What You Need When Execution is the Challenge!


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Pepper Pot Strategy and Execution Solutions                                       Comes in … 60 min  90 min 120 min 1/2 day sessions  or     … Continue reading

Burning Desire: A Culture of Performance Improvement

Is performance improvement your burning desire?
Is a culture of performance improvement on your wish list for your organization, team, program or project?

Then Pepper Pot Lunch ℠ is for you.
Pepper Pot Lunch ℠ is hot!  That is why it is not for every team or organization.
Pepper Pot Lunch ℠   is tailor made to suit the strategic conversation, root cause analysis and problem solving needs of organizations and their champions of change.

Each participatory session is geared towards tackling a challenge related to:
1. Understanding strategy
2. Winning commitment to strategy
3. Taking action for getting the results you, the organization, customers and stakeholders want
4. Growing a culture of performance and improvement

Because you know a great solution when you see it, you’ll be among the first 100 to order your
Pepper Pot Lunch ℠   solution for your team or organization.

Pepper Pot Lunch ℠   are not just “talk shops”, they are interactive, fact finding, information sharing and active problem solving sessions.

We guarantee rich entertaining sessions which engages heads, hearts and hands for getting you on the path to success.

Try Pepper Pot Lunch ℠   today.

Facilitated strategic management conversations—that drive commitment, strategy alignment and help your organization to grow a culture of performance and improvement.

Lunch date with your team and you?
We’ll take Pepper Pot Lunch, plus we’ll also take the fire for you when it comes to those tough strategic management conversations.

Pepper Pot Lunch ℠ Sessions are held for 60 to 120 min. [The time is dependent on the issue and type of session].

Message us to discuss your Pepper Pot Lunch need and order today!
Or phone us at: 1(647) 854-5323

#performanceimprovement #strategicconversations #problemsolvingsessions #value #quality #lunchsessions #problemsolving #pepperpotlunch #PepperPotAct #changemanagement #strategicfacilitation #strategicfacilitator

What’s Your Big Three – Tough Conversations at Pepper Pot Lunch?

Pepper Pot LunchSM !    pepper hotconversation

What in heaven’s name is that?
Hold the spoon and bowl for now — read on to find out what we are serving up for your team and you.
Facilitated strategic management conversations—that drive commitment, strategy alignment and help your organization to grow a culture of performance and improvement.
During the week of May 8 to 12, 2017 we are giving organizations a chance to name from  1 to  3 tough conversations that they would love to have a facilitator help them with in a lunch hour session [Only one challenge, or tough issue will be dealt with in a session].
Message or Emails us with your top 1, 2, or 3.
You might get lucky and win a free session.
After all we are spreading the love around as we celebrate 5.
To find out even more check  out the video at the following link: https://youtu.be/P0Uhk_iTmF8
Click that contact us button, share and be included in the draw for a free session today!
Conditions apply!
Share and Win
Share this post via Twitter, LinkedIn and or Facebook for a chance to win a free Pepper Pot Lunch Session for your favourite charity or business. Share using #PepperPotAct. At the end of May, we will select the winner by a random draw of those who shared across the three social media channels listed above. The winner may choose a 60-min. or a 90-min. session. If you are outside of GTA you will be required to choose a problem that is suitable to a Virtual Pepper Pot Lunch℠, most sessions are designed for face-to-face interaction though many are suitable for virtual [Monitor or big screen TV required].