Programme & Speakers — COVID 19 and Beyond —Old Markets, New Markets, Different Results

Be with us for COVID 19 and Beyond —Old Markets, New Markets, Different Results, this Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 2:00 PM EST.

See the programme and speaker lineup below.

Programme Speaks Outride COVID 19 Market Ready.v.2



Outride COVID 19: Diaspora Supply Chain― Who’s Who

Supply Chain Seminar

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar

“Embracing risk for driving vision and growth”

The series is grounded in risk intelligence (RI). RI is that process of embracing risks and putting it to work for ensuring your business can survive or thrive during a crisis and beyond. It is also about value creation and protection.

You are invited to join us for series five in the Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar.

Diaspora Supply Chain― Who’s Who

This edition will present:

  • industry update related to supply chains and the impact of COVID 19
  • strategies for making your supply chain more resilient
  • information sources for enabling you to shore up your supply chain or
  • to benefit from business opportunities presented by big business and government looking to secure their supplies and de-risks their supply chain

When: May 14, 2020  |  Time: 2:00 PM EST | Toronto & New York

Where: Online  | Registration detail below

Cost: Free

Event features: Joy Spot activity, Mouth and Mind discussion, COVID 19 business community experiences (open mic―diaspora, in Caribbean, other representatives of BAME or mainstream peers), Elevator pitches (The first 20 registered to per series), networking session

.Featured Sessions include:

Disaster Risk Financing: CCRIF, Climate Risks and COVID-19, presented by Gina Sanguinetti-Phillips, Program Manager at Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF SPC).   In attendance will be Elizabeth Emanuel, Sustainability Management Team Lead, CCRIF

Gina Saguinetti Philips 2

Gina, is an expert in sustainability and environmental policy management. She is a former Environmental Education Advisor to the National Environment and Planning Agency of Jamaica, and American Journal expert.  Her academic background spans the fields of engineering, computer science, environment and sustainability.

Digital Transformation – Process Pivots for COVID 19 and Beyond, presented by Jennifer Clémence Graham, Managing Director and Senior Consultant at JG&G Consulting Services Inc. expert in IT, Business Process Re-engineering and digital transformation

Jennifer Graham

Jennifer brings “25 years of professional credibility working worldwide as a management and business consultant for her firm JG&G Consulting Services Inc., providing professional services to executives in Financial Services, Governments, Healthcare, IT, Oil & Gas, Telecommunications, Utilities, and in other industries.

Ms Graham is an SME in OCM, ITIL, project and portfolio management, change management, process re-design, and their related tools, techniques and strategies. She has extensive experience as a speaker, facilitator, and trainer in the corporate environment, and has taught at Universities and Colleges”.

The MarathonerMeegan Scott of Magate Wildhorse Consulting will address the topic “Supply Chain― Diaspora Who’s Who for Outriding COVID 19” as well as present a network governance framework for cooperation and leveraging intelligence for improving diaspora and home country outcomes. For almost two decades Meegan has helped organizational leaders across industries and geographical borders to get better results from their strategy development, planning, and execution processes.  She is the founder and owner of Magate Wildhorse Ltd. Her most recent in Caribbean engagements includes Climate Finance Strategy Planning, business incubation, and  corporate strategy planner to the National Environment and Planning Agency of Jamaica.

Theo Chambers

Theo Chambers, Motivational Speaker and Business Coach Consultant, at CaribAcademy and Co-founder of Positive Tourism News (Jamaica) will deliver the Joy Spot, Motivational Talk.

Theo is also a tourism expert, author and former president of the Hanover Chamber of Commerce.


Other speakers at the seminar will include Philip Bedward of Pathways, Andrew Sharpe of  Authentic Caribbean Foundation and Rudi Page of Making Connections Work and rapporteur, Tonny Ng’uni, Principal Consultant at Magton Ltd (Zambia).

Diaspora Supply Chain― Who’s Who  is the fifth and final of  in the series of business continuity and growth seminars which will be followed by execution and improvement interventions.

Registration Options

New to the series

To receive your access link to the seminar please register at the link below.

Returning attendees

Email us at magate.wildhorse (at)  or click here.                                                Copy and paste the following in the subject line and body of your Email                          “Register me for Diaspora Supply Chain― Who’s Who for Outriding COVID 19 ”  please include your name.

All attendee must click the join meeting link provided before the start of the meeting to receive your unique log in credentials.

Procurement officers and buyers in search of COVID 19 and other supplies are welcome to participate.

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar is a global disapora entrepreneurs affair!                                                                                                                            Leaders of mainstream businesses with an interest in doing business with diaspora entrepreneurs are welcome to register for the match making and networking sessions.

Please note that this event is not just for small and micro-businesses, big businesses and big nonprofits can benefit also.

Do Something


Wear A Mask Save A Life Magate Covid Message

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Consulting, and The Community of Practise for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (Home of BIDEM Conference & Trade Show)

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