Magate Wildhorse Inc. Celebrates June 2020 as National Caribbean-American Heritage Month

Magate Wildhorse Inc Caribbean American

Congratulations to the Caribbean Americans who have worked to ensure the significant contribution of the peoples of the Caribbean to the USA is observed and celebrated.

We join you in celebrating June 2020 as National Caribbean-American Heritage Month.

We celebrate the works of those who delivered the impact that made the observation justified through their different contributions. Whether the helped to  build brand USA, secure its people, make it a better place, or advance progress towards the delivery of the  American dream without their contribution there would be nothing to celebrate.

We therefore thank Caribbean Americans who deliver the benefits of immigration to both host and home countries.  Immigrants and their descendants who through sharing their cultures enrich the ones they joint and help to spawn and grow innovation and innovative solutions.  We celebrate those who through their presences have erased mistrust, assumptions, fallacies, and misinformation that drives suspicion and devices among people from different places and with diverse cultural practices or skin colour.

Congratulations and thanks to Andrew Sharpe and Authentic Caribbean Foundation for ensuring June is celebrated as National Caribbean American month in Massachusetts.

We thank the US Government for officially recognizing the contribution of the people of Caribbean descent.  A people whose culture and contribution is so different that one cannot accurately spell BAME without the “C”. Let us get it right and in celebrating Caribbean include all the ethnic groups of the Caribbean who have contributed to one of the most solid and diverse culture there is on earth—from music to cuisine, to languages and to the very features of its people.

Let us dedicate this month to celebrating, highlighting, owning, and observing, but also to advancing plans and actions for driving social and economic development and increased levels of community impact by not some but by all Caribbean Americans.

Let us turn the magnifying glasses on problems and our minds, strategies, plans, hands, and resources on solutions that demonstrate the symbols of freedom, independence, and the capacity to self-determine. To prevail against all odds together even as we contribute as to building home and host countries.

As a Caribbean corporate citizen, Magate Wildhorse Inc., looks forward to playing its part in collaboration with our partners, clients, Caribbean Entrepreneurs, and families in the USA.

Coincidence can be great. Minutes before the release of the proclamation we stopped to remind the work that we are there to serve from New York.

Make this a happy, entertaining, and productive observation and celebrations.

We are here to play a role in strengthening businesses, entrepreneurs, departments of government and non-profit organizations. In sharing the Caribbean culture and of course getting involved in the virtual parties.  Don’t miss the next three in our Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar it might just be the solution for helping you with your pivot.

#StaySafe #SocialDistance #WearAMask

Magate Wildhorse Inc. is a proud Caribbean Corporate citizen of the USA.

Authentic Caribbean Foundation best wishes to you as you help to kick-off the celebrations.

#NationalCaribbean #AmericanHeritageMonth #June2020 #celebrations #USAGovernment #proclaimation #MagateWildhorseInc #NewYork


Risk Intelligence for Outriding COVID 19 — Key Questions, Practical Responses for SMEs

Risk Intelligence Tilman

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar

“Embracing risk for driving vision and growth”

You are invited to join us for series four in the Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar.

Risk Intelligence for Outriding COVID 19                                                                        Key Questions, Practical Responses for SMEs

Risk intelligence is that process of embracing risks and putting it to work for ensuring your business can survive or thrive during a crisis and beyond.

This session answers questions related to:

  • response options for SMEs with zero to $5000 in operational cashflow
  • should struggling startups even bother to take a shot at it
  • key cultural, actions, frameworks and processes for medium sized or big businesses that are profitable and cash rich but need to grow agility and capacity to adapt.


Leo M. Tilman

Session Presenter: Mr. Leo M. Tilman

Leo is President and CEO of Tilman & Company, a global strategic advisory firm and a thought leader on strategy and risk intelligence. Previously, Mr. Tilman held senior positions with BlackRock, Capitol Peak, and Bear Stearns, where he was Chief Institutional Strategist and Senior Managing Director. He is the author of Agility (2019, with General Chuck Jacoby, former Commander of NORAD and US Northern Command ), Financial Darwinism (2008), Asset/ Liability Management (Ed, 2003), and Risk Management (2000).

Leo also co-authored “Brain as a Business Model” .

Known as a leading expert on risk, strategy, and finance.; and creator of the Corporate Risk Scorecard, a “Nutrition Label” for companies (Barron’s, 2013) and co-author of “Brain as a Business Model” (EFR, 2014).

Event features: Joy Spot activity, Mouth and Mind discussion, COVID 19 business community experiences (open mic―diaspora, in Caribbean, other representatives of BAME or mainstream peers), Elevator pitches (The first 20 registered to per series), networking session

Programme & Speakers, click to the preceding words to view.

Be with us for this diaspora business and non-profit leaders’ event.

Watch this space for updates.

When: Thursday, May 7, 2020  | 2:00 PM Eastern, Toronto & New York

Where: Online

Registration Options

New to the series

To receive your access link to the seminar please register at the link below if you missed series 1 last Thursday.

Returning attendee

Email us at magate.wildhorse (at)  or click here.                                                Copy and paste the following in the subject line and body of your Email                          “Register me for Customer Service, Value & Sales for Outriding COVID 19”  please include your name.

Procurement officers and buyers in search of COVID 19 and other supplies are welcome to participate.

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar is a global disapora entrepreneurs affair! 

Leaders of mainstream businesses with an interest in doing business with diaspora entrepreneurs are welcome to register for the match making and networking sessions.

Please note that this event is not just for small and micro-businesses, big businesses can benefit alsol.

stay-home Contact less delivery

Click here to view the series shedule.

May 14, 2020                                                                                                            Series 5: Diaspora Supply Chain― Who’s Who

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Consulting, and The Community of Practise for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (Home of BIDEM Conference & Trade Show)

Advance or maintain the progress.

Footer sustainable develop seminar