Share & Get Featured during Global Entrepreneurship Week

Mission Drift GEW


Here’s your entrepreneur’s steal of a deal for zero penny.

Publishing and publicity one action; two standout results for finishing 2020 strong!

Respond to the piece below to get featured during Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW 2020). This year GEW will be celebrated November 16-22.

Mission Drift, The Stormerpreneurs℠ and Finishing 2020 Strong

“Young bird nuh know storm” — unless of course they were born in 2020 among the turmoil of COVID-19. If the term stormerpreneur has a place in your unique story or journey then let us know by your response to the question below.

This has been a busy year with lots of pivots and virtual activities so it would not be surprising if many of our organizations experienced some form of mission drift. Mission drift can be positive though we mostly hear about the negative drift. Tell us about your experience below.  Thank you

  1. Tell us about the moment you decided to start your own business.
  2. Who was there with you when sat down to put the idea together ? Include the year you started.
  3. Would you say that you are a stormerpreneur? Tell us why you answered yes or no.
  4. What is the mission of your organization?
  5. What is the vision?
  6. How does the mission and vision fit or help you to fulfil your personal purpose and ambitions?
  7. What were the top 5-10 activities you completed in 2020?
  8. Which played the greatest role in advancing the delivery of your Mission?
  9. When you add it all up— would you say your drift was positive? Or was it mostly negative?
  10. Which product or service do you currently offer— that is a must have for readers of this publication or people who could use your solution?
  11. What can we expect from your business over the next two years?
  12. Where can they learn more or purchase your service? Web site or social media link, calendar or email link

#IAmAnEntrepreneur   #yes #toentrepreneurship #GEW2020

To participate submit one or both of the following:


Word length:  200- 400 words maximum

Deadline: Friday, November 14, 2020.

Register to participate in this and other events at the following link

Some lucky participants will have a chance to share in print as well as in video.

Click the link or text highligthed green to submit your written piece to Mission Drift.

Submit your pieces to: submit here.

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.You may submit a video version of your story in addition to the written piece (File format, MP4. MPEG-4, WMV).


The best six will be selected for publishing during GEW 2020.

The next 3 runners up will be featured in another publication in December.

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Consulting!


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Copyright © 2018 by Meegan Scott,  Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.

Nonprofit Governance and Response for Outriding COVID 19

Governance Edition Outride COVID 19

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar

“Embracing risk for driving vision and growth”

You are invited to join us for series four in the Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar.

This edition entitled Nonprofit Governance and Response for Outriding COVID 19          is also grounded in the theme risk intelligence.

  • Find out how to create and preserve value during crisis
  • Considerations around crisis strategy planning ―short-term ―long term
  • Performance management, results
  • Evidence-based planning, evaluation, learning and improvement
  • Risk intelligence maturity
  • Learn how to leverage risk intelligence for boosting funding readiness
  • How to assess your risk culture and risk appetite
  • Getting ready for the next unexpected crisis
  • Check-in on Gender Equality, WEE and the impact of COVID 19 on Agency and Authority
  • Virtual business exhibition
  • Networking and fun

 Featured sessions:

  1.  Risk Intelligence for Outriding COVID 19 — Key Questions, Practical Responses for SMEs  with Leo M. Tilman, author of  Agility: How to Navigate the Unknown and Seize Opportunity in a World of Disruption. Leo is a leading expert on risk, strategy, and finance.

  2. Diaspora and Caribbean Non-profit Governance for Outriding COVID-19                 Meegan Scott, Strategic Management Consultant, Magate Wildhorse
  3. Panel Discussion & Comparative Cases Mainstream vs. Diaspora, Host, Home & Diaspora Opportunities with Andrew Sharpe of Authentic Caribbean Foundation, Boston, Philip Bedward of Pathways, New York, Tannisha Scarlett,  Life Media Productions Ltd (F.I.L.M. Productions Ltd.) and Agri Views, Jamaica
  4. Joy Spot, with Theo Chambers of CaribAcademy and Co-founder of Positive Tourism News (Jamaica) will deliver the Joy Spot, Motivational Talk

Event features: Joy Spot activity, Mouth and Mind discussion, COVID 19 business community experiences (open mic―diaspora, in Caribbean, other representatives of BAME or mainstream peers), Elevator pitches (The first 20 registered to per series), networking session

Programme & Speakers

  •  Theo Chambers, The Joy Spot
  • Philip Bedward of Pathways will lead on Comparative Cases Mainstream vs. Diaspora
  • Andrew Sharpe will lead on Diaspora, Host, Home & Diaspora Opportunities, USA
  • Rudi Page will lead on Diaspora, Host, Home & Diaspora Opportunities, UK
  • Tannisha Scarlett  will share on Home to Diaspora Opportunities (Jamaica), with a special focus on agribusiness
  • Meegan Scott, Moderator, producer and speaker on Diaspora and Caribbean Non-profit Governance for Outriding COVID-19

ProgramME Outride Governance Series


Be with us for this diaspora business and non-profit leaders’ event.

Governance and COVID 19 Word cloud



When: May 7, 2020  | 2:00 PM Eastern, Toronto & New York

Where: Online

Registration Options

New to the series

To receive your access link to the seminar please register at the link below if you missed series 1 last Thursday.

Returning attendee

Email us at magate.wildhorse (at)  or click here.                                                Copy and paste the following in the subject line and body of your Email                          “Register me for Nonprofit Governance and Response for Outriding COVID 19 ”  please include your name.

Procurement officers and buyers in search of COVID 19 and other supplies are welcome to participate.

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar is a global disapora entrepreneurs affair!                                                                                                                            Leaders of mainstream businesses with an interest in doing business with diaspora entrepreneurs are welcome to register for the match making and networking sessions.

Please note that this event is not just for small and micro-businesses, big businesses and big nonprofits can benefit also.

stay-home Contact less delivery

Click here to view the series shedule.

May 7, 2020                                                                                                                Series 4: Nonprofit Governance and Response

Special SME segment – Risk Intelligence with Mr. Leo M. Tilman

May 14, 2020                                                                                                            Series 5: Diaspora Supply Chain― Who’s Who

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Consulting, and The Community of Practise for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (Home of BIDEM Conference & Trade Show)

Advance or maintain the progress.


The Case for Urgent Corona Virus & Infectious Disease Related Labour Law Review

An incident that influenced this edition. That entity ended up with an employee contracting and dying of COVID 19

Footer sustainable develop seminar

The Case for Urgent Corona Virus & Infectious Disease Related Labour Law Review

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The Marathoner – Meegan Scott

I have learnt that organizations classified as essential services that also operate non-essential branches are in breach of guidelines related to social distancing and employee safety. They insist that administrative and other workers who carry out non-essential work that can be done from home operate from their offices. In some cases, staff must interact with clients who owing to the precarity of their financial and living circumstances are most likely to find themselves trapped in situations which inhibit their ability to effectively practice social distancing.

At the same time corporate offices are closed, and senior members of such organizations are working from the safety of their homes and reducing the risk to their families and loved ones. They represent the privileged who can travel in a private car, stockpile food supplies and other essentials for ensuring they are protected. Still, they call upon staff, the pawns further down the organizational chart to risk their lives and families in order to “do good”, the commuters who are without protective clothing. From their ivory towers senior management drive the burden on the health care system, risk to their staff and economic recovery.

This kind of recklessness is happening even in “mission driven” organizations that claim to exist to spread love and to transform human society (faith-based organizations included).

The management and boards of such organizations have forgotten their responsibilities related to ensuring organizational continuity, warding off reputational risks to their organizations and exposure to costly legal battles and lawsuits.

They have failed to drive authenticity and make the desired and articulated cultures and values of their organizations something that is lived.

When this reckless endangerment of life and human capital occur in the heat of the COVID 19 crisis it is high time to put legislative measures in place for protecting the less powerful, the vulnerable and all workers for that matter.

Can an organization with a board and management team that is too lazy to explore virtual options for strategy and technology update, for continuing key operations, for putting measures in place to protect staff other than their executive team be described as functional?

Effective leadership is intended to help both profit driven and mission driven organizations to bring about desired positive change, provide relevant and novel solutions as well as to respond to changes in their environment.

That includes unplanned changes that threaten human life and business continuity.

The current context:

By Tuesday March 31, 2020 New York State recorded 75,795 COVID 19 cases and 1,550 deaths. Next door in Toronto 793 cases and 11 deaths have been reported. We are aware that airborne transmission and transmission by droplet are also characteristic of the virus that causes COVID 19.

New York State is still not out of the woods from the danger of depleted COVID related hospital supplies. The virus is on track to claim as many as 240, 000 lives in the US. On March 16, 2020 Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of The World health Organization (WHO) told the world that “we have not seen an urgent enough escalation in testing, isolation and contact tracing, which is the backbone of the response”.

We have seen the consequence of tardiness on the part of governments to take proactive containment measures in an effort to stay economic downturn. But we have also seen those governments scramble to come to grips with the need to slow down in order to ensure those very economies do not collapse by the time the corona virus can be contained. I wouldn’t dare to say until a vaccine is developed, though I am hoping for one soon.

WHO has led by sending home its own staff to work virtually.

SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) or the Corona Virus only require small quantities of liquid for droplet transmission. This occurs mainly through protective reflex actions such as sneezing or coughing. It is also spread by contact such as touching contaminated hands, the face or surfaces. We have been informed that the virus can live on such surfaces for as long as seventy-two (72) hours. The US’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reported that Ribonucleic acid (RNA) from the virus that causes COVID 19 persisted on the Diamond Princess ship for 17 days after passengers left.

What else do organizational leaders need to know in order to be moved to save lives?

Where is the love and care for staff? How do you ask them to love, care and make a change in their communities when they do not matter?

Presented here is a perfect case of organizational risk from sick culture, poor governance and lack of strategy planning.

Governments must act to put legislative measures in place for protecting staff against organizations who put them at risk with the same urgency they do in wavering procedures that could delay the fight against the spread of COVID 19. The police must be instructed to refuse any letter claiming staff are essential service workers that fail to state the nature of those essential duties.

The MarathonerAbout the author: Meegan Scott, B.Sc. Hons, MBA, ATM-B, CL, PMP., is Jamaica-born Strategic Management Consultant, at Magate Wildhorse Consulting in Toronto & New York.  This is a syndicated column and article.                                                                            The Marathoner