What You Get When You Buy This Solution

risk adjusted

  • A plan you understand and can execute.
  • Free consultation before you buy
  • A plan that helps you to organize marketing, sales, cash flow, and operations for ensuring you can meet your profit and service targets
  • A guide that helps you to improve efficiency and effectiveness
  • Assigned roles and responsibilities and their contribution to specific and individual goals, objectives, targets, results, or strategy success
  • A plan and strategy that is adjusted to give you the handle on strategy and business risk
  • A plan that tells what you are accountable for and what you commit to delivering
  • The basis for evidence-based monitoring and reporting; performance evaluation, and assessment
  • A plan that inspires commitment and one that wins entrepreneur, team, investor, and customer confidence.
  • A guide for increasing sales and growing profit
  • A performance management system that suits your need and schedule.

Your plan and planning experience are guaranteed to foster learning; and helps with continuous improvement. In other words, your Strategic Operational Plan is “Plan, Do, Check, and Improve” ready!

Goals, objectives, strategies, output, outcomes, KPIs, KRIs, indicator targets, and reporting timelines are clearly articulated.

How We Work

The DNA of Results Plus Corporate Strategy Plans

Your only fear―planned and expected results will be delivered!


Thought you heard Corporate Strategy Planner?
Yes, you heard right!

Here’s where you knock for the enterprise-wide three to five year plan, or the one  year annual strategic operational plan that will guide the delivery of your organization’s mission and vision.


There is a big difference between a functional strategic plan and a corporate strategy plan.

There is a big difference between a strategic marketing plan and a corporate strategy plan.

There is an even bigger difference between a corporate strategy plan and a corporate events plan.

There are also big differences in the processes for preparing each of the plans referred to above.

Corporate Strategy Planner? Corporate Strategy Plan? You heard right!
Aha! Now we can get talking.

Phone: 1(647) 854-5323
Click the link to Email us:  http://magatewildhorse.ca/contact-us/

We definitely want to hear from you, if your organization is an executive agency of government; an international development project; a private sector entity; or third sector entity with a broad mandate.

Warning: Copycat strategy planning does not happen here. Get in touch if you are looking for a plan that is relevant to your organization and you are ready to work!

When the horse is not well it makes little sense to take it to the auto mechanic in order to make it well again.

All plans are delivered complete with performance measures and targets; work plans; monitoring and evaluation calendar; and guidelines. You may request a comprehensive monitoring and reporting tool as part of your solution.


What do monkeys, mimics, and macaws have in common?