Fat or Weight is Not the Issue–Where It Sits On Your Body Might Be.

Being overweight does not mean you are unhealthy or at risk for debilitating diseases such as diabetes and strokes. It does not mean you are less fit than many who are thin. Many who are thin walk around with a ton of health issues not known to some of us plus sized beauties. The problem is where the weight sits on your body, unless of course you are morbidly obese, even then you can be in better health than someone who is very slim. So focus on maintaining your plus size beauty around waistline management if you have no major health issues. If you already have one or more weight related health issues, then waistline management is still applicable to you.

This where Lean + Green Tea, ActiveBlendz Control, Burn + Control Coffee, ActiveBlendz Rush, and ActiveBlendz Fiber+ can help you. Select one, two or three for variety. If you like, have them all so you never get bored.

To learn more about how each product can help you to manage your weight or to improve your health if you are already struggling with a weight related illness please click the Our Products tab at the following link, http://www.myjavita.com/xlelegance.

The microwave made life in the kitchen easier, we seized the opportunity.

The washing machine made life easier in the laundry, we seized the opportunity. When it comes to weight and your health there are new opportunities why not seize them?

Brought to you by the Xl-elegance Virtual Coffee Shop.
Independent Javita Member 450203

Source: https://www.facebook.com/MagateWildhorse/

Fiber+ —For Health and Weight Loss

AB_Fiber_packets-200x200Need more fiber in your diet?

Need help with portion control?

Introducing… an affordable and easy to take wherever you go source of fiber, just what you need to help you with portion control. Have just the right amount of calories that you need each day with Fiber+.  Pop a stick into a glass of water for that full feeling before your meal. There, it’s that easy with ActiveBlendz Fiber+.

AB_Fiber-Carton-Right-3D-r2-200x200ActiveBlendz Fiber+ another real, practical, convenient, and affordable health and weight management solution from JAVITA.  Why go to war if you don’t have to? Let ActiveBlendz Fiber+ fight the battle of portion control for you. It goes straight to the heart of portion control–one of the biggest enemies in the battle against weight gain. With ActiveBlendz Fiber+ you are in control of your calorie intake.

Click the following link to find out more about Fiber+  https://www.scribd.com/doc/296762281/Fiber-Citrucel-Comparison.

Order yours at: http://www.myjavita.com/xlelegance.

Brought to you by the Xl-elegance Virtual Coffee Shop.
Independent Javita Member 450203