Critical Friend Performance & Growth Solution

organizational improvement solutions, economic development agency solution, entrepreneur scale-up solutions notforprofit, government department critical friend evaluations corporate strategy planning magate wildhorse ltd trust and reputation solutions

This solution combines performance management, evaluation and mentoring through your executive consultant, sounding board, advisor, mentor, coach, planning or design executive help.

We are your trusted friend who drives success by bringing challenge, rhythm, pressure, support, urgency, objective viewpoint, experience, expertise, and fun.

Yes, it comes with that bitter pill of truth to help you grow a more impactful organization or department.

Be deliberate about creating impact through your not-for-profit, development project, or government department this year.

We’ll help you troubleshoot your programme design, theory of change, programme, or corporate strategy plan.

We’ll help you articulate the right questions for ensuring you solve the right problems for your clients and your organization.


Keeping your ear to the ground?

Ah ha, yes, that ongoing environmental scan!

We’re sure to bring something you missed to the decision-making table.


Find your success rhythm.
Get your strategy and tactics right.


Act, measure success, learn, adjust, and improve.

Let us be that critical friend, and trusted advisor who will hold your hand along the way.

Celebrate and own your success!

Yes, it’s all within your reach.

Improved performance!


More funding!

A stronger more recognized brand!



critical friend, evaluation, performance, objective outsider, performance and growth solution for NGOs, Government Departments, Local and international development

  • Full Circle
  • Half-Way Review and Improve
  • LAT: Learn, Adjust, and Thrive

Submit your consultancy request form to find out more! 

Click here to fill and submit your form..

Let’s start a relationship for performance, growth, impact, and results today!

Get your solution online | through a blend of online & face-to-face | face-to-face

Making it smiles for executives, managers, and leaders this year!

measure, learn, and improve. get beyond funder requirement for accountability, relevance, impact, and sustainability. Critical friend evaluation, planning, and improvement solution , Toronto and Internationally.


“Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success,
despite the constraint of size.”

Available internationally!Magate Wildhorse Instagram button

Join Us in Celebrating IDW2019

International development week 2019 celebrating #IDW2019 IDW2019 gender equality

Celebrating International Development Week 2019

We’ll be joining you in celebration this week.

And we’ve got a thing or two for helping you to achieve your development objectives.

Gender equality, gender equity, rights-based, gender-focused― we’ll help you get it right.

Improve your results. Advance progress towards gender equity with effective behavior change marketing, gender-focused planning, webinars, stakeholder engagements, or evaluation.

Let’s talk!  Contact us to schedule a meeting today!


We Made It in Time to Help You Succeed!

organizational improvement solutions, economic development agency solution, entrepreneur scale-up solutions notforprofit, government department critical friend evaluations corporate strategy planning magate wildhorse ltd trust and reputation solutions

Who is this piece for?

Organizational leaders looking to grow and improve their results in 2019.

We came packed with solutions to help you attain the ―competitive edge!

We are talking about help with

  • Getting strategic focus;
  • Setting growth indicators that are aligned with your personal and business ambition;
  • Working from your CEO’s hat versus from simply that of the operations manager― (to put it another way, we’ll help you with focusing and acting for driving balanced growth);
  • Creating an actionable corporate strategy plan― for guiding you, and your organization to achieving the tomorrow you want for your business;
  • Communicating your strategy to your team so your people will line up, fully committed, and working to deliver your strategy;
  • Market research for ensuring you are aware of changes in your environment that could quickly become threats, risks, or opportunities;
  • An evaluation, or an organizational assessment for boosting organizational learning, strategy execution, improved results, better understanding of and communicating your results, or all plus improved funder readiness;
  • Problem solving, or capacity building, and increased levels of understanding for getting the right job done. We bring― workshops, webinars, charrettes, ideation, strategic and creative thinking sessions. Ever hear about our Pepper Pot Sessions for tough conversations and problem solving?

We’re all about growth, improved results, your success, and our success when you succeed!

For the solopreneur, or small business leader― finding your “one drop” or rhythm for success can take longer.  Having us as a critical friend and success partner means the acceleration of that process.

You’ll notice the improvement as you prepare for, and move from one meeting to the next.

For the government department or non-profit organization, we’ll help you turn that evaluation spend into an investment in learning and growth for your organization, even as you meet your funder requirement.

But, why wait for a funder’s request to check on growth?

Why wait for an externally driven request to learn what is going well and what must be changed in your organization?  After all, you’ve got the mandate to run that show!

We know the many reasons, why you don’t get around to it, that is why we have designed, and will work with you to get this essential part of your work done well.

And that corporate strategy plan, we know how that missing performance management system can squeeze your strategy execution to a slow and painful death. We’ve got your back with that one too!

Join a new class, say goodbye to Grade C, and that painful 60-70% failure report for strategy execution!

Economic development agency managers, chief of party, cluster managers, leaders of incubators and accelerators you thought we had forgotten you. Not a chance!

We know why and where business incubation fails.

We know cluster members could use affordable help with strategy execution; we know businesses in accelerators need that objective critical friend or advisor.

We know why development and change projects fail to deliver up to 70% of intended results.

We know that economic development agencies can realize a higher ROI if they had a partner for helping their beneficiaries with execution, and or performance measurement and management.

Look yonder to the image above, we come with a journal to help you and your clients with journaling, reflection, learning, strategy adjustment and performance improvement.

We come with hold your hand care ―plus pressure and urgency to drive success!

We come with a pen, conversations, meetings, tools, and a watch to keep score, track, and help you adjust your strategy and improve your results in time!

Because we are Magate Wildhorse Ltd, we come as that trusted friend to help you through the tough time and to focus on what really matters.

Together we’ll sniff the roses, relax, have fun, share laughs on your way to exceeding expectations.

Expect evidence-based, facts, rigor, organized, planned, synthesis, results, and caring!

Get value for money as you define it!

Let us help you find your success rhythm!

Let’s get the conversation going, message us today!


Hi Meet Meegan & Magate Wildhorse Ltd

Get on the Scaling Up Path in 2019

Be deliberate about planning your scale up in 2019.
Find your rhythm.
Get your strategy and tactics right.

Act, measure success, learn, and adjust.
Find a trusted advisor.
Find your critical friend.

We’ll help you articulate your business ambitions.

We’ll help you articulate the right questions for ensuring you solve the right problems for your clients and your business.
We’ll be that critical friend, and trusted advisor that will hold your hand along the way.

Making it smiles for entrepreneurs, managers, and executives this year!
Let’s get the conversation going!

scaling up help solution for businesses, entrepreneurs, and executives. Message Magate Wildhorse Ltd. Scale up in 2019

Who Is Your Ideal Customer?

Who Is Your Ideal Customer?
We get asked the question ―What do you do, and who are your ideal customers so often?
And we are glad to answer it no matter how many times we are asked. After all we are here to understand your needs and to help you to better understand how we can help  or work together.
But, just in case you want to have a better idea before picking up the phone, or sending us a message,
I’m leaving a few quick answers at the link below.
Want to know how we can help you the professional or young manager? Want to know how we can help your organization, programme, or project? Your best chance ―hold that one-on-one conversation with us.
You’re welcome to message me, or call me up to learn more about the team, our service offer, and our wider service delivery capability.
But, if you’d still like to take a quick browse, visit our service catalogue on Facebook (No need to log in or to have a Facebook account, just click “not now” when prompted to sign in)
Don’t fall in the trap of the inexperienced who believe it all lies in a CV, web site, or LinkedIn profile.
You might be surprised at some of the little gems of solutions that we offer.
Get in touch! Let’s start a conversation today!
contact us, let's talk remote strategic planning, request remote long-range planning, submit your virtual planning needs, schedule remote corporate strategy planning

Government Minister Research & Intelligence Solution



Are you a new or seasoned Minister of Government who could use help with research and packaging of evidence-based content for supporting your arguments in parliament, enhancing decision-making or for boosting your speeches and messages?

Could you use help with getting off the bandwagon and eyeing what’s in the blind spot?

We are talking about relevance, sustainable, financially viable and impact in decisions and solutions.

We are talking about performance and results-driven think and solutions.

Take this situation for instance, a bandwagon approach will leave millennials with a huge burden of care for their parents and older relatives who are experienced and talented, but side-lined by age related prejudice.

At the same time many Gen Ys will be struggling to repay student loans.

For many of them there will be next to nothing or nothing to be inherited in the form of  intergenerational wealth transfer.

It means government had better have deep pockets to care for the elderly in less than 5 years from now. Gen X, will have to leave some of the burden of care for their parents to the state given, many have been side-lined because of flawed policy-making.

Those cast aside individuals will live longer than their parents did, and their health care cost will be sky high.  Most will not have retirement savings to take care of them given, they earned next to nothing, hand-to-mouth or nothing in their prime years for earning and saving.

Could an ear to the ground and a different perspective have helped you to halt the slide?

Get help with differentiating yourself and bringing sanity when madness abounds.

We will be your confidential research and ear to the ground aide for single or ongoing projects.

Contact us about our confidential research solutions today!

Click on the following link to contact us.

Available for Ministers of Government in the Caribbean, USA, UK, and Canada