IDW2019 A Fireside Chat ― Stakeholder Engagements, Gender Equality, & Climate Change

Magate Wildhorse IDW Fireside chat and interview International Development Week 2019 Global Affairs Canada

Men and women differ in terms of gender, but also in how they contribute to making worst the effective of climate change.

They differ as right holders in climate change.

Women often face greater challenges and suffer more as a result of climate change.

Men’s fertility might be negatively impacted by climate change says one study by the University of East Anglia (November 2018).

As entrepreneurs, men and women lead business that share the role of duty-bears in mitigating climate change along with national governments.

Organizations and governments must work together to uphold and promote human rights in the context of climate change.

Climate resilience programmes can bring opportunities for businesses, individuals, communities, individuals, and nations.

One thing is clear climate proofing Caribbean islands (some of which have suffered tremendous loss) is expensive, complex, and will require working together.

Climate fund is a key ingredient in financing resilience programmes; and Canada has provided funding for supporting Caribbean nations on their journey to climate resilience.

The success and impact of such programmes is also dependent on deep engagement, ownership, gender equality, equitable distribution of benefits and opportunities.

Besides the reduction of risks, increased adaptive capacity, new or strengthened competencies, etc., poverty reduction is also another key indicator of a climate proof Caribbean.

Given, preceding and other issues not discussed it is clear that stakeholder engagement processes are also crucial to the success of such intervention and overall change for sustaining and advancing climate resilience.

How can we design and implement stakeholder engagements processes that leverages gender mainstreaming for ensuring gender equality as it relates to climate resilience initiatives that are funded by climate fund?

Join us on February 8th, 2019 at 12:00 noon, for a Fireside Chat on stakeholder engagements and gender mainstreaming for ensuring gender equality in relation to Climate Change, Climate Resilience, Green Fund, and other Climate Fund initiatives in the Caribbean.

Location: Magate Wildhorse Facebook Page

If you missed the discussion with Lizra Fabien, Executive Director of the Dominica Association for Industry and Commerce (DAIC), visit us on Facebook to listen.


Join us next Wednesday, February 13, 2019 when we revisit the topic with Elizabeth Emanuel, International Development Consultant, and expert in leading Canadian funded development programmes Jamaica.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to learn more.

Celebrating International Development Week 2019


International Development week 2019 together for gender equality global affairs Canada


IDW2019 Fireside Chat ― Stakeholder Engagements, Gender Equality, & Climate Change

IDW2019 global affairs celebrating international development week fireside chat IDW

This week Global Affairs Canada leads Canada and the world in celebrating International Development Week (IDW).

International Development Week is a Canadian led observation and celebration of Canada’s contribution to international development.

It also serves to inspire and encourage youths and other groups to get involved in international development.

Global Affairs Canada highlights the fact that IDW is observed in the “first full week” of February.

The first was held in 1991.


International Development Week is now 29!

Magate Wildhorse Ltd is proud to join in the celebrations.
Join us in celebrating IDW2019.

Watch this spot for more about our upcoming Fireside Chat!

Focus:  Stakeholder Engagements, Gender Mainstreaming, and Climate Fund Initiatives―in the Caribbean.
.#IDW2019  #IDW #GenderEquality #Gendermainstreaming #Stakeholderengagement #ClimateFunds #Caribbean  #men #women
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