Virtual Expo & Trade Show —BIDEM Brawta

tRADE Show Banner

Join us for the BIDEM Brawta (Extra) Trade Show, Bazaar, Match Making and Networking Session.

Nov. 19, 2020 – 11:15 AM – 4:00 PM EST

Showcase your services, Traditional Knowledge, Creative Industries  & High Value Manufacturing Solutions!

Agripreneurs and healthcare service providers welcomed.

For you if you are looking for investors, partners and collaborators, to grow sales locally or domestically or just to keep you brand top of mind.

Mainstream entrepreneurs, Caribbean business leaders [local and in the diaspora] and entrepreneurs of African descent are welcome.

No wirefence, if you are in business and want to do business with Caribbeans, come over.

11:15 – 12:00 PM – Revenue Protection & Assurance

12:00 – 1:00 PM   –  Medical Trials, Sports and IP

1:00 – 2:00 Networking

3:00 – 4:00 Match Making

Registration form     

(Click the words Registration Form above)

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Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.

Views on News — Free Newsmaker Opportunity !

VIEWS on News Flyer

It’s Global Entrepreneurship Week, that means Views on News is back!

Share your views and become a newsmaker.

You and your business that is!

Deadline: Monday, November 15, at 6:00 PM | Toronto, EST

Each year we partner with The Caribbean Camera to bring you this opportunity to share and promote your business during Global Entrepreneurship Week.

This year we present you with one radio and four opportunities for gettng published.

Seize this opportunity to represent your brand.

Who can submit?

  • Entrepreneurs with Caribbean Roots worldwide
  • Canadian entrepeneurs with our without Caribbean roots
  • Entrepreneurs without Caribbean roots but who want to do business with them
  • One lucky entrepreneur from anywhere in the world with no North American or Caribbean roots. Say hello Canada, have a chill to COVID-19.

Publication date  – Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020

How to participate:


One hundred and eighty countries, including Canada, several in the Caribbean and its diasporic markets are celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) 2020. #Ecosystems and #Policy are among the themes of GEW 2020.  Ecosystems focuses on building connected and thriving entrepreneur communities.  Policy aims to recognize the work of government in helping entrepreneurs “start and scale”. It has been concluded that even with a COVID-19 vaccine the pandemic will be far from contained for 2021.  Therefore we cannot rely on economic forecasts for informing business decision making.


To what extent do you believe entrepreneurship can still deliver self-actualization and financial independence for SMEs in this era of COVID-19?

SMEs, small, medium-sized and micro-enterprises.


Thank you for submitting your response in 100- 150 words for Views on News. Eighty words will be fine but not more than 150.

Include your name, the name of your business, city and the country where your business is located.

Please include a headshot photo or portrait with attitude that is not cluttered (There may be nice background image but you, your face should be visible.

Type or copy and paste “Views on News Entry” in the subject line.


Submit your entry 

click words colour hand

I know some of you have been anxiously awaiting your question, six will be featured in Views on News in The Caribbean Camera.

A treasure hunt on Magate Wildhorse blog or LinkedIn page will lead you to the other media opportunities.



Each entrepreneur is limited to a maximum of two print and a radio opportunity only.

Depending on uptake you might be restricted to one during Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.


Virtual Roundtable — Chamber of Commerce, Businesses & Trade Experts

chamber of commerce and trade roundtable.v.1


Visible minority businesses and visible majority businesses and the industries they serve have been plunged into crisis as a result of SARS-CoV-2.

While some industries and businesses are facing existential challenges, others are booming. Still there are old industries to be resurrected and new ways for bringing those under threat into new or expanded supply chains.

As the pandemic linger and continue to flip  economic and social norms practitioners and researchers in trade, business, research, policy and international development must engage and work more closely together for driving rapid adaption, understanding of trends and helping countries to leverage and seize diaspora capital and pathways to new markets.

Economic development clusters, producers of geographical indications (GIs) and creative industry service providers must meet to discuss and plan the way forward.

This session aims to translate high level briefings to actions, policy and strategy directions for Chambers of Commerce and their members ― both established and diaspora entities (various diasporas and chambers).

Participants will be able to share challenges and opportunities with experts; as well as learn from experts.  The Roundtable will explore and discuss novel solutions and best practices for keeping sustainable trade, and safe supplies flowing in addition to leveraging diasporas, home and cultural knowledge for diaspora and domestic market economic recovery and growth.

Practitioners in international trade, development and businesses will create their network map and agree novel ways of working together and harvesting best and emergent practices for business and driving international trade while building stronger resilient organizations.

Industry focus: Climate finance, agri-business and foods, high value manufacturing, crafts, fashion, fragrance, healthcare, the creative industries, development consulting, and education

On the agenda, participants will discuss:

Tour of Chamber Economic Impacts and recovery: The impact of COVID-19 on diaspora and established chambers of commerce and their members. What are some new and proposed business models for stronger businesses during and post the coronavirus crisis challenging period and develop robust post-crisis business models?

Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Technology Adaption: It is clear that technology and its adaption saves human lives as well as businesses. But creating awareness on what and how for SMEs is often at a cost that widens the chasm of access and inequalities.  How can Chambers and development organizations work together to make facilitate awareness creation, reskilling and adaption?  What resources exist for reducing the barriers of access and cost of adaption?

Diaspora Capital, Economic Development Clusters & Sustainable Development: COVID-19 have left us little choice other than to build trust, collaborate and cooperate.   Finding local and global solutions requires that we meet, connect and risk it together for profit and growth.

How can industry clusters, chambers and development professionals  collaborate, facilitate capacity building and investment flow for driving innovation that contributes to long-term viability, sustainability and harmonious societies?

Dates and Times

Times are listed as EST [New York, Toronto, Jamaica] the Eastern Caribbean is now one hour ahead of North America and Jamaica

Monday November 16, 2020 – 2:00 – 3:35  PM EST

Tuesday, November 17, 2020  | 10:00 – 11:45  AM EST

Wednesday, November 18, 2020   –  1:00 PM EST – 2:45  PM EST

Friday, November 20, 2020   –  10:00 AM EST – 11:45  AM EST

Registration Form

(Click the words Registration Form above)

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Brought you by Magate Wildhorse Inc., New York in partnership with Magate Wildhorse Ltd, Toronto, The Community of Practice of Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (The CoP), Caribbean Diaspora Professional Business Association (CDPBA, and the Pan African Chamber of Commerce.

Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.

Strategy Planning and Evaluation for Disability Programming — Workshop

Strategy and EVALUATION GEW PT 1

Saturday, November 21, 2020   Time: 10:00 AM EST | Toronto

Join us for Parts  I & II in this workshop series.

Part I maybe taken as a stand-alone capacity building session.

It is a pre-requisite for taking Part II, which focuses on practical application of learnings from Part I.

The dialogue and workshop series is grounded in risk intelligence, robust strategy planning, influential evaluations and experiential learning.

  • Because evidence matters.
  • Because relevance matters.
  • Because local context and community issues matters.

About Meegan Scott , workshop facilitator.

A Global Entrepreneurship Week Special!

Strategy and Evaluation Workshop GEW PT II

Sunday, November 22, 2020  Time: 5:00-6:20 PM  EST  | Toronto

#unmissable  #limitedspaces

Register at: words colour hand

A limited number of  scholarships will be available to developing country participations.

Selection will be based on assessment in registration form.