Contributor Guidelines  2019

News stories and features should be between 800 to 2000 words; while articles and research works should be between 2000 to 2500 words (Review articles may be a maximum of 3000 words). Regular contributions from trivia to artlicles may range from 300 to 750 words and must be submitted by April 26, 2019.

Synopsis, proposals or draft submissions must be submitted by April 15, 2019.

Contributors are invited to submit a headshot photo and a one sentence biographical note. While company name and contact may also be included below the article, mention of company, client name, services and product offered are not permitted in the body of your submission.


Submissions should include references and attribution. Arguments must be substantiated by research, cases, examples, quotes and statistics.

Clarity, Brevity and Simply

Keep it brief, clear and simple.  Saving time, accelerating learning and simplicity are important to our readers. Pieces written for the general public should be in language that anyone can understand. Pieces with a more academic or professional target should strive towards using simple language but may include jargons and industry language, though constructed so all our readers can understand.

What to Include in Your Draft or Proposal

Submissions must be in MS Word documents. Illustrations and images should be clear and impactful in communicating your ideas. They may include maps, photos, illustration, tables, infographics and other images that are properly labelled.

Deadline for final submissions: April 26, 2019.
Deadline for submission of drafts or proposals: April 15, 2019.


Content should be original, or adapted for this publication (adaptations would include submissions from academic research or thesis, book extract, etc.).

To submit your proposal, article or query, please contact Meegan Scott by Email at:

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Contributor Guidelines

News stories and features should be between 800 to 2000 words; while articles and research works should be between 2000 to 2500 words (Review articles may be a maximum of 3000 words) and must be submitted by May 30, 2018.

Synopsis, proposals or draft submissions must be submitted by April 15, 2018.

Contributors are invited to submit a headshot photo and a one sentence biographical note. While company name and contact may also be included below the article, mention of company, client name, services and product offered are not permitted in the body of your submission.


Submissions should include references and attribution. Arguments must be substantiated by research, cases, examples, quotes and statistics.

Clarity, Brevity and Simply

Keep it brief, clear and simple.  Saving time, accelerating learning and simplicity are important to our readers. Pieces written for the general public should be in language that anyone can understand. Pieces with a more academic or professional target should strive towards using simple language but may include jargons and industry language, though constructed so all our readers can understand.

What to Include in Your Draft or Proposal

Submissions must be in MS Word documents. Illustrations and images should be clear and impactful in communicating your ideas. They may include maps, photos, illustration, tables, infographics and other images that are properly labelled.

Deadline for final submissions: May 30, 2018
Deadline for submission of drafts or proposals: April 15, 2018.

To submit your proposal, article or query, please contact Meegan Scott by Email at:

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