Radio Talk Show —Investment Opportunities— Nutraceuticals,Therapeutics & Ethnopharmacology [Jamaica & Barbados]

Clinical Trials, Plant-based Medicines, nutraceuticals: Investment Opportunities in Jamaica and Barbados.

Missed the airing of this programme on Nov, 17, 2020?

Here’s  your chance to listen and get involved through investment, partnership, contributions, connections, donations.

Hear from Dr. Sylvia Mitchell and Dr. Damian Cohall (UWI, Mona and Cave Hill respectively).  If you are in Boston, get on Caribbean Diaspora Connect and WBCA FM 102.9, Boston.


Andrew Sharpe,  Caribbean Diaspora Connect

Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse, New York Inc., & Magate Wildhorse Ltd., Toronto

Join us as partners in this Market Systems Development Programme for leveraging traditional knowledge, research, increasing University contribution to the development of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, GDP, commercialization, Intellectual Property, improved healthcare outcomes, sustainable development, sustainable agriculture, decent work and more.

Call to Action Medical Trials plantbased

With thanks to WBCA FM 102.9, Boston and Caribbean Diaspora Connect

Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse Inc., Magate Wildhorse Ltd., Caribbean Diaspora Connect, WBCA FM 102.9 All rights reserved.

#An official GEW2020 event #BIDEMbrawta #BIDEMInvestorConnect #MarketSystemsDevelopment #MagateWildhorse #Boston #NewYork #Toronto

Graphic design by Meegan Scott

Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020 – Magate Wildhorse Has Much in Store for Business Leaders

Toronto half smart

This year Magate Wildhorse Consulting [Magate Wildhorse Ltd, Toronto and Magate Wildhorse Inc., New York] and The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs will deliver #BIDEM 2020 GEW Brawta.

  • The programme will involve a mix of discussions―some for advancing the policy framework for accelerating Caribbean diaspora and domestic entrepreneurship commenced at BIDEM 2020 International Caribbean Diaspora Entrepreneurs’ Conference and Trade Show,
  • network building,
  • medical trials and biotechnology – Jamaica to diaspora opportunities
  • virtual expo,
  • vox populi,
  • entrepreneurs business showcase and media interviews
  • publishing and workshops.

We will carry forward the BIDEM Conference and Trade Show theme:

“Connecting the Roots, Building Networks Together for Profit and Purpose”.

 Our GEW celebrations will serve to accelerate the kick off of BIDEM, the entrepreneur and market development process which commenced on October 13, 2020.

BIDEM [pronounced BID-EM], means bridged, high impact diaspora entrepreneurs to efficient diasporic markets! It also aims to drive the growth of high impact mainstream businesses with that delightful ethnic flavor. It is grounded in local, national, regional and international sustainable development. Profit and purpose and draws in risk intelligence, evaluation, monitoring and improvement for delivering profit, purpose, the Global Goals, improvement and BIDEM.

The programme will advance progress for reducing the big 6 barriers to Caribbean Entrepreneurship in diasporic markets and with some being applicable to domestic markets.  The #Eval4Action Campaign and evaluation for driving the SDGs will receive a boost as well as the GEW 2020 themes.

#GEW2020 #Education  #Ecosystems  #Inclusion  #Policy 

We primary focus is not  startups though we include startups; we focus on not so seasoned and seasoned businesses, strong, weak and ambitious and the average.

Registration form                                                                    

We are official GEN/GEW Partners Canada, USA and Caribbean Diasporic Markets.


About Magate Wildhorse

About The CoP

Magate Wildhorse was the main sponsors of BIDEM 2020 while The WEKH sponsored the Conference app.  SchoolToonz an animation company based in Jamaica sponsored the BIDEM logo.

Discussion Forum for Accelerating Caribbean Entrepreneurship (Virtual Hub)

Gew 2020 Collages

BIDEM 2020 Evokes Memories of ― “J’cans win Caribbean Public Speaking Contest” 2004

I few months ago as I was going through my old newspaper clippings; I thought it was time to review old writings, the piece referenced above and attached from the Sunday Gleaner [Jamaica] came up yellowed.

Thanks to the Gleaner I was able to get a nice new copy―I miss the newsprint, but it is a nice clean copy.

There is something about this BIDEM Conference and Trade Show that reminds me of the nights we [other Toastmasters and I]  spent at LOJ New Kingston, in the office of another Toastmaster planning the Conference referenced in the piece below.  Then, there was a group huddled in an office working, feeding on pizza and drinks till midnight or close to it at times.  Since then every international conference planning for me― except for one― has been a virtual distance planning affair.

I have had some great virtual planning and execution experience since 2004 but for some reason it has been lingering this time around.

I guess the unfolding of BIDEM 2020 International Caribbean Diaspora Conference and Trade Show has  called up memories along the time continuum. Interestingly, four years and four events beep out of the digital mental timeline. And guess what, people, processes, technology and results are the standout aspects.

Drifting in and out of getting them delivered, group dynamics, time of work, how work got done, bureaucracies and no bureaucracies was all a part of the mental multitasking.

Our virtual planning committee meeting two nights ago added some new experiences and collectibles to the mental catalogue. That includes the ambiance of the workspace then and now.  Many thanks to the committee and for the spirit of the session. It was certainly a pleasant and energizing meeting.

Other pleasant memories came to mind a few days ago when I responded to an Association for Strategic Planning Conference related activity.  I guess this is the season for 2004, and the four most recent international conferences and related planning to come roaming in the mind. The dynamics, experiences, differences in approach of teams, people, technology, processes, physical distance etc., are all so interesting and rich.

While COVID-19 is making virtual planning, everybody’s lot this year, it has been a reality for some of us for a more than a decade now.

I have enclosed the piece referenced about the 2004 when Jamaica won the The Caribbean Public Speaking Championship for the second year in a row below.

Meegan Scott . (June 20, 2004) . J’cans win Caribbean Public Speaking Contest. Sunday Gleaner, pg. 72 .[Online] at:

J'cans win Caribbean public speaking contest - The Gleaner June 20, 2004

Many thanks to The Jamaica Gleaner for providing the copy of the article referenced above.

Meegan Scott

Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott. All rights reserved