Pseudo-Evaluations: Have You Experienced One of These?

psuedoevaluations outtakes critical friend evaluator


Have you survived one of those?

  • Designed for PR Purposes
  • Fake News about Programme or Organizational Results
  • Intent to deceive
  • Misrepresentations
  • Lies
  • Stakeholders denied their right to know
  • Organization, and or programme miss out on learning and growth opportunity
  • Integrity at risk
  • Reputation lost

How did you feel?

How did it affect the organization or Programme?

How did it impact the information sharing or communication campaign?

Thanks for sharing your experiences below.

What if you really want to know ― what changes have occurred in relation to the state, condition, or wellbeing of the clients or customers you serve.

You do your best with funder driven evaluations, but they focus on  accountability and transparency.

You can’t find the right answers the question, “how well is your organization doing when it comes to delivering the vision, mission, and corporate strategy”.

You are innovative but never innovates.

What if?

You knew what―

  • success should look like
  • planned it
  • executed
  • gathered the right information
  • and corrected the work along the way
  • from the very beginning?

For the campaign:

What if

  • you used an outcome focused framework that mapped inputs to outputs, outputs to outtakes, outtakes to outcomes, and outcomes to organizational impact from the beginning?

For the programme or organization

What if you used a results-based or outcome focused framework that mapped inputs to outputs, outputs to outcomes and outcomes organizational impact from the start?

What if you had a critical friend evaluator to help them?

  • Got questions?
  • Need help with saying no to pseudo-evaluations, and yes to organizational learning and improvement?
  • Need help with asking the right questions, gathering the right information, the right feedback, reflection, adjustment, and improvement?
  • Need to get back on the funding or financiers top ten?
  • Need to advance progress in delivering the corporate strategy, vision, or mission of your organization?

Email us at:

Thank you for tagging a friend.

Have a wonderful Saturday; and Happy Easter to those celebrating it.


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