Radio Talk Show —Investment Opportunities— Nutraceuticals,Therapeutics & Ethnopharmacology

Radio Talk Show Medincal Dam Syl

How many of you remember the song “Man Pyabba” by Count Lasher and Lynn Tiatt?

No, the message and story is not the same as the Harry Belafonte cover so check it out.

Now that you have listened let’s come back to earth. It may feel like you have a PhD in what Jamaica has to offer when it comes to medicinal plants both preventative and curative.

But compared to what Dr. Sylvia Mitchell and Dr. Damian Cohall will reveal about Jamaican and Barbados what you learnt from the song will seem like raindrop in the ocean.

We guarantee, that you won’t want to miss the discussion on  “Investment Opportunities in the  Proteins, Phytotherapy, Therapeutics, Ethnopharmacology Industries’ as well as references to opportunities for clinicial trials.

Join us on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 @ 6:00 PM EST for journey into possibilities for health, wealth, profit, purpose and the creation of decent jobs.

Don’t move the dial from WBCA 102 FM,  when Diaspora Connect  and Magate Wildhorse Inc., New York  presents Show Case You and your BIZ.

Diaspora entrepreneurs, investors, mainstream businesses, academia, foundations, civil society and government departments are invited to partner in the coming together for a “Market Systems Development Solution” leveraging the plants, wealth of research at UWI and traditional knowledge for improving health care, agricultural, nutritional and environmental outcomes while driving sustainable development, creating and decent jobs.

Don’t be left behind, listen and learn how you can contribute and benefit or how you can donate to globally transformation programme.

Dr. Mitchell is Ghanian born of British ancestory, and was raised in  Jamaican raised national of British lineage. She is a Senior Lecturer, Medicinal Plant Biotechnology Group, The Biotechnology Centre, UWI, Mona, Campus.

About Dr. Mitchell

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Dr. Cohall hails from Jamaica and has conducted research and written on both Jamaica and Barbados on the subject. He is Deputy Dean (Preclinical Sciences) and a Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology at The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill.

About Dr. Cohall

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Check out some of the plants and their uses, courtesy of Dr. Mitchell.

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Hosts: Meegan Scott and Andrew Sharpe

Editor, Andrew Sharpe

Registration Form (Click the hyperlink)

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If you missed this broadcast and would like to learn more please click here.

“Showcase– You and Your Biz”  is a GEW2020 production by Meegan Scott and Magate Wildhorse.

Caribbean Diasporic Markets CompassGEW_USA 2020

Graphic design by Meegan Scott

Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.

Investment Opportunities: Medical Trials, Proteins, Phytotherapy, Therapeutics, Ethnopharmacology Industries—Jamaica & Barbados


Medical Trials final

We never waste the topics we bring to our Conference or Trade Show so we bring you a discussion on investment opportunties in Jamaica.

Focus areas:

Clinical Trials (Medical Research Solutions)—UWI Mona

Investment Opportunities in the  Proteins, Phytotherapy, Therapeutics, Ethnopharmacology Industries

Jamaica & Barbados

We heard from Dr. Wendy Cukier, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson on

“Innovation Commercialization and the Creation of Intellectual Property from the Perspective of university-based incubators and accelerators”.

Now we take you the Caribbean for another conversation.

Join us Tuesday, November 17, 2020  @ 7:00 PM EST

When leading academic experts

Dr. Sylvia Mitchell

Head of the Medicinal Plant Biotechnology Research (UWI, Mona)


Dr. Cohall

Deputy Dean Pre-Clinical Sciences and Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology (UWI, Cavehill)

Discuss investment opportunities, health and economic solutions in the Proteins, Phytotherapy, Therapeutics Industry—Jamaica


Keep your radio dials on WBCA FM 102.9 to hear

Loreen Walker

Attorney-at-LawUWI, deliver the BIDEM promise of a walk-through opportunities related to medical trials for researchers and businesses looking to support their disruption strategy in Jamaica.

Coming to you live on  Showcase, You and Your Biz

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Inc., New York,  Caribbean Diaspora Connect, The CoP, and WBCA FM 102.9.

Register to receive a link to participate in the Show.

Registration Form (Click the hyperlink)

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Not in Boston or won’t be available and can’t stand to miss a minute?

Register by clicking on the words registration form.

Got a question? Message us.

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Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.