On January 4, 2021 Magate Wildhorse opened calls for submissions to its 1st Annual International Entrepreneurs’ Book Fair.
For three days entrepreneurs, authors, academics, publishers and other experts in the book and publishing industry will gather to experience the wealth contained in print and audio books that are must-reads for entrepreneurs and business leaders.
It is no secret that entrepreneurs work more hours than most and have little time to read. Yet, the very nature of entrepreneurship makes reading essential for the growth and survival of entrepreneurs and businesses alike.
Needless to say, that the heightened level of volatility brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID 19) have forced entrepreneurs to rethink business models, revamp their offer, embark on 360° journeys for understanding the new needs, wants and expectations of their customers, and industry trends for today and more so in the future.
Everyone is hanging on to whatever they have in cash and assets given the economic impact of the crisis. As a result, buyers will only take a chance on buying from businesses and experts who can demonstrate high levels of credibility and expertise. Consequently, entrepreneurs must deliver their second role of authorship in order to boost their credibility. While this holds true for all groups Black and Caribbean entrepreneurs (who are often less published) should strive to increase publishing output especially in their areas of expertise. Since 2018 we have been encouraging authorship among entrepreneurs and consultants in particular to the aforementioned groups. The time for action is now!
Safe is the gamble that no one will disagree that COVID-19 has upended some of the best strategies and made obsolete some the most envied business models. Even coffee shop giant Starbucks― a classic business school textbook case― is reeling from the impact. At the same time new models have emerged and the value of businesses in the video communications and medical device sectors in particular continue to rise rapidly.
For entrepreneurs in the consulting space artificial intelligence, new demands for customer rewards and loyalty programs that are powered by blockchain and cryptocurrency have added additional challenge of financing and upskilling themselves in order to stay ahead in business. Even if they choose to take ‘exit route 9 to 5’ it is essential for business leaders to ensure they are skilled for future work. And future work is today’s work plus tomorrow’s in the current environment.
Reading and reading printed books, investing in do it yourself (D-I-Y) is a matter of survival for entrepreneurs. Today’s entrepreneur who is not laden with cash, ― will have to grow deeper specialist and new generalists competences. That is why we thought it important to produce a book fair and reading time for entrepreneurs. The Fair will focus on ” boosting entrepreneurial capacity and strategic leadership” by giving attendees an opportunity to catch up on ” original and current thought, philosophy and practice ” in areas of special interest to them. That kind of foundation is a lifeline and stress eater for entrepreneurs.
The Entrepreneurs’ Book Fair and Readings will take entrepreneurs on a guided tour of the ‘ environmental discontinuities’ that shaped the original theories put forward by the fathers of business and strategic thought such as Igor Ansoff and Henry Mintzberg.
It will present a comparative review of the adjustments or new thinking that have emerged as a result of change and crisis, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
Very important, it is a time for reading and getting ready to deliver your entrepreneur’s role of authorship.
Plus, it comes with immediate reward in the form of five coveted awards open to all categories of participants.
One author, two publishers, one entrepreneur author, a writers’ and an entrepreneur reader will walk away with one of five awards each. The coveted awards waiting to meet their deserving winners are:
- The Entrepreneurs’ Author Award
- The Entrepreneur’s Book Publisher Award
- The Audio Book Publisher Award
- The Magate Wildhorse Author Entrepreneur Award
- The Magate Wildhorse Entrepreneur Reader Award
Presentations will be made by no fewer than 24 highly rated and emerging authors and speakers.
Publishers will benefit from the opportunity to showcase current and forthcoming books as well as to meet new authors, partners and readers. Authors will find a captive audience and new customers for their books.
Sponsors are presented with a one of kind opportunity to put their brands in front of an audience whose demand for their solution will be stirred and high.
Subject matter guide (See listing at: Subject matter guide)
How to Apply
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“Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up.” ~ Charlie T. Munger
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