Being overweight does not mean you are unhealthy or at risk for debilitating diseases such as diabetes and strokes. It does not mean you are less fit than many who are thin. Many who are thin walk around with a ton of health issues not known to some of us plus sized beauties. The problem is where the weight sits on your body, unless of course you are morbidly obese, even then you can be in better health than someone who is very slim. So focus on maintaining your plus size beauty around waistline management if you have no major health issues. If you already have one or more weight related health issues, then waistline management is still applicable to you.
This where Lean + Green Tea, ActiveBlendz Control, Burn + Control Coffee, ActiveBlendz Rush, and ActiveBlendz Fiber+ can help you. Select one, two or three for variety. If you like, have them all so you never get bored.
To learn more about how each product can help you to manage your weight or to improve your health if you are already struggling with a weight related illness please click the Our Products tab at the following link,
The microwave made life in the kitchen easier, we seized the opportunity.
The washing machine made life easier in the laundry, we seized the opportunity. When it comes to weight and your health there are new opportunities why not seize them?
Brought to you by the Xl-elegance Virtual Coffee Shop. Independent Javita Member 450203
Read more if you are a medical doctor or nutritionist who help patients with their weight loss and related health issues such as diabetes and hypertension. Read more if you struggle with weight loss or weight related health issues.
It’s time to get beyond awareness creation and education when it comes to helping your patients, clients or family members to achieve their weight loss goals, manage their diabetes, hypertension, or high cholesterol. It’s time to provide a real social marketing solution–that is something that works for them.
I mean a solution that is doable, affordable, easy to find, and does not require a major lifestyle or image change. Because it is doable your patient or loved one will be able to sustain their effort to lose weight as well as lose and keep the weight off. They will no longer struggle with the frustration or gains and losses that comes with high maintenance cost including routine, budget or lifestyle changes which make them sustainable for only a short period of time. JAVITA offers a range of product solutions that are within the individual’s daily routine and budget! It means sticking with the program is easy and success with weight loss will also be easy and sustainable.
Most people drink coffee so why not offer Burn + Control Coffee which cost less than a regular cup at the Coffee Shop?
What about those who don’t drink coffee? There is Lean + Green Tea.
There is no denying that long work hours often disrupt meal times resulting in a rush for sweets or carbs when starvation sets in. For individuals with metabolic problems there is the additional challenge of spikes in energy and blood sugar levels. But there is a simple solution for this problem, just have on hand a stick of ActiveBlendz Rush. Pour it into a bottle or glass of water, shake or stir, and drink for extra energy and time to wait to sit and enjoy a healthy and nutritious meal.
Each stick gives energy and control and contains no added sugar or artificial sweeteners.
Both ActiveBlendz Rush and Control are perfect for conditioning the body for less calorie intake in the afternoon while adding needed energy and focus. ActiveBlendz Control is perfect for jumpstarting the metabolic process, supports fat burning, and definitely helps to reduce cravings.
Medical professionals will tell you that today weight is not so much the issue for many, the real problem has to do with where the weight sits on the individual’s body. The waistline is one area in which weight must be controlled if health is to be preserved. Lean + Green when used alone or in combination with ActiveBlendz Control or Burn + Control goes to work on the waistline. The slimming effect on the waistline is very noticeable.
The body was meant to move about and to be exercised, whether the goal is to lose weight or to find extra energy for getting the most out of each workout session, all that is required is a stick from the range of products mentioned above, a bottle or a glass of water, shake or stir and drink. The products are tasty and can be had hot or cold in order to enjoy an optimal workout.
Fiber+ is a new addition to the range of products, it presents additional control when it comes to portion and calorie intake. Fiber+ also comes in a convenient stick and is mixed in a bottle or glass of water and taken before a meal for fiber plus the feeling of fullness.
So what’s so special about these teas, coffees and beverages that make them work? The combination of ingredients, the growing environment of the ingredients, processing, packaging plus convenience.
For instance, the Lean + Green Tea comes packed with Garcinia Cambogia and Gymnema Sylvestre.
Burn + Control Coffee is infused with Yerba Mate and Garcinia Cambogia. In addition, to the delicious pineapple and tangerines Rush is packed with tea and coffee extracts, while Control contains Garcinia Cambogia, Gymnema Sylvestre, Pomegranates and Concord Grapes.
The Green tea in Javita’s Lean + Green is grown in the Shizouka, a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System.
Give your patients, clients, or yourself real options and proven solutions for managing or losing weight. The products are also safe for children. Find out more by clicking on the Our Products tab at the following link You may also request an even more detailed product catalogue or samples by using the contact us button at link provided.
Brought to you by the Xl-elegance Virtual Coffee Shop.
Independent Javita Member 450203
Introducing… an affordable and easy to take wherever you go source of fiber, just what you need to help you with portion control. Have just the right amount of calories that you need each day with Fiber+. Pop a stick into a glass of water for that full feeling before your meal. There, it’s that easy with ActiveBlendz Fiber+.
ActiveBlendz Fiber+ another real, practical, convenient, and affordable health and weight management solution from JAVITA. Why go to war if you don’t have to? Let ActiveBlendz Fiber+ fight the battle of portion control for you. It goes straight to the heart of portion control–one of the biggest enemies in the battle against weight gain. With ActiveBlendz Fiber+ you are in control of your calorie intake.
Wearing many hats and juggling many roles is often part of the act of owning and managing your own business. Theory says do the things at which you are an expert, hire experts or contract out all roles or tasks for which you are not an expert. But in reality you will have to fill some roles and learn some new skills until you have the cash flow required to hire help. Once you have attained the required level of cash flow or can secure financing do not hesitate to hire help or to contract out work for which you are not an expert, you will not regret the investment. The same applies to hiring extra hands for boosting capacity in your area of expertise as the business grows.
However, during the startup stage learning new skills and filling roles for which you are not necessarily the expert, but for which you have transferrable skills supported by proper research, guidance, and learning (self-help or formal learning) will help you to grow your business. It will also help you know how your business works or should work when you hire an expert.
Working in operations, sales, marketing, management, human resources, and administration requires a lot of juggling. If you work only in some of those functions, you must provide the necessary information to the experts for getting the job done and that requires a significant amount of time and energy for all areas combined. If you lead a lucky SME that owns and manages an up-to-date business intelligence system much energy, focus, and time are still required for balanced business development across functional areas in order to achieve and maintain profitability. As the demand for energy, focus, and time increases so could your waistline and the weight registered in pounds or kilos each time you step on the scale. If you are in the service industry and sit at your desk for several hours each day weight gain is one area in which you could achieve significant results without trying. That is pretty much the seesaw of weight gain,energy, time, and focus.
The XL-elegance weight loss coffee, tea, chocolate, and beverage shop have teamed up with JAVITA to bring you a range of weight loss coffees, teas, drinks, and chocolate that will give you the control, energy, fat burning and sugar to fat conversion blockers that will level the seesaw and help you to shed unwanted pounds. Besides weight loss and control the product line includes solutions for improving memory and focus, joint function, reducing stress and strengthening the immune system.
Burn and control coffee; lean + green tea; and the ActiveBlendz Control are the top weight loss and fat burning products in the portfolio. ActiveBlendz Rushprovides extra energy that helps to prevent harsh spikes and crashing. ActiveBlendz Flex improves joint function and ActiveBlendz Defend helps to improve overall health and supports the immune system. Energy + Mind Coffee provides energy and helps with memory, focus, and concentration. The Focus Fusion Cocoaimproves focus and attention and is proven to help children and adults with ADD and ADHD. ActiveBlendz Controlis a caffeine and sugar free drink that is made with pomegranateand concord grapes. It contains Gymnema Sylvestre and Garcinia Cambogia key ingredients for supporting weight loss for those who are sensitive to caffeine. Lean + green tea contains Gymnema Sylvestre and Garcinia Cambogia making it ideal for you if you do not drink coffee but need help with weight loss. The weight loss coffee is powered by healthy phytonutrients found in its key ingredients Garcinia Cambogia and Yerba Mate.
The products are tasty and come packaged in easy to carry convenient sticks. To date over 55 million sticks have been sold in over twenty countries. The testimonies of safe, rapid weight loss by customers who attained weight loss goals of 15, 70 or 150 pounds and in between have been numerous and convincing. Most customers report using two sticks of products per day to achieve their goal, some have even reported using as little as two half sticks per day. But even better each customer is presented with an opportunity to share the products and earn one of the highest residual income paid in any industry.
The weight loss products are US FDA approved and are free of additives, preservatives, artificial flavours, and sweeteners.
Business success requires discipline, reaching your business weight loss goal requires the discipline to take your weight loss drink, tea, or coffee twice per day.
Could you ask for greater impact from your weight loss target―when you’ve got safe healthy weight loss, energy, an alternate revenue stream, and weight loss ticked as done on your “Building My Business Things to Do List for 2016”?
Phone: 1(647) 854-5323 to register for an online business opportunity webinar, coffee party, or face-to-face meeting. If you prefer send an Email via the contact us button at:
I invite you to visit the video clips below to find out more about the product of interest to you.
Earn some network capital and strengthen a relationship today by sharing this opportunity with a friend, colleague, or loved one!
What do you think?
Would you try the weight loss products presented above as aides for helping you to achieve your weight loss or energy goal for business success in 2016?
Do you have improved health or weight loss as one of your business success goals for 2016?