Views on News — Free Newsmaker Opportunity !

VIEWS on News Flyer

It’s Global Entrepreneurship Week, that means Views on News is back!

Share your views and become a newsmaker.

You and your business that is!

Deadline: Monday, November 15, at 6:00 PM | Toronto, EST

Each year we partner with The Caribbean Camera to bring you this opportunity to share and promote your business during Global Entrepreneurship Week.

This year we present you with one radio and four opportunities for gettng published.

Seize this opportunity to represent your brand.

Who can submit?

  • Entrepreneurs with Caribbean Roots worldwide
  • Canadian entrepeneurs with our without Caribbean roots
  • Entrepreneurs without Caribbean roots but who want to do business with them
  • One lucky entrepreneur from anywhere in the world with no North American or Caribbean roots. Say hello Canada, have a chill to COVID-19.

Publication date  – Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020

How to participate:


One hundred and eighty countries, including Canada, several in the Caribbean and its diasporic markets are celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) 2020. #Ecosystems and #Policy are among the themes of GEW 2020.  Ecosystems focuses on building connected and thriving entrepreneur communities.  Policy aims to recognize the work of government in helping entrepreneurs “start and scale”. It has been concluded that even with a COVID-19 vaccine the pandemic will be far from contained for 2021.  Therefore we cannot rely on economic forecasts for informing business decision making.


To what extent do you believe entrepreneurship can still deliver self-actualization and financial independence for SMEs in this era of COVID-19?

SMEs, small, medium-sized and micro-enterprises.


Thank you for submitting your response in 100- 150 words for Views on News. Eighty words will be fine but not more than 150.

Include your name, the name of your business, city and the country where your business is located.

Please include a headshot photo or portrait with attitude that is not cluttered (There may be nice background image but you, your face should be visible.

Type or copy and paste “Views on News Entry” in the subject line.


Submit your entry 

click words colour hand

I know some of you have been anxiously awaiting your question, six will be featured in Views on News in The Caribbean Camera.

A treasure hunt on Magate Wildhorse blog or LinkedIn page will lead you to the other media opportunities.



Each entrepreneur is limited to a maximum of two print and a radio opportunity only.

Depending on uptake you might be restricted to one during Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Copyright © 2020 by Meegan Scott, Magate Wildhorse Ltd .(Toronto), Magate Wildhorse Inc.,(New York). All rights reserved.


SDGs ―How We Help at Work!

#1 No Poverty  SDG # 8 Decent work and economic growthSDG #10 Reduced Inequalities

It’s week two of September and we are fast approaching the last lap for delivering your results for 2019, and for positioning to deliver even greater impact in 2020.

It’s tough, after all you are trying to solve complex problems, in a rapidly changing environment, oftentimes with constraints related to capacity, information, budget, markets, trade, environment etc.

You know even more than us about the challenges you face.

And you know the change that you’d love to see, your vision, your intended destination.

We know how to help you with:

  • Adaptive Management
  • DCED Standards (Results Measurement)
  • Market Systems Development | Making Markets Work for the Poor
  • International Trade, Trade Finance, Trade Compliance
  • Results-based management including Balanced Scorecard
  • Program and Corporate Strategy Planning
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Assessments
  • Entrepreneur Capacity Development |Private Sector Development
  • Inclusive business
  • Behaviour Change Marketing
  • Environment and Climate Change & WASH

We are committed to helping you deliver results related to Agenda 2030, among them Sustainable Development Goals #1― No Poverty;  # 8― Decent work and economic growth; and #10―Reduced Inequalities.

You’ll find our lead consultant Meegan Scott, competent to help you with those topics―including components of those topics such as value chain analysis, market analysis, both structuring and evaluating your MSD Programme.  We have the capacity to support you with a consulting team or an individual consultant from our team.

We know that international trade is key to scaling up for many entities and market development programmes in the developing world. That is why we bring international trade and trade finance know-how to your MSD solutions when needed.

We’ve got your back for short, medium, and long-term solutions including critical friend evaluation support for your team.

Just in case you’re wondering what Market Systems Development is really about, we invite you to view the Market Facility Development Impact Logic for an MSD Programme below.

M4P , Making Markets Work for the Poor, Market Systems Development, Market Development Facility

Source: Results Measurement Manual: Market Facility Development

We serve clients in the developed world as well.  Perhaps your bank (or other financial institution); business networks such as chambers of commerce; export development agencies; government departments, non-profits, donor; or donor partner, or legal and consulting practice could use some help with related solutions.  Whether you are in Washington DC, Toronto, London, or elsewhere you’ll want to start a conversation today.

Know that you can count on us for top-notch solutions.

Ask about our face-to-face, blended (on-site and remote), as well as virtual or remote solutions.

Get help with planning, monitoring, measuring, and reporting on your initiatives for driving poverty reduction, decent work, and reducing inequalities!

Perhaps your focus is international trade and trade finance, we are here to help you too!

At Magate Wildhorse Ltd value for money, comes at a price you can afford!

Made possible by our business model that was designed with you in mind.

Email: | Message us via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Let’s get the conversation going! Contact us today!

Available internationally!