Mini Power Tips: Test and Grow the Value of your Business

Mini PowerTips Meegan Scott

Seriously speaking, do you know how much your business is worth?

Are you in the market for investors or a business loan?

For all the sweat and sacrifice that you have poured into your small business do you know how much it is worth?

Join Meegan Scott in an easy but serious conversation on the value of your business and tips for boosting your business value even in a crisis when money might just be trickling in.

You will want to fill the detailed registration form by November 16, 2020.

You’ll find out at the end or we’ll shine the light during the session.

Small group with limited spaces going fast!

About the Speaker

Click the words about the speaker to view

Register here

Click the words Register here

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Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott,  Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.


Investment Opportunities: Medical Trials, Proteins, Phytotherapy, Therapeutics, Ethnopharmacology Industries—Jamaica & Barbados


Medical Trials final

We never waste the topics we bring to our Conference or Trade Show so we bring you a discussion on investment opportunties in Jamaica.

Focus areas:

Clinical Trials (Medical Research Solutions)—UWI Mona

Investment Opportunities in the  Proteins, Phytotherapy, Therapeutics, Ethnopharmacology Industries

Jamaica & Barbados

We heard from Dr. Wendy Cukier, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson on

“Innovation Commercialization and the Creation of Intellectual Property from the Perspective of university-based incubators and accelerators”.

Now we take you the Caribbean for another conversation.

Join us Tuesday, November 17, 2020  @ 7:00 PM EST

When leading academic experts

Dr. Sylvia Mitchell

Head of the Medicinal Plant Biotechnology Research (UWI, Mona)


Dr. Cohall

Deputy Dean Pre-Clinical Sciences and Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology (UWI, Cavehill)

Discuss investment opportunities, health and economic solutions in the Proteins, Phytotherapy, Therapeutics Industry—Jamaica


Keep your radio dials on WBCA FM 102.9 to hear

Loreen Walker

Attorney-at-LawUWI, deliver the BIDEM promise of a walk-through opportunities related to medical trials for researchers and businesses looking to support their disruption strategy in Jamaica.

Coming to you live on  Showcase, You and Your Biz

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Inc., New York,  Caribbean Diaspora Connect, The CoP, and WBCA FM 102.9.

Register to receive a link to participate in the Show.

Registration Form (Click the hyperlink)

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Not in Boston or won’t be available and can’t stand to miss a minute?

Register by clicking on the words registration form.

Got a question? Message us.

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Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.

Focus Group: Accelerating Caribbean Entrepreneurship at Home and in the Diaspora

Focus group accelerating entrepreneur

“Towards a Policy Framework for Accelerating Caribbean Entrepreneurship at Home and in the Diaspora”.

Join in the entrepreneurs and key stakeholder leg of this discussion — commenced at the premiere edition of the BIDEM International Caribbean Diaspora Entrepreneurs’ Conference and Trade Show, held in Toronto, October 13-15, 2020.

The Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business and Export, Canada and the Honourable Audley Shaw, Minister of Investment and Commerce, Jamaica made their contribution to the dialogue during the Minister’s panel.

Entrepreneurs, consultants, political entrepreneurs  and the media are now invited to make their contribution to articulating the change we want to see. Changes that will drive the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals and local goals for host and home countries.

Diaspora entrepreneurs in Brooklyn, rest of the USA, all destinations where Caribbeans live outside of their home countries—  including other Caribbean Islands and Latin America—  are welcome to join us.

Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020  | Time:  7:30 – 9:00  PM EST

Prior registration to participate in this event is required.

Registration Form, click the words Registration Form to register for this and other GEW activities.

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Caribbean Diasporic Markets Compass


Fireside Chat — Blinkers Off MSME

Blinkersoff Event image attitude.v.


A Conversation on Resilience Skills and Behaviours for Caribbean Entrepreneurs in domestic and diasporic markets.

Be with us when we celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020 (GEW2020).

This year GEW will be celebrate November 16-22, 2020.

“On April 6, 2017, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution recognizing the crucial role Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) play in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Resolution (A/71/279) designates June 27 as “Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Day”. With support from ICSB, the Permanent Mission of Argentina to the UN authored the resolution that was presented to and negotiated with all UN member states.
The resolution was co-sponsored by 54 member states, representing over 5 billion people”.
As part of celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020  we will host
a Conversation on Resilience Skills and Behaviours for Caribbean and diaspora entrepreneurs.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020  | 7:30 – 8:50 PM

Registration Form (click the preceding word).

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Event Facilitator: Meegan Scott

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Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott,  Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York).  All rights reserved.

Radio Talk SHow: Showcase― You & Your Biz


Join Magate Wildhorse Consulting, Caribbean Diaspora Connect, WBCA 102.9 FM,  and The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs in celebrating and creating awareness around barriers to entrepreneurship and how to overcome them.

Join us during Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), November 16-22, 2020 for Showcase You and Your Business.

Aired on: WBA 102.9A FM

Register your business for

  • A 2 min  Entrepreneur’s Interview  plus
  • 60 sec. give-away and sale for your solution of choice

If you’ve got Jamaica or Caribbean roots you are welcome to join us for the celebrations and interviews.

Deadline for Registration:  Saturday, November 14, 2020.

Registration Form (click the preceding link)

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The show aims to let Caribbean diasporans put their fingers on on the problems that hold us back from growing mainstream sized businesses with that delightful ethnic flavour.

The barriers to be addressed are listed below.

The Barriers:

  1. Of foreignness
  2. Lack of trust and the image of Caribbean entrepreneurs
  3. Access to capital and more so are we ready? [Time for business, opportunities in diaspora corporate citizen generated data, research a business opportunity]
  4. Sparse networks ―including the missing social media superstars, the need and how to change that.
  5. The need for Patrons to overcome the lack of experience
  6. Collaboration and Civility ―self―inflicted business wounds.
  7. Enterprising versus entrepreneurial 2020 and beyond.
  8. Medical trials and biotechnology – Jamaica to diaspora opportunities

The programme will gather input to be including in the research  “Towards a Policy Framework for Accelerating Caribbean Entrepreneurship at Home and in the Diaspora”.

Caribbean entrepreneurs in diasporic and domestic market are invited to share in the online forum at the following link:

CoP-BIDEM Discussion Forum

Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott,  Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.

Share & Get Featured during Global Entrepreneurship Week

Mission Drift GEW


Here’s your entrepreneur’s steal of a deal for zero penny.

Publishing and publicity one action; two standout results for finishing 2020 strong!

Respond to the piece below to get featured during Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW 2020). This year GEW will be celebrated November 16-22.

Mission Drift, The Stormerpreneurs℠ and Finishing 2020 Strong

“Young bird nuh know storm” — unless of course they were born in 2020 among the turmoil of COVID-19. If the term stormerpreneur has a place in your unique story or journey then let us know by your response to the question below.

This has been a busy year with lots of pivots and virtual activities so it would not be surprising if many of our organizations experienced some form of mission drift. Mission drift can be positive though we mostly hear about the negative drift. Tell us about your experience below.  Thank you

  1. Tell us about the moment you decided to start your own business.
  2. Who was there with you when sat down to put the idea together ? Include the year you started.
  3. Would you say that you are a stormerpreneur? Tell us why you answered yes or no.
  4. What is the mission of your organization?
  5. What is the vision?
  6. How does the mission and vision fit or help you to fulfil your personal purpose and ambitions?
  7. What were the top 5-10 activities you completed in 2020?
  8. Which played the greatest role in advancing the delivery of your Mission?
  9. When you add it all up— would you say your drift was positive? Or was it mostly negative?
  10. Which product or service do you currently offer— that is a must have for readers of this publication or people who could use your solution?
  11. What can we expect from your business over the next two years?
  12. Where can they learn more or purchase your service? Web site or social media link, calendar or email link

#IAmAnEntrepreneur   #yes #toentrepreneurship #GEW2020

To participate submit one or both of the following:


Word length:  200- 400 words maximum

Deadline: Friday, November 14, 2020.

Register to participate in this and other events at the following link

Some lucky participants will have a chance to share in print as well as in video.

Click the link or text highligthed green to submit your written piece to Mission Drift.

Submit your pieces to: submit here.

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.You may submit a video version of your story in addition to the written piece (File format, MP4. MPEG-4, WMV).


The best six will be selected for publishing during GEW 2020.

The next 3 runners up will be featured in another publication in December.

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Consulting!


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Copyright © 2018 by Meegan Scott,  Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.

Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020 – Magate Wildhorse Has Much in Store for Business Leaders

Toronto half smart

This year Magate Wildhorse Consulting [Magate Wildhorse Ltd, Toronto and Magate Wildhorse Inc., New York] and The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs will deliver #BIDEM 2020 GEW Brawta.

  • The programme will involve a mix of discussions―some for advancing the policy framework for accelerating Caribbean diaspora and domestic entrepreneurship commenced at BIDEM 2020 International Caribbean Diaspora Entrepreneurs’ Conference and Trade Show,
  • network building,
  • medical trials and biotechnology – Jamaica to diaspora opportunities
  • virtual expo,
  • vox populi,
  • entrepreneurs business showcase and media interviews
  • publishing and workshops.

We will carry forward the BIDEM Conference and Trade Show theme:

“Connecting the Roots, Building Networks Together for Profit and Purpose”.

 Our GEW celebrations will serve to accelerate the kick off of BIDEM, the entrepreneur and market development process which commenced on October 13, 2020.

BIDEM [pronounced BID-EM], means bridged, high impact diaspora entrepreneurs to efficient diasporic markets! It also aims to drive the growth of high impact mainstream businesses with that delightful ethnic flavor. It is grounded in local, national, regional and international sustainable development. Profit and purpose and draws in risk intelligence, evaluation, monitoring and improvement for delivering profit, purpose, the Global Goals, improvement and BIDEM.

The programme will advance progress for reducing the big 6 barriers to Caribbean Entrepreneurship in diasporic markets and with some being applicable to domestic markets.  The #Eval4Action Campaign and evaluation for driving the SDGs will receive a boost as well as the GEW 2020 themes.

#GEW2020 #Education  #Ecosystems  #Inclusion  #Policy 

We primary focus is not  startups though we include startups; we focus on not so seasoned and seasoned businesses, strong, weak and ambitious and the average.

Registration form                                                                    

We are official GEN/GEW Partners Canada, USA and Caribbean Diasporic Markets.


About Magate Wildhorse

About The CoP

Magate Wildhorse was the main sponsors of BIDEM 2020 while The WEKH sponsored the Conference app.  SchoolToonz an animation company based in Jamaica sponsored the BIDEM logo.

Discussion Forum for Accelerating Caribbean Entrepreneurship (Virtual Hub)

Gew 2020 Collages

For Immediate Release: Canadian business organizations to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020

canada market headers logos

COVID-19 might be a formidable enemy but it cannot stop Canadian businesses from celebrating GEW2020.  Among them are several organizations from the Caribbean diaspora who will join business leaders and their supporters in celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020 to be held November 16-22, confirmed one event partner.

“ This year we will be celebrating the event under the banner BIDEM 2020 GEW Brawta,” said Meegan Scott, founder of  The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (The CoP), (BIDEM is an acronym for “bridged, high impact diaspora entrepreneurs to efficient diasporic markets.”).

” Our partners and audiences can expect extras (brawta) from BIDEM Conference and Trade Show recently hosted in Toronto, only with a greater focus on the virtual trade show and virtual bazaar,” Scott said.

More than 20 events have been posted by eleven organizations as Canada gets ready to  “connect and celebrate ” the contributions of entrepreneurs to economic growth and job creation.

“This year the coronavirus pandemic forced business leaders to be more deliberate and sharp in bringing economic recovery and solving some of the world’s most “wicked problems to their daily plans and actions”, said  Scott.

Official sponsors of GEW Canada 2020 along with several GEW partners and organizations will host events in cities across Canada for building resilience and entrepreneur capacity in the face of COVID-19.

The Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) will lead approximately 180 countries including Canada to host 40,000 events in celebration of GEW and entrepreneurs. The CoP will lead the celebrations for Caribbean diasporic markets with the sponsorship of Magate Wildhorse Consulting (Magate Wildhorse Ltd., Toronto and Magate Wildhorse Inc., New York).

The four official themes for this year’s celebration are ecosystems, policy, education, and inclusion.

Partnering organizations such as Magate Wildhorse Ltd, The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs, The Caribbean Camera, GEN Canada, United Counties of Prescott and Russell Economic Development, Business Community and Partners and academic institutions such as George Brown College will host official GEW Canada events.

Magate Wildhorse and The CoP will heighten our focus on policy.  The discussions and action for “accelerating Caribbean entrepreneurship at home and in the diaspora” will be a major agenda item. Currently there is an online discussion forum  open to interested organizational leaders with Caribbean roots worldwide. The discussions will follow on the Minister’s Panel discussion of the same name in which Canada’s Minister of Small business the Hon. Mary Ng and the Hon. Audley Shaw,  Jamaica’s Minister of Industry, Investment & Commerce were panelists last month at BIDEM.

In addition, there will be virtual discussions, trade show, bazaar, workshops and media related activities for entrepreneurs during GEW. The Strategy Planning and Evaluation Workshop for Disability Programming; “Views on News”, The Virtual Trade and Chamber of Commerce Summit and “Blinkers Off MSME Fireside Chat” are among the highlights of this year’s event.

“Facilitating collaboration among diaspora and domestic Caribbean entrepreneurs and their peers of African descent, mainstream North America and the UK, indigenous, other immigrant groups and entrepreneurs from other geographical areas will also be a feature of our celebration this”, said Scott.

Organizations with Caribbean roots, Mainstream Canadian and diaspora entities are invited to register to celebrate with us at: invited, Scott..

Futurpreneur is the county host for GEW Canada

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Strategy Planning and Evaluation for Disability Programming — Workshop

Strategy and EVALUATION GEW PT 1

Saturday, November 21, 2020   Time: 10:00 AM EST | Toronto

Join us for Parts  I & II in this workshop series.

Part I maybe taken as a stand-alone capacity building session.

It is a pre-requisite for taking Part II, which focuses on practical application of learnings from Part I.

The dialogue and workshop series is grounded in risk intelligence, robust strategy planning, influential evaluations and experiential learning.

  • Because evidence matters.
  • Because relevance matters.
  • Because local context and community issues matters.

About Meegan Scott , workshop facilitator.

A Global Entrepreneurship Week Special!

Strategy and Evaluation Workshop GEW PT II

Sunday, November 22, 2020  Time: 5:00-6:20 PM  EST  | Toronto

#unmissable  #limitedspaces

Register at: words colour hand

A limited number of  scholarships will be available to developing country participations.

Selection will be based on assessment in registration form.