The Noësis: Double-Blind Peer Review Guidelines 2019

doubleblindreviewnoesis The Noësis professional magazine and journal, double-blind review process, magate wildhorse, strategy and performance magazine

We’ll be using a double-blind review process for articles submitted to The Noësis.

This means the author will not know who reviews his or her work and the reviewer will not know the identity of the author of the piece he or she is assigned to review.

As an author or contributor, we ask that you prepare your submissions in a manner that conceals your identity.  Here’s how, submit your name and the title of your piece in a separate file. You should repeat the title on the file that contains the work intended for publication. Submit both files with one Email and two attachments.

  • If you refer to yourself please use [Anonymous].
  • To cite previous works, you must blind that reference in your reference list. For blinding in the reference list, please use the phrase: ‘[Anonymous 2019] Details have been omitted for double-blind reviewing.’.
  • Besides self-references please include details of other references
  • For figures and illustrations that you have created or adapted please use “[Anonymous] Details have been omitted for the double-blind reviewing.
  • Ensure any author identification such as name, institution, phone number or email address are not contained in the document with the work for review.
  • All submissions must be made in an MS Word document.

Should your submission be accepted you will be provided with the necessary feedback and comments for updating your article or submission. During that process you will replace [Anonymous] or ‘[Anonymous 2019] Details have been omitted for double-blind reviewing.’ with references to you or your affiliate as appropriate.

For questions and comments please click the contact us link.

The Noësis: Double-Blind Peer Review Guidelines

doubleblindreviewnoesis The Noësis professional magazine and journal, double-blind review process, magate wildhorse, strategy and performance magazine

We’ll be using a double-blind review process for articles submitted to The Noësis.

This means the author will not know who reviews his or her work and the reviewer will not know the identity of the author of the piece he or she is assigned to review.

As an author or contributor, we ask that you prepare your submissions in a manner that conceals your identity.  Here’s how, submit your name and the title of your piece in a separate file. You should repeat the title on the file that contains the work intended for publication. Submit both files with one Email and two attachments.

  • If you refer to yourself please use [Anonymous].
  • To cite previous works, you must blind that reference in your reference list. For blinding in the reference list, please use the phrase: ‘[Anonymous 2018] Details have been omitted for double-blind reviewing.’.
  • Besides self-references please include details of other references
  • For figures and illustrations that you have created or adapted please use “[Anonymous] Details have been omitted for the double-blind reviewing.
  • Ensure any author identification such as name, institution, phone number or email address are not contained in the document with the work for review.
  • All submissions must be made in an MS Word document.

Should your submission be accepted you will be provided with the necessary feedback and comments for updating your article or submission. During that process you will replace [Anonymous] or ‘[Anonymous 2018] Details have been omitted for double-blind reviewing.’ with references to you or your affiliate as appropriate.

For questions and comments please click the contact us link.