Outride COVID 19: Trade, Finance & Investment


Trade Finance Investment Outride

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar

“Embracing risk for driving vision and growth”

The series is grounded in risk intelligence (RI). RI is that process of embracing risks and putting it to work for ensuring your business can survive or thrive during a crisis and beyond. It is also about value creation and protection. About delivering you vision and mission in the face of crisis as well as during the “normal”.

You are invited to join us for series six in the Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar.

Edition title: Outride COVID 19: Trade, Finance & Investment

We are now in the action planning and execution phase of this Caribbean diaspora entrepreneurs business continuity initiative which also caters to and welcomes Caribbeans at home, other members of the BAME community as well as mainstream entrepreneurs, development and community service organizations worldwide.

When: May 21, 2020  |  Time: 2:00 PM EST | Toronto & New York

Where: Online  | Registration detail below

Cost: Free

Featured Sessions include:

Banks, Trade Finance, SMEs & COVID 19, presented by  Dr. Mythili Kolluru.


Mythili Pic6 BookShelf


Dr. Mythili Kolluru is an Assistant Professor in the Professional Studies and Undergraduate department of the College of Banking and Financial Studies, Oman.        She has worked in corporate and higher educational institutions in India, the USA, and the Middle East. She engages in strategy consulting for select corporations across the globe. Mythili is also Senior Member of International Economics Development and Research Center; and Academic Editor for The Noësis: MWildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine (Magate Wildhorse Consulting)

The Joy Spot Motivation Talk with Theo Chambers.

Theo Chambers

Theo Chambers, Motivational Speaker and Business Coach Consultant, at CaribAcademy and Co-founder of Positive Tourism News (Jamaica).

The Marathoner

  • Trade, Finance & Investment Insights for Outriding COVID 19
  • Deep Dive into Core Periphery Governance Network w Market Mode

Both sessions will be presented by Meegan Scott, Pincipal at Magate Wildhorse Consulting. For almost two decades Meegan has helped organizational leaders across industries and geographical borders to get better results from their strategy development, planning, and execution processes.  She is the founder and owner of Magate Wildhorse Ltd. Her most recent in Caribbean engagements includes Climate Finance Strategy Planning, The First Ever Outsource to the Caribbean Conference (2017), business incubation, and  corporate strategy planner to the National Environment and Planning Agency of Jamaica.

Event features: Joy Spot activity, Mouth and Mind discussion, COVID 19 business community experiences (open mic―diaspora, in Caribbean, other representatives of BAME or mainstream peers), Elevator pitches & network, pipeline management & action planning.

Rudi Pagen ― CEO, Making Connections Work & Co-Founder, SHEAMOIST Haircare System, London will serve as Segment Harvester (Voice).

Philip Bedward, Chairman and Managing Director of Pathways, New York, will serve as Session Guardian.

Programme and Speakers (Click to view)

Registration Options

New to the series

To receive your access link to the seminar please register at the link below.


Returning attendees

Email us at magate.wildhorse (at)gmail.com  or click here.                                                Copy and paste the following in the subject line and body of your Email                          “Register me for Outride COVID 19: Trade, Finance & Investment ”  please include your name.

All attendee must click the join meeting link provided before the start of the meeting to receive your unique log in credentials.

Procurement officers and buyers in search of COVID 19 and other supplies are welcome to participate.

Outride: COVID 19 Business Threat Seminar is a global disapora entrepreneurs affair!                                                                                                                            Leaders of mainstream businesses with an interest in doing business with diaspora entrepreneurs are welcome to register for the match making and networking sessions.

Please note that this event is not just for small and micro-businesses, big businesses and big nonprofits can benefit also.

COVID 19 Searching for the Next

Brought to you by Magate Wildhorse Consulting, and The Community of Practise for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs (Home of BIDEM Conference & Trade Show)

Advance or maintain the progress.

Footer sustainable develop seminar

Press Release ― Magate Wildhorse Consulting Announces US Operations

Magate Wildhorse New York Office Launch

Phone: 1 (647) 854-5323

Email: magate.wildhorse@gmail.com


For Immediate Release


Magate Wildhorse  Consulting Announces US Operations

Canadian Strategy and International Development Consultancy expands to the U.S. with its top-notch organizational effectiveness solutions

Toronto, Canada―Known for relevant and collaborative consulting and execution solutions, the Strategy and International Development Practice announces the launch of its first U.S. operations.

The company brings its top-notch, affordable solutions across the border to New York― its US-based home. Magate Wildhorse offers a full menu of strategy and improvement solutions. Included in its service offer are corporate strategy, *performance (PMM), marketing, trade, private sector development and environment-related solutions.

“Establishing a presence in the US has been on the table for sometime now”, said Meegan Scott, founder of Magate Wildhorse. “The team―including our board and partnering associates are fired-up by the opportunity to serve US-based clients in-market in addition to virtually”.

The company is focused on doing more work in international trade, trade finance, climate finance strategy planning, and related execution support. High on its list of interest are research, design and coaching of teams in network entities who are delivering climate finance strategy solutions.
Among the solutions that the company offers to government departments, international development partners, donors, executives, NGOs and businesses are:

  • market systems development
  • measurement and reporting on results for private sector development programmes
  •  entrepreneur capacity building
  • organizational assessments
  • evaluation
  •  post implementation reviews
  • research
  • training
  • one-on-one strategic execution coaching and consulting
  • program management support
  • and corporate strategy planning.

“Hidden gem services” include the organizational effectiveness and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) combo, designed to help governments to finance critical sectors and key development initiatives that lay stuck in the funnel because of inadequate funding. Near solutions are also available to private sector entities.

Governments looking to strengthen their investment strategy plans and to grow Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) will also find tailored-to-fit and affordable options.
The “creative director and design solutions” for packaging, events and toy making is among the exciting new decade of the ’20s solutions that have been rolled out by the company. That service desk is backed by an award winning, 10-year veteran with significant experience serving Asian markets.

Commodity traders, financial institutions and law firms involved in international trade finance, development strategy and policy will gain benefits and cost savings from utilizing available backstopping services.
While the company expects the bulk of its business in New York to come from government, NGOs and organizations involved in international development, it has developed a menu of solutions for Caribbean and African diaspora organizations and their leaders. Among them are non-profit corporate strategy planning, programme planning, evaluation and learning, behavior change marketing and organizational assessments.

Prospective clients can expect an adjunct team or individual expert to help them get to root cause and problem identification or both; help with finding solutions, alternatives or recommendations that they co-develop and own. Solutions come with strategic communication for ensuring shared understanding, commitment and action that drives change and strategy delivery.

“Now that we can sit across the table in the same location, US based clients can feel more confident in our local presence and commitment to serving them”, said Scott.

Like Magate Wildhorse Ltd in Toronto, Magate Wildhorse Inc., New York is synonymous with the key words “quality, affordability, relevance, evidence-based, and results-driven”.


*Performance (PMM), organizational performance management and measurement


Download release

Magate Wildhorse New York Release.v.1.1

About Magate Wildhorse
Established in Toronto in 2013, Magate Wildhorse is a merger of three former Caribbean-based entities and the Toronto operations. With more than two decades of experience, the company was among the earliest providers of strategy and development solutions through virtual or the blend of remote and on-site modes. It stands by its commitment― Helping organizations transcend expected levels of success, despite the constraint of size.

It is served by a global network of partnering associates and entities, and is known for quality, affordability, relevance, evidence-based, and results-driven solutions.

magate.wildhorse@gmail.com | 1 (647) 854-5323

Magate all locations

SDGs ―How We Help at Work!

#1 No Poverty  SDG # 8 Decent work and economic growthSDG #10 Reduced Inequalities

It’s week two of September and we are fast approaching the last lap for delivering your results for 2019, and for positioning to deliver even greater impact in 2020.

It’s tough, after all you are trying to solve complex problems, in a rapidly changing environment, oftentimes with constraints related to capacity, information, budget, markets, trade, environment etc.

You know even more than us about the challenges you face.

And you know the change that you’d love to see, your vision, your intended destination.

We know how to help you with:

  • Adaptive Management
  • DCED Standards (Results Measurement)
  • Market Systems Development | Making Markets Work for the Poor
  • International Trade, Trade Finance, Trade Compliance
  • Results-based management including Balanced Scorecard
  • Program and Corporate Strategy Planning
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Assessments
  • Entrepreneur Capacity Development |Private Sector Development
  • Inclusive business
  • Behaviour Change Marketing
  • Environment and Climate Change & WASH

We are committed to helping you deliver results related to Agenda 2030, among them Sustainable Development Goals #1― No Poverty;  # 8― Decent work and economic growth; and #10―Reduced Inequalities.

You’ll find our lead consultant Meegan Scott, competent to help you with those topics―including components of those topics such as value chain analysis, market analysis, both structuring and evaluating your MSD Programme.  We have the capacity to support you with a consulting team or an individual consultant from our team.

We know that international trade is key to scaling up for many entities and market development programmes in the developing world. That is why we bring international trade and trade finance know-how to your MSD solutions when needed.

We’ve got your back for short, medium, and long-term solutions including critical friend evaluation support for your team.

Just in case you’re wondering what Market Systems Development is really about, we invite you to view the Market Facility Development Impact Logic for an MSD Programme below.

M4P , Making Markets Work for the Poor, Market Systems Development, Market Development Facility

Source: Results Measurement Manual: Market Facility Development

We serve clients in the developed world as well.  Perhaps your bank (or other financial institution); business networks such as chambers of commerce; export development agencies; government departments, non-profits, donor; or donor partner, or legal and consulting practice could use some help with related solutions.  Whether you are in Washington DC, Toronto, London, or elsewhere you’ll want to start a conversation today.

Know that you can count on us for top-notch solutions.

Ask about our face-to-face, blended (on-site and remote), as well as virtual or remote solutions.

Get help with planning, monitoring, measuring, and reporting on your initiatives for driving poverty reduction, decent work, and reducing inequalities!

Perhaps your focus is international trade and trade finance, we are here to help you too!

At Magate Wildhorse Ltd value for money, comes at a price you can afford!

Made possible by our business model that was designed with you in mind.

Email: magatewildhorse@gmail.com | Message us via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Let’s get the conversation going! Contact us today!

Available internationally!