are forged― in a market place and research hub for delivering dynamic and inclusive entrepreneurship for and by Caribbeans.  It is where Caribbean entrepreneurs and their businesses will draw on connections, knowledge, opportunities, and support to help them thrive and grow.

The same is true for members of the African community, immigrant entrepreneurs who are not native speakers of the English language, African-Americans, and Canadian entrepreneurs with no history of entrepreneurship in their families.

The CoP is that space were tacit and formal knowledge blends, and is transferred within the community among retired entrepreneurs, more seasoned, not so seasoned entrepreneurs, youth entrepreneurs (over 18 years old), young entrepreneurs (those over forty who are embarking on their first business), individuals who have or are approaching retirement and are starting their retirement business, as well as startup entrepreneurs over the age of eighteen years old.

Many who still do not quite understand technology as a method, tools, or equipment for executing strategy and tactics during operations, view the CoP as another Facebook group.

Let us take our governance related responsibilities seriously, and engage in needed research when steering organizations or seeking to influence public opinion. Let us make it a habit to step outside of the domain of our core areas of expertise and engage in research that will enable us to understand and to twin both risk intelligence and risk management for delivering real and lasting solutions. Leaders and entrepreneurs must engage in research that will inform decision making and put them and the organizations they serve in the position of innovators and first movers.

With its day-to-day work, connection, research, and market place housed on the Facebook social media platform the CoP is positioned to deliver relevant solutions that are inclusive in terms of access to information, markets, and networks as well as financial accessibility.

It is where families, friends, fellow alumni, social workers, politicians, members of the diaspora in different continents and others can stumble upon the CoP opportunity and bring it to the attention of one of our entrepreneurs, or a community member sitting on the fence of becoming an entrepreneur. It is where the real entrepreneur who constantly seek out knowledge will come across its existence and seize the opportunity to give and to receive.

The CoP is therefore in a perfect space as a solution that is relevant, effective, and inclusive as it relates to access, as well as for facilitating formal and informal learning on how-to do business for entrepreneurs at all stages of their journey ―from the retired to the startup.

Moreover, where social media and the CoP hub intersects is fertile ground for the kind of shared knowledge that is equivalent to social capital―a concept advanced by Harold Jarche’s framework for Personal Knowledge Mastery (PKM). The planned and desired unintended results of the CoP cannot be delivered by a regular Facebook Group (The ties of a regular Facebook group are too weak to deliver the objectives of the CoP.).

In keeping with the PKM model (And its’ seek, sense, and share approach), we say with confidence that the CoP provides a safe environment for testing innovative ideas, market research, and building trust (a challenge in our community, and a barrier to doing business).

Furthermore, the CoP is supported by a backbone for conducting virtual face-to-face meetings, market connections, team work, and conversations. This was demonstrated in the form of training events, its virtual launch, and the panel discussion “Born Global & Born-Again Global Businesses: Pathways to Internationalization (Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs & Peer Entrepreneurs), held during Global Entrepreneurship Week 2018. Additionally, the CoP will be supported by face-to-face meetups in various cities in OECD countries and wherever members of the diaspora reside. We invite community members who share the vision of the CoP to put themselves forward to lead a hub in their city.

At the next level the rich ecosystem of the CoP―intersects with work teams in individual businesses, core working committees of the CoP, supporting entities and partners such as JAMPRO, Jamaica National, The Centre for Entrepreneurship Thinking and Practice (UWI), and prospective host cities for delivering innovation and co-creation of value. It is at that intersection that knowledge is translated and put to work by individual businesses, partners, and the CoP.  At that intersection we will also see solutions to social problems, scaling-up of Caribbean businesses to mainstream businesses with that ethnic or local Caribbean flavor, job, intellectual property, and wealth creation. It is also where the job of Caribbean and host country trade and business support agencies will become easier and can focus resources at a higher level on the value chain, and on the results chain.

That intersection is also where shared practice and reputation flows back from work teams, individual businesses, and entrepreneurs into the Community of Practice for the benefit of all. The CoP and its stakeholders will be able to assess how well shared practice is working and delivering impact, or to make suggestions for improvement by interrogating the CoP’s theory of change and performance results, in addition to member and partner testimony over time.

Even in its early days the CoP is backed by decades of experience in corporate strategy, organizational performance management and measurement, marketing, research, education, social and economic development, entrepreneur and private sector development, business incubation, ethnic media, finance, FDI and trade promotion. The core actors and shapers of the CoP are themselves serial entrepreneurs with experience establishing businesses in the diaspora. The door is open for others to join and contribute to leading the CoP.

The CoP aims to deliver shared visions, acts from a position of inclusiveness, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and accountability.  It values and is grounded in the principles and practices applied by performance driven, learning organizations, that are designed to facilitate improvement, and acting together. Our work will be informed by rigorous research, and evidence. We are entrepreneurial in thinking, and we value and collect dissenting perspectives for driving the delivery of innovative solutions, innovation, and for putting forward a best solution that continuously gets better.

It is therefore clear that we are equipped with a rich talent pool, tools, different perspectives, and mindsets for growing a CoP that will manipulate the “foreign” or “local but unsuitable” entrepreneurial ecosystem to deliver our objectives (that of member businesses, entrepreneurs, partners, and the CoP) while adding value to society and customers. It is where we will develop greater mastery of entrepreneurship.

(Meegan Scott, B.Sc. Hons, MBA, ATM-B, CL, PMP., is a Jamaican-born Strategic Management Consultant, at Magate Wildhorse Ltd in Toronto, and the CoP Secretariat).