Join The Caribbean Diaspora Entrepreneurs Network & Map Today

Now happening…
Global mapping of entrepreneurs with Caribbean roots in the diaspora and their CoP member peers.
Get connected, showcase your business, services, interest, location, and skills.
Request the talent you need.
More than a map you are connecting to a social network with additional opportunities provided by The Community of Practice for Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs.
Venture capitalist, trade and export support organizations, CoP partners and collaborators are invited to join.
Fill the form above to join the network and map.
Watch this space for additional information related to the benefits of joining the network.
No fees or charges are required.
CoP membership is not a prerequisite.

Be bridged and connected in 2020!

Whether you are based in North America, The Caribbean, The Middle East, The Pacific, Africa, Asia or Europe this map and network is for you.
This network is not for everyone.
It is for those looking to scale and grow their businesses in local and international markets.
The network and map is not a start-up community; it is for seasoned, not so seasoned, retired and start-up entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and researchers.
Looking forward to connecting and sharing with you.
Message us for additional details.