Intern Magazine Editors, Graduates and Postgraduate Students

Call for Editors Noesis grads internship

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Intern Editors Noesis Graduate and Students

Final year students and recent graduates (graduated within the last 5 years), are invited to apply for our Intern Editor opportunity.


You are a graduate or finalizing student with a PhD, DBA, MBA, MSc., LLM, Communications or Journalism Degree.

In addition to studies you can contribute two to ten years’ experience serving as an editor for a business publication, newspaper, magazine, academic journal or in a corporate communications role.

Candidates with Canadian and Caribbean roots are encouraged to apply.

To apply: Please see the flyer above.

Application deadline: February 5, 2020

Available: Internationally

Work location: remote | virtual

Fees: There are no fees for participating in this Internship and no monetary compensation to interns.

Call for Reviewers & Editors — Magazine/Journal 2019

The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine (two issues per year) is committed to publishing non-technical as well as technical information in the fields of Business and International Development. With a focus on strategy, marketing, trade, performance management and measurement, intellectual property and the creative industries—the publication aims to provide a complete and reliable source of information, how-to and in field applications on the aforementioned topics.  It will facilitate the growth of grey literature in strategy, marketing and performance management unique to Caribbean-Canadian and Caribbean organizations. By Caribbean we refer to the Caribbean and its diaspora markets.  We are devoted to publishing high quality articles and stories that are easily accessible and sold at an inclusive price.

springcover2018sampleThe magazine will also feature Canadian business stories and approaches.

Canadian researchers, practitioners and graduates are provided with an opportunity to publish whether or not their pieces contain a Caribbean focus.

The Noësis publishes articles, case studies, anecdotes, jokes, cartoons, interviews, literature reviews, stories, opinions, commentaries, news stories, and research works that are original and of high standards.

Join Us as a Reviewer/an Editorial Member

Magate Wildhorse Ltd and Meegan Scott are the independent publishers of The Noësis. We are committed to ensuring peer-reviewed, edited and proof-read content is shared with our readership.

As a new publisher, we have opened the call for reviewers and editors.

Reviewers and editor/reviewers sought will review scholarly or academic like pieces or pieces intended for the general public, as such different skills and experience sets are required.

A reviewer (Academic or scholarly pieces) is expected to exercise his/her expertise and knowledge to critically analyze the content of submissions as well as drafts and proposed pieces. Contributors and the magazine look forward to impartial, fair and constructive suggestions which can help improve the quality of the publication. A reviewer must be an expert in his/her field, should have in depth knowledge of his field and should have been actively involved in reviewing submissions for other journals or magazine or have experience in reviewing academic papers. Successful and dedicated reviewers will be invited to join our editorial board. Reviewers should hold a PhD or DBA in the area or field for which a piece is being reviewed.

Editor/reviewers for pieces aimed at the general public, may be industry experts, generalists and/or journalists with experience in reviewing submissions for business magazines and newspapers. Editors/reviewers are expected to exercise their expertise in reviewing and editing submissions for content, accuracy, clarity, style, voice, language and consistency.  For Caribbean rooted pieces a knowledge of phrases, sayings, folklore and creole from the different countries would be an asset. You are also expected to provide feedback for helping the editor with design layout, editing and proof-reading (spelling, grammar, punctuation, insertions an amendment, labels and attribution). Editor/Reviewers should hold a PhD, DBA, MBA, MSc., LLM or Communications or Journalism Degree as appropriate to their role or the topic(s) they will edit or review.

A double-blind peer review process will be used.

Editorial Board members are responsible for helping with peer reviewing and editing of the content submitted for the publication. Soliciting papers for the magazine, recommending suitable reviewers, and advising on the development of the magazine are among the duties of editorial board members. Promoting the publication at conferences, events, institutions, special and academic libraries as well as providing feedback, views and comments for improving the magazine are key responsibilities of editorial board members. Editorial Board members should hold a PhD, DBA, MBA, MSc., LLM or Communications or Journalisms Degree as appropriate to their role or the topic(s) they will edit or review.

Board members must also be experienced in reviewing business magazines, newspapers, professional, academic or trade journals.

All applicants must possess strong business and academic competence in English.

Reviewers, editor/reviewers and editorial board members will all be listed in The Noësis and on the publications’ web site at: https: www.theNoë (Soon to be launched).

Editors and reviewers will receive three (3) complimentary copies of the publication as well as free online subscription.

Submit Your Application

To apply please submit a copy of your CV, your full name, email and skype contact along with a brief note indicating your interest in and the strengths you bring to the publication.  Thanks also for including the country in which you are located, required turnaround time for review and editing of pieces nd your experience serving in a related role.

Application deadline: April 5, 2019  (Now extended and ongoing).

Submit your application to:

All available roles are pro bono or volunteer positions.

Please indicate your price range for pro bono compensation (both hourly and total fees).

Note: Please indicate your interest in the subject line of your Email by including one or two of the following:

Join Reviewer Team” or “Join Editorial Board” or “Join Editor-in-chief or Join Editor/Reviewer General

Thank you in advance for your interest.

Magate Wildhorse Ltd.


The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine — Call for Papers

Deadline: April 15, 2019  | Final deadline for all: April 26, 2019

The Noesis text logo



La gente del mundo de los negocios puede poner el cambio social en marcha

Meegan Scott

Meegan Scott

Por Meegan Scott

En su reciente artículo en la Harvard Business Review, Richard Straub de la Drucker Society pregunta: “¿Qué se necesita para cambiar algo grande sobre una comunidad, algo sobre lo que nadie tiene mucho poder individual, incluso algo tan grande como una mentalidad predominante?”

Y él nos da la respuesta: un movimiento social.

Como señala Straub, los movimientos sociales no son solo tema de los organizadores de la comunidad y los estudiantes universitarios.

“Los empresarios también pueden ponerlos en marcha, como estamos viendo en este momento”.

Lo que dice Straub no es nada nuevo para mí.

He conocido a otros con la misma creencia dentro y fuera de la Comunidad del Caribe.

Sin embargo, durante las últimas semanas, mientras compartía información relacionada con la Comunidad de Práctica (CoP) para Empresarios Inmigrantes del Caribe en la OCDE y otros mercados de la diáspora, me hicieron preguntas que dejaban claro que muchas personas en nuestra comunidad todavía creen que tales iniciativas para el cambio son competencia de gobiernos, ONG o agencias donantes.

Ya es hora de que comprendamos que los empresarios sí tienen un papel en poner en marcha ese cambio. ¡Y los empresarios caribeños también!

La comunidad negra y caribeña (y el Caribe en toda su diversidad étnica) no deben desperdiciar ninguna oportunidad de atrapar y avanzar con nuestra libertad e independencia como comunidad. Y eso significa unirse para liderar el cambio que queremos alcanzar. Con este fin, debemos participar en acciones poderosas y constantes y crear más símbolos de la práctica de la libertad, la independencia y el poder de un pueblo y una comunidad para trazar su destino.

Además debemos posicionarnos para ser un grupo de alta demanda dentro de nuestras naciones anfitrionas. No hablo de la alienación a otros grupos de la sociedad, hablo de movernos para resolver nuestros grandes problemas en la sociedad y posicionarnos para un futuro mejor. Y eso incluye la creencia de que el color del emprendimiento no es el negro; y que el color de la responsabilidad social tampoco lo es.

Al igual que Kauffman Foundation (una de las fundaciones privadas más grandes de los EE.UU., también conocida por apoyar a los emprendedores y Global Entrepreneurs Network), reconozco la necesidad de crear un entorno propicio, basado en la colaboración, la confianza, las redes conectadas y la toma de decisiones basada en la evidencia si queremos tener éxito en el crecimiento de la experiencia empresarial del Caribe y las empresas de alto impacto.

Para apoyar cualquier cambio duradero en esa dirección, necesitamos datos cuantitativos y cualitativos sólidos para proporcionar pruebas para crear soluciones que sean relevantes para nuestra comunidad. También debemos tomar medidas para crear mercados, fuentes de financiamiento, intercambio de habilidades y redes compartidas dentro de la Diáspora del Caribe a nivel mundial. Nuestra riqueza, nuestro crecimiento y nuestro cambio se encuentran dentro de nuestra Comunidad.

La CoP para Empresarios Inmigrantes está diseñada para facilitar gran parte de ese cambio. Aprovecho esta oportunidad para invitar a diásporanos, empresarios, académicos e investigadores de la misma opinión a reunirse como propietarios y beneficiarios de la CoP para Empresarios Inmigrantes del Caribe.

Actuemos para el éxito individual, empresarial, comunitario y del país de origen, así como para el éxito del multiculturalismo en nuestros países de acogida. Nuestra comunidad y nuestras empresas deben despertarse y aceptar el papel de los empresarios para poner en marcha el cambio.

Sobre el autor: Meegan Scott, B.Sc. Hons, MBA, ATM-B, CL, PMP., es una consultora de gestión estratégica nacida en Jamaica y propietaria de Magate Wildhorse Ltd en Toronto. Ha publicado artículos sobre negocios, estrategia, marketing, emprendimiento y mejora de los resultados de las Comunidades Negras y del Caribe. Para obtener más información sobre el correo electrónico de CoP: También publicó reseñas de eventos y produjo una serie de televisión para pequeñas empresas. Éste es un artículo colectivo.

Translated by Montserrat Ronchera.

Call for Reviewers & Editors — Magazine/Journal

The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine (two issues per year) is committed to publishing non-technical as well as technical information in the fields of Business and International Development. With a focus on strategy, marketing, trade, performance management and measurement, intellectual property and the creative industries—the publication aims to provide a complete and reliable source of information, how-to and in field applications on the aforementioned topics.  It will facilitate the growth of grey literature in strategy, marketing and performance management unique to Caribbean-Canadian and Caribbean organizations. By Caribbean we refer to the Caribbean and its diaspora markets.  We are devoted to publishing high quality articles and stories that are easily accessible and sold at an inclusive price.

springcover2018sampleThe magazine will also feature Canadian business stories and approaches.

Canadian researchers, practitioners and graduates are provided with an opportunity to publish whether or not their pieces contain a Caribbean focus.

The Noësis publishes articles, case studies, anecdotes, jokes, cartoons, interviews, literature reviews, stories, opinions, commentaries, news stories, and research works that are original and of high standards.

Join Us as a Reviewer/an Editorial Member

Magate Wildhorse Ltd and Meegan Scott are the independent publishers of The Noësis. We are committed to ensuring peer-reviewed, edited and proof-read content is shared with our readership.

As a new publisher, we have opened the call for reviewers and editors.

Reviewers and editor/reviewers sought will review scholarly or academic like pieces or pieces intended for the general public, as such different skills and experience sets are required.

A reviewer (Academic or scholarly pieces) is expected to exercise his/her expertise and knowledge to critically analyze the content of submissions as well as drafts and proposed pieces. Contributors and the magazine look forward to impartial, fair and constructive suggestions which can help improve the quality of the publication. A reviewer must be an expert in his/her field, should have in depth knowledge of his field and should have been actively involved in reviewing submissions for other journals or magazine or have experience in reviewing academic papers. Successful and dedicated reviewers will be invited to join our editorial board. Reviewers should hold a PhD or DBA in the area or field for which a piece is being reviewed.

Editor/reviewers for pieces aimed at the general public may be industry experts, generalists and/or journalists with experience in reviewing submissions for business magazines and newspapers. Editors/reviewers are expected to exercise their expertise in reviewing and editing submissions for content, accuracy, clarity, style, voice, language and consistency.  For Caribbean rooted pieces a knowledge of phrases, sayings, folklore and creole from the different countries would be an asset. You are also expected to provide feedback for helping the editor with design layout, editing and proof-reading (spelling, grammar, punctuation, insertions an amendment, labels and attribution). Editor/Reviewers should hold a PhD, DBA, MBA, MSc., LLM or Communications or Journalism Degree as appropriate to their role or the topic(s) they will edit or review.

A double-blind peer review process will be used.

Editorial Board members are responsible for helping with peer reviewing and editing of the content submitted for the publication. Soliciting papers for the magazine, recommending suitable reviewers, and advising on the development of the magazine are among the duties of editorial board members. Promoting the publication at conferences, events, institutions, special and academic libraries as well as providing feedback, views and comments for improving the magazine are key responsibilities of editorial board members. Editorial Board members should hold a PhD, DBA, MBA, MSc., LLM or Communications or Journalisms Degree as appropriate to their role or the topic(s) they will edit or review.

Board members must also be experienced in reviewing business magazines, newspapers, professional, academic or trade journals.

All applicants must possess strong business and academic competence in English.

Reviewers, editor/reviewers and editorial board members will all be listed in The Noësis and on the publications’ web site at: https: www.theNoë (Soon to be launched).

Editors and reviewers will receive three (3) complimentary copies of the publication as well as free online subscription.

Submit Your Application

To apply please submit a copy of your CV, your full name, email and skype contact along with a brief note indicating your interest in and the strengths you bring to the publication.  Thanks also for including the country in which you are located, required turnaround time for review and editing of pieces nd your experience serving in a related role.

Application deadline: March 7, 2018  (Now extended and ongoing).

Submit your application to:

All available roles are volunteer positions.

Note: Please indicate your interest in the subject line of your Email by including one or two of the following:

Join Reviewer Team” or “Join Editorial Board” or “Join Editor-in-chief or Join Editor/Reviewer General

Thank you in advance for your interest.

Magate Wildhorse Ltd.


The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine — Call for Papers

Deadline: April 15, 2018

The Noesis text logo



Carlos Zervigon—How I Got Walking with My Belly in My Hand for the PMP Designation

The Year was 2004 and the man was Carlos Zervigon, PMP Instructor.

I had been eying the PMP Course Ads in the Gleaner for a couple months with keen interest.

I already knew what to expect from the Faculty of the University of New Orleans both through face-to-face classroom interactions with—educators who knew how to facilitate learning —among them Dr. Paul Hensel, Dr. Alan Witt, Dr. J. Rabalais, Prof. Tim Ryan, Dr. Lilian Yee Fok, Dr. M. Kabir Hassan, and Dr. Steven Smith. I also knew what to expect when it came to social interaction with the Faculty through our Alumni Fundraising and Social Events.

So, what was holding me back? Did I really need to take PMP when I had been gobbling up the Project Management and Project Monitoring Methodologies taught by USAID and that of other donors especially the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). Besides there was strategy which I wanted tied nicely to Finance and Policy, the MBA program had a major focus on Finance and we were encouraged to pursue Professional Certification soon after graduation and I was very keen on that. I had learnt through my work as a Corporate Strategy Planner that I could serve in both spheres —but which of the loves should I put my money on first?

It was a tough one given, the courses and designations had to be paid in US Dollars. The Project Management Office at the National Environment and Planning Agency was well stocked with huge binders on Project Management many of which were produced by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)—and I was a bookworm with a bottom less pit of an appetite for its content.

The raging hunger had started when I served a USAID Project, the online Project Management and Project Monitoring courses (World Bank or IADB) I was taking brought even greater knowledge leaving me famished. Then NEPA’s HR Department announced that individuals who pursued professional development courses within a certain time frame would get their course fees refunded if they were successful and provided proof. My problem was solved—now I could kill two birds with one stone. I registered for the PMP Course with UNO Executive Education. Carlos Zervigon had a class full and several group learning exercises to facilitate over the days of the course. He was excellent, calm, and rich with knowledge. He also had a few living life tips to share. I was learning the PMP approach and I was snatching some of his learning facilitation techniques along the way as well.

Carlos shared PMP with me in a way that was practical and ready to apply on the job. Best of all I could now mix and match from the PMP Body of Knowledge and the Project and Program Management Principles and Practices expounded by International Donors and Governments.

With the satisfying and delightful course served up by Carlos my next stop for desserts and snacks was the Humming Bird Chapter of PMP and the other areas in which I was so hungry for knowledge, competence and skills. Still I walked around with “my belly in my hand”—ravenous for the PMP Designation. Then, finally work and travel came to a slower pace in Canada and I earned the PMP Designation in 2013. But the learning is never done— both that taught formally and learning that you extract as you apply those principles and practice to problem solving. Thanks Carlos and NEPA for a great start.

Meegan Scott, B.Sc. Hons, MBA, ATM-B, CTL, PMP

Verified PMP