Launch of Entrepreneurs MeetUP and Community of Practice (CoP)
The GTA hub of the High-Performance Caribbean Entrepreneur’s Ring will be officially launched on Saturday, March 31, 2018 by Meegan Scott and Magate Wildhorse Ltd. At the launch we will engage in B2B networking, getting to know each other as well as add some of your wishes to the objectives and working of the HIPCE Ring.
Because it is a Caribbean Entrepreneur’s group we are looking for others who would love to join us. Let’s have a meeting of minds and joint action for growing high performance Caribbean businesses and outstanding entrepreneurs in the Diaspora.
Meeting facilitator: Meegan Scott will lead the session.
The MeetUP and CoP is a group of Caribbean entrepreneurs in the Diaspora including members of the Caribbean-Canadian group who will meet monthly (Downtown, Toronto), as well as online to learn, share, collaborate and build knowledge in the area of Caribbean Entrepreneurship and success strategies for our immigrant entrepreneurs. Besides networking and information sharing the group serves as a resource for advice, tips, advertising, market and market research hub.
It will remain consistently so.
Join us at: https://goo.gl/AnhZuE (Online home of the MeetUP and CoP).
Be with us on March 31, 2018.
You are welcome to join us for our preliminary online session on March 13, 2018 (details available in the Ring).
We look forward to your active participation!
Please feel free to forward this announcement to others.