“Whys and Wherefores — of the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs”

All you need to know about the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs.

Copyright © 2018 by Meegan Scott, and The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs, Magate Wildhorse Ltd. All rights reserved.

Of interest to Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs in all Caribbean diasporic markets, Caribbean entrepreneurs at home.

The following groups will also find this video of interest:

Host cities, economic development partners, cluster managers, retired Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs looking to mentor the next generation, academia, and ethnic media will be interested in the information shared.

Canadians with no history of business in their families irrespective of ethnicity, non-native speakers of English who are immigrant entrepreneurs in North America, Black Americans, Black Canadians, and investors.


Interesting gender gap among immigrant entrepreneurs for Barbadians, Jamaican, Guyanese, and Trinidadians in Canada.

How to Cite:

Meegan Scott, “Whys and Wherefores — of the Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs, Magate Wildhorse Web Site, 33.09, October 2018, updated May 2019.

Looking forward to supporting and contradictory statistics for what is presented at    1:06 – 1: 11 minutes.

Thank you for sharing at the reflective pause at:  between 14:00 and 15:00 minutes.

CoP Membership is open to:

  • Black Canadians,
  • African Americans,
  • Caribbeans and members of the African diaspora in the United Kingdom,
  • Canadians with no history of business in their families,
  • Non-native speakers of English – who are immigrant entrepreneurs in North America,
  • Africans in Africa,
  • Entrepreneurs from all countries and regions from which the DNA of the peoples of the Caribbean come [Spain, Portugal, Germany, India, China, Europe, Asia, Pacific, Mediterranean],
  • Emerging diaspora markets such as rest of Asia, Australia and Bahrain

Got a question?                                                                                                                Contact your CoP Secretariat by  Email: magatewildhorse@gmail.com

Visit us on instagram:                                                                                                         Magate Wildhorse Ltd on Instagram

Call for Papers —The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine (2019)

Call for Papers The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine 2019

Deadline: April 26, 2019

Visibility and simplicity―do you know an entrepreneur, a consultant, or business that could do without one or the other?

We didn’t think so.  So, we strive to give organizations and entrepreneurs the best of both.

In today’s world where the language of business expands almost daily and growth-related concepts can be tough to understand, The Noësis aims to bring understanding and simplicity —disambiguation.

Its content will facilitate understanding of tough business and development concepts― while accelerating the learning of industry language and how-to.

And by so doing help organizations and entrepreneurs get more out of their investment in consulting solutions. Practitioners and consultants can expect content that will help them to improve their craft.

The power of visibility as that first step towards building trust is one the worst kept secrets of today.

Still not all visibility carries the same weight. For that reason, this magazine is designed to provide opportunities for accelerating solid trust in your expertise and business.

It does this by highlighting successful Caribbean and Canadian entrepreneurs, business related educational content, research findings, issues, trends, companies, stories, commentaries, book reviews and entertainment pieces.  In the mix will be articles and stories focused on growth related topics such as strategy, marketing, trade, performance management and measurement, intellectual property, and the creative industries.

While the focus is on Canada and the Caribbean we embrace and look forward to sharing with the global community.  This publication welcomes guest contributors from all continents, cultures, and ethnicities.  We look forward to presenting a rich blend of content by and about ambitious startups, gazelles in the making, the ordinary, the extra-ordinary and mainstream businesses, business ecosystems, consultants, and professional service providers.

The publication is a hybrid Magazine/Professional Journal geared towards C-level executives, entrepreneurs, researchers, practitioners, and consultants with an interest in strategy, marketing, evaluation, organizational assessments, international trade, FDI, entrepreneurship and international development.  It will be circulated to senior executives, business owners, and libraries.

The new Canadian-Caribbean Magazine is the only business magazine designed to promote the culture of Caribbean entrepreneurship; and entrepreneurship as a desirable, feasible and viable economic activity for Caribbean immigrants in Canada and other diasporic markets of the Region.

We want to see the growth of high performing Caribbean businesses in all major diaspora markets. We want to see the Caribbean culture of entrepreneurship and its entrepreneurial DNA deliver significant impact to entrepreneurs and the markets in which the businesses call home— as well as those they serve.  But we also want to hear the voice of others with no Caribbean roots who would love to meet and collaborate with Caribbeans through this publication.

To ensure simplicity and visibility we provide information, stimulate debate, share research, cases, and stories for ensuring organizational leaders and team have the necessary information for strategy success in starting and growing their businesses.  We want to see greater impact from international development initiatives especially in ACP Countries; therefore, we will address those issues and explore solutions.

Learn more about The Noësis or subscribe, click here.

Publishing Opportunities

Consultants and practitioners are invited to submit articles, case studies, anecdotes, and stories.

Academic researchers, consultants, and experts are invited to serve in editorial roles as well as to contribute articles, stories, and cases.

Recent Graduates, final year PhD and Master’s Degree students are invited to submit articles based on their final research papers. Submissions should have a focus on the Caribbean, Caribbean Diaspora Markets or Canada.

Business writers and/journalists are invited to submit articles (feature, news stories, historical and opinion pieces, commentaries, and tips).

Editorial Policy and Practice

Academic submissions will be peer-reviewed. Subject matter experts, academia or magazine editors will review other pieces. However, all published pieces would have met the editorial standards and the objectives of the magazine.

Contributor Guidelines

What to Include in Your Draft or Proposal

Submissions must be in MS Word documents. Illustrations and images should be clear and impactful in communicating your ideas. They may include maps, photos, illustration, tables, infographics, and other images that are properly labelled.

Double-blind Peer Review

Please click the link above to ensure your submissions are compliant with the double-blind peer review process applicable to all submissions.

Deadline for final submissions: April 26, 2019                                                            Deadline for submission of drafts or proposals: April 15, 2019.

To submit your proposal, article, or query, please contact Meegan Scott by Email at: magatewildhorse@gmail.com

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The Minute Book Saved The Day! Tell Us About Your Experience.

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The minute book saved the day! Tell us about your experience. 1. Tell us about a time when your Minute Book saved the day. 2. What are some novel ways in which you have used your Corporate Minute Book? Thanks for sharing! Give, receive, and grow a stronger business in 2019. This challenge is brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Ltd. Your performance catalyst, strategy expert, and scale-up coach. We bring urgency, accountability, fun, reflection, learning, and flexibility to helping you deliver your strategy! We will help you find your performance one drop! Find your success rhythm today! Find out how we can help you to improve the results of your organization today! Click that message button and drop us a line. Have a Wonderful Wednesday! #businesssuccess #strategysuccess #minutebook #savedtheday #scaleupcoach #strategyexperts #performancecatalyst #youronedrop #successrhythm

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We Made It in Time to Help You Succeed!

organizational improvement solutions, economic development agency solution, entrepreneur scale-up solutions notforprofit, government department critical friend evaluations corporate strategy planning magate wildhorse ltd trust and reputation solutions

Who is this piece for?

Organizational leaders looking to grow and improve their results in 2019.

We came packed with solutions to help you attain the ―competitive edge!

We are talking about help with

  • Getting strategic focus;
  • Setting growth indicators that are aligned with your personal and business ambition;
  • Working from your CEO’s hat versus from simply that of the operations manager― (to put it another way, we’ll help you with focusing and acting for driving balanced growth);
  • Creating an actionable corporate strategy plan― for guiding you, and your organization to achieving the tomorrow you want for your business;
  • Communicating your strategy to your team so your people will line up, fully committed, and working to deliver your strategy;
  • Market research for ensuring you are aware of changes in your environment that could quickly become threats, risks, or opportunities;
  • An evaluation, or an organizational assessment for boosting organizational learning, strategy execution, improved results, better understanding of and communicating your results, or all plus improved funder readiness;
  • Problem solving, or capacity building, and increased levels of understanding for getting the right job done. We bring― workshops, webinars, charrettes, ideation, strategic and creative thinking sessions. Ever hear about our Pepper Pot Sessions for tough conversations and problem solving?

We’re all about growth, improved results, your success, and our success when you succeed!

For the solopreneur, or small business leader― finding your “one drop” or rhythm for success can take longer.  Having us as a critical friend and success partner means the acceleration of that process.

You’ll notice the improvement as you prepare for, and move from one meeting to the next.

For the government department or non-profit organization, we’ll help you turn that evaluation spend into an investment in learning and growth for your organization, even as you meet your funder requirement.

But, why wait for a funder’s request to check on growth?

Why wait for an externally driven request to learn what is going well and what must be changed in your organization?  After all, you’ve got the mandate to run that show!

We know the many reasons, why you don’t get around to it, that is why we have designed, and will work with you to get this essential part of your work done well.

And that corporate strategy plan, we know how that missing performance management system can squeeze your strategy execution to a slow and painful death. We’ve got your back with that one too!

Join a new class, say goodbye to Grade C, and that painful 60-70% failure report for strategy execution!

Economic development agency managers, chief of party, cluster managers, leaders of incubators and accelerators you thought we had forgotten you. Not a chance!

We know why and where business incubation fails.

We know cluster members could use affordable help with strategy execution; we know businesses in accelerators need that objective critical friend or advisor.

We know why development and change projects fail to deliver up to 70% of intended results.

We know that economic development agencies can realize a higher ROI if they had a partner for helping their beneficiaries with execution, and or performance measurement and management.

Look yonder to the image above, we come with a journal to help you and your clients with journaling, reflection, learning, strategy adjustment and performance improvement.

We come with hold your hand care ―plus pressure and urgency to drive success!

We come with a pen, conversations, meetings, tools, and a watch to keep score, track, and help you adjust your strategy and improve your results in time!

Because we are Magate Wildhorse Ltd, we come as that trusted friend to help you through the tough time and to focus on what really matters.

Together we’ll sniff the roses, relax, have fun, share laughs on your way to exceeding expectations.

Expect evidence-based, facts, rigor, organized, planned, synthesis, results, and caring!

Get value for money as you define it!

Let us help you find your success rhythm!

Let’s get the conversation going, message us today!